It makes me feel happy to think about mounting those plates and platter..... and I will. : )
As of now, my brain is throbbing from BIT, left side mostly on top, and all day today the top of my brain.
DD13 had her first BIT session today, and was quite dizzy and sleepy during and afterwards. BC she slept through much of it things went very quickly. They completed lymbic system, and started work on vision, which they'll finish next week.
I've hit a snag in my bedroom organization...... it's confusing to have two closets the size of small bathrooms, each housing mixed items including clothing, medications, paints and wood finishing supplies, file cabinets, and a tv...... I'm sure there's more, but I moved the bench/bed and headboard out, so that's done, but..... so many moving pieces.
So, I have all this space, and all this stuff. Emptying, editing....... I can't take ONE thing and finish it which is what book says has to happen, lest we get lost. I'm a bit lost. I can't just DO clothes, bc I have all this stuff where the clothing might go.... not sure what I'll put where, and have to know what I have left to know how much space will be needed. ::Brain throbbing::
I think trying to do this work NOW is part of what makes me brain throb, frankly. BIT lady said that it takes 6 weeks for brain to calm down. Do I move the meds into the other closet? Into the hall closet? The bathroom? Do I need the cool white medicine cabinet at my dad's? Where would I put it? ::throb throb::
On a positive note, dd15 started to melt down last night over not getting her way. Melting down is her default response. I watched her in the reaview mirror as she stopped, looked puzzled, then asked out loud why she was reacting that way. Then she chose another reaction.... being polite, and engaging me in a mature discussion that lead to her getting a compromise that pleased us both.
I asked her if that was the first time she noticed that reaction, and she said it was the second time. JOY JOY JOY JOY!!!!!!!!
This is the first time she identified that behavior, had control enough to stop it, and figure out a better way to react.
The BIT gal said she got shivers hearing this, and it's what makes her job so fulfilling. She hears these stories all the time, and I'm just so thrilled!
I'm working on master bath design,trying to figure out what furniture to keep, what to paint and sell, and what to put where, policing up house in not so KONDO fashion, keeping kids on track with school stuff which is a challenge bc of recent sickness, and oldest dd's situation which is improving (she has till April 15 to complete entire 3rd quarter work, which she can do easily) but I'm concerned, and she responds better if i don't speak to her about her schedule, etc. It's so hard to step back, and let them take ownership, but that's what I have to do.
We have appt with career/University choice guidance counselor next week, and I'm hoping that gives both kiddos focus and food for thought..... really want dd15 to find some passion for career path, not that she has to stick with it, but..... she'd really enjoy researching a career and what has to happen to make it so IF she can identify a passion out side of something in" computer science." The process includes exploring several careers, with successful mentors giving input and guidance from those fields.
::crossing fingers::
I forgot, I also have to get to Step fathers to pick up big piece of furniture, and some things of my Mother's. It'll be fun to figure out where to put it..... it's a piece with maybe..... 40 small drawers in it. Not sure what I'll use it for, but I'll be working on it: )