Hops, despite all the yucky stuff I've had to hose off myself and climb up through over the years... I FIRMLY believe that there are wavelengths of light and goodness and kindness and "happy" that are always there in the universe; and "all the love that you've been giving has all been meant for you". It's the other kind of karma. Not Woo. Flip side of the bad kind of karma.
YES, there are people like this gentleman that embody that; are channels for that wavelength. And yes, chance meetings and long associations, even of a superficial type can yield amazing things. I'm trying to figure out a way to be/do that, myself. I've been the beneficiary of the same kind of thing a few times in my life. Time for me to find a way to continue the tradition, ya know? Clearly, it was YOUR TURN to experience this. You've been "in line", quite long enough.
A friend of mine, has young adult daughters that were adopted out of the slums of Brazil; the Favelas. There's recently been an up close & personal, life changing encounter with the truth that "life happens while we're making plans" for one of the daughters. Both of them, he discovered, still believed that if they were responsible for any dishonor or transgression that they would exiled from the family; sent away. (They had been sold into trafficking to drug mafias as small girls.) My friend took that personally at first ("after all this time and how we've cared for them!") until I explained that it may take the girls the rest of their lives to learn that yes, it's OK to trust in good things - they are just as real as the awful bad things that exist in this life. And the probability of the same exact bad things happening to anyone again, are extremely low. The girls simply haven't acquired enough evidence of that yet; it takes years and years. And every little bad thing that happens as a course of normal life, becomes a potential threat for the really bad awful shtf kind of experience again. Once burned, twice shy kind of thing.
It's something that I reflected, applies to us here a bit. We've all lived through and endured some bad stuff; to the point that it has affected who we are as people - until we start to peel that stuff off and find out who we really are; until we start to explore and discover the OTHER parts of life. Contrary to our fears, we aren't banned or exiled from the "good stuff". Being and feeling happy isn't guaranteed to bring an automatic mean & nasty response. I think maybe there's a lot of treasure to mined in that aspect of things... the good stuff... and why people don't simply accept that as openly as they do the bad karma that flings collateral poo everywhich way on innocent bystanders. (I KNOW there is for me; it's just a suggestion for you all.)