Aww, Deb.
What a kind and loving response.
Thank you, dear woman. And the bonus is, makes me so happy you popped up!
I'm really sorry you've had one of those One Thing+ weeks. I hope the step by step approach really works you out of the mess.
You do have a source of power though...PUG POWAAAAAAAAAAH!
Aren't pets just the best? My pooch gives me so much devoted affection I'm just amazed by her.
I've never had an animal who craves close contact more, and it was exactly what I needed to.
When either of us is scared we just lie close together until we both wind down. It's drug-free magic!
I start training for my new job on Tuesday (wine server for tastings at a winery...simple, people job in lovely places.)
Thank you for helping get me unstuck.
I went to church today and the youth (13-17) ran the service. They each gave their faith statements, and I loved
hearing them. They were different (some mystical, some matter of fact and earth-centered, some open to belief, one atheist)--but what
they all had in common was a firm confidence that their core principle is to treat people with love, fairness and kindness. One said, I have learned that there is nothing wrong with not respecting a person's opinion, but we must always respect the person. It hit me how clear, unaxious, confident and free they were, in stating their own individual religious creeds as UUs. They weren't operating out of guilt or fears, but from their exploration of spirituality and theology and all kinds of religions. They were thoughtful and centered and warm.
On the way out I was trying to express why I liked them so much to a SW friend, and she said, what's unique about this service, and about them, is that they don't have to be "right." And that was beautiful. She nailed it.
Thanks again, Deb...hope you'll stick around.