Made it into the city today for the purpose of another art intake outing. Went well enough. Made it to only three galleries, which is really quite enough. There are more though I would have to get an earlier start on the day, always plan to leave but then I am slow in the morning so I get out of the house late.
There are some galleries in a crappy part of town, always homeless and lots of druggies out and if you read or listen to the news it's the area where a lot of crap happens. It's worth navigating and circumventing, rather walking straight into and through it. I'm such a wimp, it's really a bit of a deterrent. Why oh why must art galleries be in the shittiest neighborhood.
So next weekend perhaps I will make it there.
Today I stuck to the three. There were paintings, ceramics. Not sure what I am looking for. Think I am trying to just enrich myself after a void. I get a bit of enjoyment out of art, it's not the visceral spine tingling response I used to get.
Also looked for public art around town, lots of large outdoor sculptures in the city to be found. I'm definitely moving away from paintings into a different interest, can't quite put my finger on it.
my mind wants to get all tangled up and involved, judge and protest, even now I am telling my messy brain to relax, just experience without expectation