Wow Hops... sounds like the lawyer thinks there's a case here. I don't know what to tell you or what we should hope for, for you, from that. It's been my (limited) experience, that this method of coping with malevolent azzholes most of the time, simply continues the agony of having to deal with them and their universe. (see: Lighter's ongoing encounters). It takes a lot of strength, endurance, and a surety of oneself... a confidence... to see something like that through. Sometimes (maybe not in this situation) the possible benefit isn't worth the agony. It was certainly worth it, taking on your Nbrother. I simply don't know.
My method has usually consisted of fleeing as completely as I can, and trying as much as possible to land on my feet. That hasn't always worked out the way I planned it either.
But the bit that I can really relate to, is the ADD problem and well, the paperwork. I'm pretty well buried in paperwork too. And it would appear that this one corporate entity is going to be a thorn in my side. Right now, I'm just trying to breathe my way through that one and not make it worse by getting upset that according to them, I'm not following their rules... but, of course, they're not even telling me their rules... until AFTER I've done what I think is best. Grrrrrrrrrr. Going to delegate that one, I think.
On a more personal, experiential level:
Your daily routine... the touchstones of each day have changed as much as mine have. And in both cases, they were externally determined - be at work at such & such a time, feed Mike every 3 hours, that kind of thing. When the external expectation is removed - it's just fine at first. But later on, the vacumn begins to be noticeable and well... what should, or does, a person want to fill it with? Some of us kind of flail our way through that; others know just what they want; and the rest of us are blindfolded, trying to fumble our way through the discovery process to figure out what works for us. Social interaction of some sort helps us see the possibilities, too. I think there just might be time in your (and my) exploration process for new external "controls" on the minutes in our lives... to at least check out free exercise classes or book clubs or something.