I don’t know, Hops. I have a lot of mixed feelings about so much being written about narcissism lately. It seems almost trendy to write about it, and so much of what I’ve read pretty much says that anyone who’s ever taken a selfie or been on television is a narcissist. I've even read that millennials are a generation of narcissists. An entire generation!
The problem I have with all of this is that is completely invalidates the abuse that people in our generation suffered at the hands of N parents. When I tell people that my mother had NPD, they don’t get that I was REALLY abused. People think my mother was just self-centered, like Kim Kardashian. I just dropped another therapist when I told her that N’s do some really crazy things, and she agreed, mentioning the recent death of someone who fell at the Grand Canyon trying to take a selfie. I just wanted to beat my head on the desk.
This book is only 140 pages long, yet I’ve written far more than that in my journal/memoir. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like everyone is trying to cash in on the narcissism trend, without understanding that there’s a vast and very serious (even dangerous) difference between being selfish and engaging in the sadistic abuse of your children. Weird, because it would seem to be a good time to publish my memoir, but I also wonder if anyone would relate to it, since it’s not about the kind of narcissism that people have come to know.
With this recent proliferation of N-talk, I’m actually starting to feel like some other type of abuse happened to me. I mean, according to the media, N’s are simply “entitled.” It was a life-changing moment for me when I learned about NPD. My abuse was finally validated, but now I feel completely
invalidated. I’m ranting off topic here, but all of this casual N-talk is really messing with my head. I need to go back and read books that were written 10-20 years ago in order to feel validated again.

Is it just me? Does anyone else feel this way?