Tupp, there are no "others" - not in the sense of autonomous people - for Ns. Instead, those people are merely tools to do their bidding, live lives according to the Ns desires, and reflect greatness, wisdom and superior evolution/moral superiority and intelligence back upon them.
That's why all our attempts to deal with them like regular people, always backfire or fail; leaving us not much choice except the no-contact route. And like the regular people we are, we accept responsibility for not remembering their limitations or the pattern, and sometimes even chide ourselves for holding onto the hope that this time will be different.
I don't know if my mother is learning new tricks in her old age, or if she really is concerned about me lately. But she HAS started to literally ask me how I'm doing and listen to the answer. We've been on limited contact since about... 1999? I did move away in 1980 and that helped a great deal, but the telephone is her conduit. For the last 6-8 years, I've been turning that telephone intrusion around, thanks to caller ID. Slowly training her, that I decide when I have time to listen to her same old, same old list of unresolved problems and stuff in her head. Still working on the one about, I already have all my own "stuff" I need to deal with - and can't carry yours along with me too.
There seems to be minor progress on her part, now that I'm almost 60. LOL. I am content with anything that is possible for her, at all. Just wary that this might be bait for a trap - and all the old stuff will get sprung on me at the worst possible time - yet again. So, no. I still don't always pick up when I see it's her.