Well, remember my theory about some people just don't have a maternal instinct? At 41, with a 17 & 13 yr old, you'd think A would step up and be the "mom" right? Apparently, not. She can't even mother herself - with lots of constant coaching on how to do that. There are just some things about the human condition and "people" I am never, ever going to be able to comprehend or do anything about. It is truly as if they live in another parallel universe. Another reality.
More PLEASANT ramblings...
I have spring fever. Badly. And I am now in a position where responsibilities are being lifted off of me - less to think about, remember, take care of... so the creative wavelengths are kicking in, and revving up. Instead of being flooded with emotions, I'm flooded with IDEAS of things to create/build/plant and I'm having to work hard at grounding myself back in priorities, practicality, sanity... LOL. So I'm having to indulge the nesting instinct, the futzing perfectionist, the artist... with a flurry of DIY projects and more house decorating/refining my "vision" of the new "style"... etc.
I'm giving up post-modern pirate and moving on to an eclectic combo of industrial, rustic and Viking Shield Maiden. Plenty of little feminine touches (think: blush PINK & furs) scattered around. And lots of strong, earthy materials: wood, steel and stone.
There is a dearth of the spring bulbs I love here. A few lonely, struggling clumps of Daffs along the driveway is IT. Holly's going to have time this season to work on some metal projects in the shop (went back to work on production yesterday)... so I need to design my kitchen/herb garden. I have a pretty big area and lots of rocks to work with... so I need to plan out paths, sections, and decide what might do well, where. That got pushed to the back burner last year. An outdoor kitchen - rough hewn, durable, and protected from wind/weather somewhat. A bunkhouse that is big enough for a ballroom... LOL. Or tai chi classes... or who knows?
All stuff floating around in my wacky head right now. Be interesting to see what floats up to the top and actually gets put on this year's list.