Ok.... I found an ally at the marina yesterday. I remembered him, and went straight to him yesterday morning. He solved several critical issues, and is dealing with the criminal accountant terrorist.....person.
The extortion is happening, just buffered and delivered by different people which brings up less fear.....and hate.
My father's breathing on his own now......comfort levels in place. I'm a bit of a mess, on and off. Certain conversations with certain people bring on tears, and my poor DD 15 gets carried along, at points, in my sadness....weeping. This is me mourning, and she's trying to be stoic, for my sake. I'm stoic, just bc there's so much to do, then I'm rocking. Sometimes in public.
Again...... The introvert in me flails, then goes to sleep early. Wakes too early. Sleeps again.
I'm badly in need of a hot shower, which I'll take at the marina first thing in the morning. The freight arrives sometime around 9 at the ramp. I plan to take a high protein breakfast, strong coffee, and a tiny green nerve pill at the far end of the marina.....then I'll walk to the ship.
What's going right in my life.....my sister and DD15 are amazing, and steady me.
The weather is perfectly calm, and mean I move forward with this huge, ungainly project.
There's another freight company opening up next month on this island.....the owner is my ally, and took me on his borrowed golf cart around the other island yesterday, helping me navigate problems, and presenting as excellent property manager. Such relief, I can't tell you.