Hi everyone,
I have been married thirty one years. Two years ago I discovered that my husband was cheating on me – in fact had been a habitual cheater from the beginning, only I was blinded to all the signs. When I told him I was leaving him he cried and knelt and begged me not to do so. I was so shocked by this total crumbling that I agreed to stay and give our marriage a chance. But I felt sometimes that it was all a sham. As soon as I agreed to stay it seemed to me that he put the whole episode behind him and life (for him atleast) returned to normal at an amazing pace. For me, I had to pick up the pieces of a broken life, broken trust, and try to heal.
Now you guys, wait to hear how I found out that he is a sociopath narcissist. You will never believe this one. We live in a house and for sometime four of the neighbouring families have shared a part time gardener who comes once in fifteen days to mow the lawn, tidy up etc. This gardener started behaving oddly and all of us discussed it and somebody said we must get rid of the fellow for he must be a psychopath, and he gives us the creeps. As an internet fan (and one time psychology student though I didnt major in it), I was asked to read up on the subject. For all my knowledge of psychology I knew very little about these issues. I thought psychopaths were people who were totally nuts like the guy in the movie Psycho, and as for narcissist – I only knew that was somebody in greek mythology who was very good looking and loved his image. Period. So I started reading about it, for a onetime psychology student always has a bit of psychology in her bones! I looked for the gardeners symptoms and instead found my husband fitted the bill perfectly. I read on and on, fascinated. Can you imagine my shock when I found out that my husband was seventy percent sociopath and something like ninety percent narcissist! It just blew me away. If I were to tell anybody people would never believe it, for sociopath and narcissist are things we ordinarily dont know much about. To the world my husband is a charming, highly successful professional and we have all the trappings of a successful professional couple. That he has a double life/double personality – who would ever think it. But now I know and though I was stunned speechless for awhile, knowledge is power and will help me cope with the future. I know now there is no cure. This is the saddest part of my new found knowledge. My husband is 55. Others may get better. I know he wont. I can also give up any idea that all the promises he made about starting anew really mean anything to him. He did it to maintain the peace and guarantee his comfortable home and narcissitic supply. For yes, over the years, I see that he was always in the role of taker and I fell into the role of nurturer and giver and applauder. Didnt realize though that this is the classic twosome of narcissist and nurturer.
So now what? My discovery is just two weeks old. I needed somebody to talk to and I found your board. Reading the messages and threads I realize I am not alone – that other people have faced this problem and each brings fresh insights to the board on methods of coping. I am devastated and grieving for all that has been and that I cant change. But I am at the same time determined that this wont finish me. I want to survive and will survive. If I am totalled by the wipe out of my life, then that is the final victory of the narcissist. I wont give him that. If you can see your life in ashes and build again with worn out tools (Kipling) then you have won. We made a mistake in giving our lives over to a narcissist, and yes we were fools, but we dont have to remain fools. We can pull out. I have a vivid piece of imagery that helps. Remember the old apothecary shops they used to have with dozens of tiny drawers behind the counter. Think of your life as being divided into those dozens of drawers. So you gave the top ten drawers to your relationship with the narcissist in your life. Empty out those drawers and sweep the relationship to the bottom corner drawer. Out of the way, out of sight almost. Now fill the drawers you have emptied with new things, new experiences, new hobbies, whatever and start over once more. You have just cleaned out the rubbish in your life. So all of you who are hurting like me, we are going to look to the future and make it, and much love and hugs.