This morning Florida is still in the line of Irma at Cat 4 status. Winds should reach all the way to Tennessee, which is beyond where my house sits. I'm afraid to see what's happening on Bimini, which I'll look up next. The house there sits just feet from the water, but that's just a house. Where will the people go to be safe? The dock in Miami is located away from the water on a canal, but I expect there will be huge damage, if not complete destruction, but that's just a dock.
Amber, I remember packed cars and trucks with tarped trailers fleeing Mathew last year. They were driving through our area, on the highways.
We had one big tree go down that bordered the woods.... not near our homes. The river flooded it's banks and shut down roads nearby. Since we sit at the end of a cul de sac in a very wet area we get a lot of water, and the drain between my property and the elderly neighbor's must remain unclogged. I'll clean it again today.
Things are beautiful here now, though we've had a ton of rain over the past few days. It feels like fall, and was in the forties last night.
Tonight into tomorrow Florida will start to see the first of the winds. Sunday they expect 100mph winds. 8 - 12 inches of rain all the way in to Georgia.
I'm so grateful my friends and family are safe, and notice no one in this area seems concerned with storm prep. (I've been preparing for years just to feel level.) Everyone here is filling donation bins for people in Texas. School kids are having penny jar wars for Texas. We should have started bins and jars for Florida too, IMO. Sometimes I get into a loop.... we should be preparing to help Florida we should be preparing tohelphelphelphelpfloridaweshouldbepreparingpreparingpreparingpreparing and then I stop myself... stop the chant in my head, the single minded worry, and go about my beautiful day wondering why I feel so much concern, and sometimes guilt. It's what I DO, I realize. I go back to the basics, and try to start again.
I wish I'd had every limb over my house taken down after Mathew.
Hops: Oldest DD16 is on her seventh day of cleanse.... no meat. I notice eating hearty vegetables is very filling, and will be trying cauliflower rice soon. If we can sustain carbs once a week, and meat very rarely that would be a good thing, IMO. That's A LOT of vegetables.
Youngest dd would have the biggest problem making that shift.
Thanks for the support, Tupp. I notice self care goes out the window, and it's hard to breath when waiting to hear people we love are safe.