yes. You are right. My son got an arhitmia cardiac caused by the stress this woman provokes in him. yes, he wants to keep the peace at all costs. he does not want to have to pay child support or that she spends all the time with the baby and not give him to us if they divorce.
Yes, he just wants to keep the peace.
She wants more kids but so far he has said he does not want more kids. That is the only thing he has stood up to her and I think it is pretty big.
Also, her mother used to live with them. She lived with them for six years and he recently asked her to send her to her borther's house which she did of course blaming me for that. She said that day that I was the source of all her problems.
So I understand that if I put up with her I am helping my son. I do not put up with her becasue of her, she is evil and sick. I am doing it ofr my son and ofr my grand baby.
Even when he grows up he will have nice memories of me and he will visit me in my hospice when I am old. I hope. That is all I want from him. To visit me when I am bed brethen at 90 or more.
I am glad I can discuss with you because after discussing with you I get a different prespective that makes me feel less victim. Let us keep the discussion, please, it helps me a lot, even if we have to repeat same information. It helps me to sink in my brain.
I am not doing for her, I am doing it for my son and to cultivate the love of my grand baby. To create memories that my grand baby can have after I pass away some day. keep talking to me precious Lighter.