Author Topic: The Ultimate Narcissist  (Read 990 times)


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The Ultimate Narcissist
« on: January 22, 2017, 01:38:14 PM »
I've been here for many years - and I've documented my many struggles with my narcissist mother - as well as my enabler father.  And while that struggle continues, I am sickened to watch my entire nation having fallen prey to a dangerous narcissist. I wanted so badly to see Trump beaten - if only to see a narcissist go down in flames - and to bring some kind of national awareness to how dangerous and terrible narcissism is - and what a phony he was.  Now I have to watch my nation play the part of the victim to a disorder they don't understand. It's infuriating. I try to explain it to others and it reminds me of growing up with my mother - the way she would charm people - and they could never see the wickedness at her core. It leaves me feeling voiceless in the broadest sense that I've felt in years.

There can be no greater - more textbook example - of a dangerous narcissist, than Donald Trump.

I was telling my wife today - having lived through having to deal with my N mother - we should have a good feeling for all of Donald Trump's next moves. But then I thought of something extremely scary. Imagine a dangerous narcissist going into a rage - and having all the power of the US military and nuclear arsenal behind him.

These are dark days friends.


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Re: The Ultimate Narcissist
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2017, 09:19:57 PM »
I can't agree more.  Even with monikers such as "Narcissist-in-Chief", most people do not understand what it means to be a true blue Narcissist, let alone how to overcome one.  So many people are (rightfully) lashing out at him for his lies and gas lighting and arrogance...yet they are still asking Why? Why? Why?  They keep trying to get him to listen to common sense, to understand the facts and evidence, to focus on real issues at hand.  They don't understand that he is incapable of change and, in fact, will only become more dangerous as each day unfolds because he has now been handed the most powerful position in the land, and perhaps the world.  That is an extremely dangerous combination.

This would be a great time for the psychiatric community to lend their voice and leadership, to explain the disorder and provide analysis of behaviors and motivations.  This can certainly be accomplished in a professional and non-partisan way.

Those of us who have been raised in Narcissistic homes or have been on the receiving end of a raging Narcissist understand full well what is coming.  But unless the general population better understands this disorder and its very real ramifications, the battle will be lost as the focus will be misplaced......centering on the lie or outlandish tweet of the day.

And, while certainly one can't generalize, I have to think there is at least a small percentage of those who cast their vote for him that have narcissistic tendencies themselves.  Selfishness and self-centered priorities certainly played an important role in the outcome.

Hopefully, with more information and education, the damage that will inevitably continue to evolve can be minimized.

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: The Ultimate Narcissist
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 11:28:48 AM »
Hi sfalken and sunblue,

Many on this message board are painfully aware of the havoc and destruction narcissistic people can wreak.  Sadly (and scarily), the whole country is potentially going to experience and learn about what we, as a group, have been discussing for the past 18+ years.   Here’s an article by Richard Greene that you may appreciate:

"Is Donald Trump Mentally Ill? 3 Professors Of Psychiatry Ask President Obama To Conduct ‘A Full Medical And Neuropsychiatric Evaluation’"



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Re: The Ultimate Narcissist
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2017, 09:05:22 PM »
Thanks for sharing the article Dr. G.  I remember seeing it when they first made the request to President Obama.  His administration was helpless to do anything and obviously a Republication Congress would never agree to such a thing.

While Trump is clearly a textbook raging Narcissist, I'm wondering what would happen if they did require a psychological evaluation of presidents or presidential candidates to ensure they are fit to serve.  Certainly, we see corporate C-suites filled with CEOs who are narcissists but not all are so extreme on the Narcissistic spectrum.  It would be curious to know where they might draw the line in terms of what level of NPD equates to being unfit to serve.

I doubt we'll ever know since there's little chance any such requirement would ever be approved but it would be interesting.

Personally I find it so frustrating to see all these posts and articles and social media engagement introducing the concept of narcissism as if it were just invented.  While it's understandable that most people wouldn't know about the actual disorder and all its psychological ramifications unless you experienced it like those of us on this board, they should have understood that much of the President's behavior was extreme and just not normal.

It will be interesting to see how the psychological community addresses this issue which is surely a first in our history.  I can't help but wonder given the events of this past week whether narcissism as is being demonstrated can be "accepted" and essentially adopted by those around him (staff, advisers, followers, non-followers).  Will this level of narcissism be normalized now?  Will an inability to empathy be accepted?  A very, very scary thought indeed.