I've been coming to grips with getting through school, and figuring out a way to put myself to work in a way that's enriching, healing and....... I'm not sure what it is I'm trying to make happen. I just know it's been missing for a very long time. Purpose. Drive. Service. Income.
This week has been full of attitude adjustments, the dark rotten skin of legal battles falling away..... not scabbed.... still wet and heavy and slimy. I want so badly to drop it all, and just leave it behind entirely. In all ways. Whatever it's left on, in and around me.... I'm ready for it to go. I have an entire war room dedicated to boxes of files, and standing file organizers, and papers on the floor that I can't quite bring myself to put away bc out of sight out of mind and it took me so long to tease out these very important documents for the last case, and....... I don't feel safe enough to put them out of sight, out of mind. Just in case, kwim?
Like most things for me, I don't realize how heavy something's weighing on me till there's some distance from them. I have just a small bit of distance right now..... and.... these things come off in layers, and there's adjusting and leveling off as the pressure lifts. Mourning of losses, and coming to grips with whats left...... come to Jesus chats with self. Lots of those. I actually asked myself if I was interested in dating. Again. After all these years, and I didn't automatically dismiss the notion. Not sure what that means, but.... it's new, I'll say that.
This afternoon I spent some time really dreading a funeral I'll attend tomorrow afternoon.....
and dd14 is still sick....... and missing school.
I imagined my world getting smaller, with less meaning, and talked myself out of that tree, then imagined more for myself, bigger, better more meaningful, then circled'round again. Just what I've been doing since the holidays, really.
::wringing of hands::
Then I had the most amazing chat with my dd16's Therapist. They're opening a new concept therapeutic intervention for teens..... less tromping about in nature, more work in Yurts......... and most important expected to be more effective than Wilderness Camps and a lot less expensive. YAY! THERE'S SO Few options out there. I've thunked my head against the wall for hours trying to figure out something better.... something less expensive, and here it is! SO necessary, and this T will be running the flagship model... he's amazing.
He's also participated in my case studies, and is very interested in offering an opportunity for me to work in the current program and new program..... more expanse and space to breath and imagine myself in. Good stuff.
One of the things I didn't want to do is all Learning Disability focused work. I want to do so much more with BIT, and this is one door to branching out, while still being able to DO the LD work as needed.... not as the priority. There's room for alternative therapies...... they're open to magic. ::nodding::
A friend called and made lunch plans for Saturday.... I so need to get out of the house, and dd should be all healed up by then it's hoped.
Oh, and Hops... I ordered The Artist's Way this evening.
ps I'm listening to this song, and it makes me smile. She taught my dd14 to play the ukulele: )