Author Topic: This and That  (Read 20780 times)


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Re: This and That
« Reply #180 on: April 28, 2018, 12:10:18 PM »
I feel really good about the entire thing. 

Well... I'm a bit overwhelmed with having to have glass and china for the entire thing..... something a sib wants. 

I'm sure I'm overwhelming people with the need for lovely fern and moss arrangements on all the tables, and in the air.... but we all need what we need.

If I didn't say... the garden is allowing us to have use of the place all night.  It's usually dawn to dusk, but they made an exception for us.... we didn't really ask for it, so it's just a nice bonus.  It means we can stay, music in place, food out, and just relax without having to move to the hotel to finish the evening for those who wish to hang.

Thanks for the support guys.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #181 on: April 28, 2018, 12:42:10 PM »
It sounds like a lovely way to say goodbye, Lighter, and to see other friends and relatives all in one place.  I'm sure the fern and moss arrangements will look amazing.  And nice to know you can take your time in the evening and not have to rush around clearing up.  It was nice of the venue to suggest you have the garden for the night.  Lots of love xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #182 on: May 03, 2018, 05:11:00 PM »
So, the Memorial Service experience has been a lot about letting go, and being OK with what is.

For some reason, likely bc I've been reading a lot of Buddhist burial ceremony info, I've focused on suffering.  Suffering is what we do when we ask the universe for something it can't give... when we ask ourselves for what we don't have... when we ask others for something they aren't able to give, etc.

And so....  I pick up the Funeral Programs this evening knowing they won't quite be perfect.  In ways I don't understand and in ways I understand quite well.  And that's OK.  The short service will be full of love, and care, and mindful choices based on who my father was, both before and after his debilitating surgery. 

I adore the Episcopal Priest, who's become a very good friend.  The violinist is amazing, and has yet to say NO to one request.... and he sings. 

The food will be delivered after the service, and I don't feel one way or the other about bit, except.... that's one more thing I don't have to do before the service. I've realized one way I express care and remember Dad is through making the space beautiful in nature.  Everyone taking communion in nature, surrounded by his photos, and green growing things that won't be thrown out, and die.  It's very powerful to picture that, along with fellowship of family and friends.  One of my mother's cousins is making the long drive.... I love all the Ohio cousins. 

I hope everyone gets along, and is kinder to themselves than they'd normally be this Saturday.  I hope we leave that service feeling closer to Dad as the beloved child, man, father, and captive soul to a wheelchair for 20 years.

And if it's not ok....

it's ok.

ps  Thank you too, Hops, for reminding me to let the idea of perfection go.   



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Re: This and That
« Reply #183 on: May 08, 2018, 04:05:13 PM »
The memorial service was what it needed to be.  Everything went well, if a little late.

We filled the place with lush green ferns and moss....the gardeners were so happy with it, but happier still when we donated it to their new miss garden.  Seemed preordained.

My brother seemed very moved by every detail.  We had pictures of Dad up on trees, held by wire wrapped around the trunks.  There were arrangements wired to posts, and those had photos added as well.

We took communion under an overcast sky.... I really loved our Episcopal Priest, S.  She was so comforting, and appreciated having the service in a natural setting too.

We sprinkled some ashes in with the UN eaten communion wafers we, the sibs, buried... he'll be in that garden whenever we go back.

I feel good about the whole thing, particularly about not having glass and China.  It gave us more time to decirate, and enjoy friends and family.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #184 on: May 08, 2018, 05:23:01 PM »
I'm so moved by this, ((((Lighter)))).

So glad.

No more words.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #185 on: May 10, 2018, 10:27:15 AM »
The memorial service was what it needed to be.  Everything went well, if a little late.

We filled the place with lush green ferns and moss....the gardeners were so happy with it, but happier still when we donated it to their new miss garden.  Seemed preordained.

My brother seemed very moved by every detail.  We had pictures of Dad up on trees, held by wire wrapped around the trunks.  There were arrangements wired to posts, and those had photos added as well.

We took communion under an overcast sky.... I really loved our Episcopal Priest, S.  She was so comforting, and appreciated having the service in a natural setting too.

We sprinkled some ashes in with the UN eaten communion wafers we, the sibs, buried... he'll be in that garden whenever we go back.

I feel good about the whole thing, particularly about not having glass and China.  It gave us more time to decirate, and enjoy friends and family.


Aw, Lighter, it sounds like a lovely way to think, remember, say goodbye (or goodbye for now?  I like to think we can meet our loved ones again sometime).  I like that you were able to pass on the natural decorations to the garden and that your dad will be there for you to visit.  I do hope that there is some way people who have passed can see what's going on and know that their loved ones are together, sharing their memories and time.

