This is really disturbing, but as bad as it is, at least it blew up in their faces and the children were removed from the home. Still, those kids will have emotional damage that may be with them for the rest of their lives. It looks like the people were using the videos to make money (with 760,000 YouTube subscribers, they would have been earning a lot). Probably not Ns, just unbelievably bad parents, though it does make me wonder if today’s N-Mother would use social media against her target child.
My NM died in 2013, and did have an online presence, but never used the Internet against me. It would have been the perfect vehicle for shaming me, but she never went there. I’m guessing the reason is that her tactics relied on secrecy. By keeping the gaslighting and sabotage so secretive, people thought I was crazy and didn't believe me. Her methods were only effective because they were conducted in private. Of course, I was an adult by the time the Internet came around. Who knows if she would have used it against me when I was a child. She was so damn clever, she quite likely would have found a way to humiliate me in a way that others would have thought was "cute," while actually ripping my heart to shreds. Like the stunt that Bettyanne's father pulled. Funny to others, not funny to us.