Hello Everyone and Happy 2015!
I've been away for awhile dealing with a year of losses. I lost my dad and two family friends, I lost my job and lost a friendship I thought I had. I'm coming closer to acceptance and understanding now that my dad has passed...but it doesn't make the reality any easier. Perhaps because I have a Narcissistic mother and sister and had a wonderfully sweet, but totally co-dependent, dad that I have always deeply felt rejection. In fact, I could make a good case for changing my middle name to "rejected"!

I'm dealing with a situation now that I'm having trouble with and I know it has something to do with my lack of self-esteem. Perhaps some of you can identify or offer insight.
About 9 months ago, I reconnected via social media with a guy (single) I had gone to school with and whom I briefly dated. Although I hadn't seem him in person in many years, we kept in touch with the occasional email or post. I had always considered him a friend. He prefers to text so we had texted consistently through the last 9 months and talked of getting together. We finally met for drinks back in early October. We talked for about 5 hours that night and had a nice time. We continued to text and he asked to get together again. I agreed and I met him at his place where we talked some more. Things heated up that night but I stopped him (i.e., no sex) before it went too far. I felt it was too soon and I told him so. After that evening, he stopped texting (except very vague replies to a couple of texts I initiated) and now communication has stopped completely.
Intellectually, I know this guy is probably not a great guy. I think his behavior probably points to that. Some examples: He refused to have a phone conversation with me. He was non-specific when we tried to get together (so I never knew if we had firm plans to meet or not). He never asked me anything about me or expressed an interest in my life. (When I questioned him, he said he figured anything I wanted him to know I would tell him). He had little memory of the times we had spent together years ago (including dates). He refused to read any text from me that was longer than a sentence or two and was fairly rude after the last time we met and I tried to communicate with him. He didn't acknowledge my birthday (even via social media which he constantly uses). Anyway, you get the idea.
So for now, I have ceased trying to get him to respond to me. Yet, I can't get this out of my head. I'm really hurt and feel rejected because now I realize there is no way we can ever be friends again because of how he chose to respond and interact with me. I really wasn't looking for anything more than friendship from him (although that would have been a bonus). I know he was probably not interested in me or attracted to me. (Through his texts, I understood he had been with a lot of women and was very much interested in sex.)
So now I feel like a real loser. I've been rejected lots of times before (most notably my family, of course) but I feel very lonely and this has taken a hit on my self-esteem which was never good to begin with. I wonder why I'm taking this so hard and having trouble processing it? I know that if I presented these facts to most single women, they would think I probably dodged a bullet......but I still feel sad, rejected and hurt that after the last 9 months, he would just stop all communications altogether.
I'm wondering if this is so heightened for me because I've been rejected all my life from my family and because all of the losses I have? I'm tempted to ask him what happened and why he won't respond to me....but I think that might make me look even worse and he'd probably ignore it anyway. I can't seem to let go of this hurt and rejection.
I think, on some level, I also feel lonely because there some days his texts were the only communication I had with anyone and this past year has been so, so difficult.
So am I thinking about this wrong? Is it normal to feel this way about this rejection? Why can't I let go of this? Anyone have any insights?