I'm glad you were able to say farewell like that xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #186 on: May 13, 2018, 12:17:16 AM »
Thank you, Tupp and was lovely.  If Dad was there, in that garden, he knew he was loved and honored by his children, and grandchildren. 

I can't wait to get back more week here with the never ending cottage project.  Won't get all windows changed out.  Won't get all shutters up.  Won't hey all painted.  Won't get a lot done I wanted done, but bright side is we have a bathroom door, hot showers, kitchen almost finished....plan for bunk room, 8 windows changed out, with shutters finishing up I the morning for those.  I hope.

Contractor spent too much time making private bedrooms perfect....SO much to do for security and I need to get rental program in place.

Lots done....ocean side of house looks brand new.  Just beautiful.

I'll count my blessings, and keep plugging away.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #187 on: May 13, 2018, 10:42:17 AM »
Thank you, Tupp and was lovely.  If Dad was there, in that garden, he knew he was loved and honored by his children, and grandchildren. 

I can't wait to get back more week here with the never ending cottage project.  Won't get all windows changed out.  Won't get all shutters up.  Won't hey all painted.  Won't get a lot done I wanted done, but bright side is we have a bathroom door, hot showers, kitchen almost finished....plan for bunk room, 8 windows changed out, with shutters finishing up I the morning for those.  I hope.

Contractor spent too much time making private bedrooms perfect....SO much to do for security and I need to get rental program in place.

Lots done....ocean side of house looks brand new.  Just beautiful.

I'll count my blessings, and keep plugging away.


It sounds amazing, Lighter, you've worked a little miracle there :)  More to do, I get that, but an end is in sight, I would guess.  Kuodos to you for doing all of that whilst also grieving your dad and surviving tornados and laptop losses! xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #188 on: May 14, 2018, 04:57:16 PM »
Ack....putting up with the contractor was dreadful...notice I didn't say my contractor.  He's out, and on the island doing what disordered people do....accusing others of doing what they're doing TO them.

Things finally came to a head when he threatened me with a knife....wild eyed and screaming for me to put my hand down so he could chop off my finger.....and feel his pain.

He knocked a knuckle on his dominant hand whilst unplugging the skill saw.  He didn't admit that to me, preferring to say he sawed his finger half off while working.  It was 3 stitches....nothing important cut, mind you.  That story makes no sense and even if I explained everything it would still make no sense.  He does whine and cry for attention....gets angry if he's not babied. I'm done raising babies.

Long story short, he professed love, took the imminent rejection poorly, then settled in for two weeks to convince me he's a catch.  Mind you, his language of love includes stepping in front if me to blow his nose on the sidewalk by my foot.  I kid you not.  He's also been spiraling down the abusive pattern rabbit hole, which makes me withdrawal further.  By the time he basically stopped work, more time to request eye to eye "talks" where I tip tied through eggshells and tried to go back to work.

He complained about hernia pain, finger pain, bump on the head pain.... I suspect he drunkenly flipped himself out of a rocking chair then broke the chair in anger
So....he blames his irrational bullying behavior on me.....on being stuck in what he terms "this shithole" for so long, on the bump, the cut, the tummy ouchie....not kidding.  Sometimes he baby talks.

The more I refused to be afraid or fight the more he escalated, and we've been alone so no witnesses.  He does cry.  A lot.

After the knife incident I worried he'd make use of the machete in the LR.  The next morning I hid it, and went to do laundry on my own.  He asked about the machete....several pointed times then blessedly went to the other island. 

I can't put myself in my family through to this craziness again.  He was on phone half the night terrorizing my sister, and do the decision we as made to fire and put him out. 

He didn't quite understand that, and thought he'd force another round of talks.....when he got to the cottage I had my very large renter waiting with me.  This had him spitting mad, which looked like a gleeful insane imp cackling over all the things he would do to me once we were back in the States.  Threats were all over the stuff....finding me chest to chest when renter carting his tools...made insane noises and more threats nose to nose.  I pushed him off if me and he spun out the door babbling to himself.

Now....after I said there was no possible romantic connection between us he asked to go outside and fight me.  I can't make stuff this crazy up!  He also asked me to kill him in his sleep, this while he was whining about his finger I think.  It all blurrs together, and he assaulted his helper the first week we were here so he can't blame time on the island, his finger, his head bump or me, though that's his story.

I'm wring out, and a tad jumpy, but keeping busy with male workers on the property till he flies out tomorrow afternoon...if he goes.

He's one wrong word away from a Bahamian jail cell, which I m certain won't improve his poor mental health.

Oh, and he doubled his fee.....and keeps adding ludicrous amounts for stupid to things.  He has no idea he has to file and fight a lawsuit in Nassau.  I I we him money.

