Glad your head has settled a bit, Lighter - head misbehaving is difficult to deal with. Did post a while ago but it seems to not be there so I must have pressed the wrong button or something

Have seen the new legislation, yes, am hoping not to have to use it but it is handy to know these various bits and pieces are available if the situation arises.
We are leaving in approximately six weeks

I am so excited I can't tell you. We're going on a three week touring holiday in our campervan between homes, so I'll be loading my stuff into storage and our lovely cat is going to stay with a local lady who runs a luxury cattery. I've not had a proper holiday for twenty years and my son has never had one. We do get away but it's usually for two, three or four nights. With short breaks, it doesn't really feel like a break. There's so much to do before you go that I find I don't usually start to unwind until day three and then we're usually on our way home again. I can't tell you how happy I feel to know that when we load our camper up and drive away from here it will be the last time we ever see the place

And I'm very excited to just head off; we've not planned or booked anything, we've got everything we need in our little camper so we can just mooch around wherever the road takes us. I honestly cannot wait.
Am on the last bit of decorating, most of our stuff is packed so from here on in it really is just little bits and pieces to sort out. I feel like I've got the to the top of an enormous mountain and there's a beautiful place to enjoy and a lovely, easy descent to follow.
In slightly less joyful news, my mum has been creating all sorts of problems for my sister. It is astonishing that someone can put so much energy into causing people pain and anguish (she never tried this hard to make us happy) and that she is so incredibly incapable of seeing what she's doing or even doing anything about it, I think. Out of five children they have only one that is in contact with them, which is the one my mum is now working hard to rip apart and destroy. Fortunately my sister has a good husband who saw straight through my mum the first time he met her. We are going to visit my sister on our adventure trip, and her in-laws (who I've met once for about half an hour) have offered us their house if we get tired of being in the van, plus the use of their washing machine/computer or anything else we might need. My own mum didn't offer me a bed even when we were homeless and we're literally going to be sleeping in our car). I am being very careful to be supportive but not to enable

I think I am finally getting the hang of it.
Overall I feel so incredibly fortunate that I have had two very good therapists to help me unravel my mind, I've had this wonderful board, (Thank you, Dr G, and everyone on here), various people over the years (acupuncturist, homeopath, osteopath and others) who have helped sort out all the physical problems that I am quite sure had emotional roots, as well as my little cluster of very good friends and sometimes complete strangers just saying or doing something lovely. I feel very fortunate that the people I don't want in my life have, for the most part, left me in peace and it is so very, very nice to be feeling positive and to be feeling excited about the future instead of scared. I had forgotten how nice that feels