Hi lovely people

I thought I'd keep this apart from my rambling thread so it doesn't get lost in there but we have had some very good news

As you know, my boy has autism and learning difficulties and for the last two and a half years has also had extreme fatigue, problems with walking and various other odd things going on. We've been backwards and forwards to doctors and hospitals and no-one has been able to work out what the problem is and so eventually he was referred to a neurologist, who we saw this week.
Not only was this chap very nice and went to a lot of trouble to explain what he was checking and why (which I find very helpful) he is also of the opinion that my son is experiencing day long absences as part of his epilepsy, which until now has been very mild and has only affected him for a few seconds at a time. He will need more tests to confirm it but if it is that they can probably manage it reasonably well with medication and it shouldn't cause too many problems for him in the future. He's also been on a new range of supplements after a lot of tests with a nutritionist and they seem to be helping with his overall energy levels and muscle strength and he hasn't used his wheelchair now for almost two weeks. He went to Youth Club this morning for the first time for eight months and walked further yesterday than he has for about a year.
I am so happy and relieved that it isn't something degenerative (which was my main concern) and that it seems to be improving now. He's much happier in himself and it feels like things are starting to move in the right direction. Just wanted to share