Who behaves this way?  A grumpy toddler who wants attention for bad behavior, that's who.

:: Shaking head::.

I screwed up when I hired him, but he was lying, and posturing as a somewhat stable person at the time.

Now I'm paying to the price.

PS. Send courage, and stamina.  I have to get tools and install the he rest of these storm shutters this week.


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Re: This and That
« Reply #189 on: May 14, 2018, 08:04:03 PM »
Good god, Lighter.
This man is dangerous.

You don't need this drama or fear.

No real estate venture is worth THAT.

I hope you're safely away from him soon.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #190 on: May 15, 2018, 07:12:57 AM »
His flight scheduled for this afternoon.  He's been in touch with my sister.... brief texts about what he's doing..... sleeping, eating, crying, and going back to sleep.  Texts saying he "won't never ever ever go back to the cottage."

These statements make my sister very alert to possibility he'll head over, bc that's how his brain works.  He lies, and charges forward with his irrational agenda over and over.

That he's stopped threatening puts sib more on edge, not less.  I'm unhappy he's still holding her hostage.  I'm feeling distance from him....the fire last night was part if that, and huge relief.  I refuse to live in a state if siege again.  I just won't do it.

Getting rid of his residual clothes, cigarette butt litter, anything reminding me of him was burned it sent to him. 

I feel better now.

To give you an idea of his tactics..... he's told everyone he left a DVD (his deceased mother gave him of his family) IN the cottage.  This is a fabrication meant to cast me in the uncaring ogre role.  He wants back IN the cottage, which is insane, but that's his drive. 

This sort of tactic only works if we care what others think of us.  I learned a lot in all this.  I learned how to stop caring about what other people think.

It's a revelation long over due.




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Re: This and That
« Reply #191 on: May 15, 2018, 07:29:57 AM »
Lighter, does he live in your area, stateside?
Did you hire him at home and take him to the island for the work?

If so I believe you should get an immediate restraining order.
That's all I know to offer but I'm sorry this has happened.

Wrong kind of energy to confront, I believe....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #192 on: May 15, 2018, 09:17:05 AM »

Lighter, I read this last night. Kinda threw me for a loop so I held off replying till my head was clear. Pollen has had me a literal limp dish-rag.

You have some history with this guy, IIRC? And that's why you agreed to using him at the cottage? I think I even remember you mentioning some misgivings at that time. You are RIGHT, 100% about not caring what people think, especially in regards to situations like this. Do what you have to, to protect what's yours.

I know your radar is good enough to avoid problem people like this. So, because of history you hired him, right? And the opinions of other people?

OK. You took a chance and trusted. And it has turned out badly. IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT.

Plus, you took the proper steps to head a disaster off at the pass... and it sounds very much, like you're prepared to deal with any escalation he might have in mind.

It's all a person can do and while we'll forever ask why it's even necessary to have to deal with things like this... IT HAPPENS from time to time.

Ya done good Lighter.
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Re: This and That
« Reply #193 on: May 15, 2018, 02:43:09 PM »

Thanks for saying it's not my fault.  Another friend said it, and it felt untrue, but I remind myself I'm not responsible for other people's emotions or actions....and that does feel true.

Contractor has to be at airport in 2 takes an hour to get to my side if the island and back. 

Once I know he's in the air I'll get back on track.  I've been organizing in preparation of finishing jobs, which needs to be done too.

I think important lessons have been shoved down my throat, once and for all. 
We can't save people from themselves.
Men who try to change our NO into a YES are to be treated like the, don't walk far far away.

This guy..... He's a walking, talking, babbling mess of a lesson for me.  Time to toughen up, buttercup.  I have to set and enforce boundaries now.... can't allow sympathy or empathy to get in the way ever again. He was the message.

As for handling this well.... I ended up with all the keys, and all the locks.  Everything locked down tight, and it's a miracle....well.  Not really.  I was in protection mode the entire job.  I ended up one step ahead of him, bc that's what my days and nights some luck.

So.... Hops, I won't be confronting him.  What I will do is move my guard dog from the farm to my house for a while, inform the neighbors, and seek a TRO. 

Tupp....thanks for offering to slap him.  He's earned several hard slaps that never came. Too bad no one delivered before he escalated to the edge of a Bahamian jail cell.  The magistrate flies in once every 6 telling what would happen to him.  Nassau's prison would not be kind, and this particular Judge puts people in jail for smiling and laughing in her courtroom.  Contractor has no self control AT ALL, esp when a woman's speaking to him. 

::Shaking head::.

I hope he's on that plane.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #194 on: May 15, 2018, 06:27:16 PM »
A little more time Lighter... then, you can relax and reclaim the magical qualities of the cottage and island again.

Just "wash that man right outta your hair".
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.