Thank you for letting us know, Doc G.
I feel sorrow and also relief for Izzy, that she's no longer prisoner of a body that tortured her for so many years. The amount of daily pain this woman endured broke my heart. Her pluck and persistence awed me. I was inspired by Izzy's daily courage.
I find it very consistent with her determined realism that she left instructions for contacting you, so we would know. That was Izzy (whose name I know from a few cheerful personal messages, was Annie) -- rooted in the real. And there was kindness too. Several times when I was suffering most acutely, she reached out to me.
I'm grateful for all I learned from her curiosity, and the way she crawled from deepest hardship and loneliness into her own sense of light. That she found love and comfort with her close caregivers in the last few years was wonderful. I was so glad that happened.
Ahh, Izz, my friend. I'll truly miss you.