Author Topic: End of the Road Farm  (Read 27331 times)


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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #315 on: November 28, 2018, 10:27:31 PM »
We didn't make one cookie over Thanksgiving.  I planned to bake Trilbies, and cut outs.  We did manage 6 pies and though.



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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #316 on: November 29, 2018, 10:14:48 AM »
Assuming I have enough eggs, we'll be starting in on the "Great 2018 cookie farce" today. We're planning to send some out to people. Holly has been assuming command (off/on) in the kitchen; she made stuffed shells last night that were fabulous!

My cold is finally down to a periodic memory. So I'm up for the mixing that's required - 10 cups of flour makes a real stiff dough. The frosting and decoration of the final product are going to be assuredly non-traditional, weird looking, and maybe even scary... but they'll all taste the same. LOL.

The weather is pretty blah around here - when it's not raining or snowing and blowing miserably cold temps so early in the year. Ronnie even called to ask if I'd had my propane tank filled - they'd been here the day before. In between cookie work... I have equipment to get under roof; kindling to split; house to clean and arrange for having guests... and cut/assemble my primitive natural Christmas decorations. Assuming I can find all my "goodies" for making such things.

And who knows what else I'll think of to do. Still have more insulation to get up in garage.
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #317 on: December 03, 2018, 04:37:33 AM »
I bought a tiny Christmas tree today, and that's about all I can do right now.  The idea of you baking, packaging and gifting homeade cookies, along with making lovely decorations, is comforting to me.

You sound pretty happy/busy/engaged right now.  I hope that's how you feel.



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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #318 on: December 04, 2018, 09:40:02 AM »
Right now, I'm more "bah, humbug" than anything else Lighter. The "usual suspects" are harshing my "mellow"... but I'm doing my best to ignore it.
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #319 on: December 05, 2018, 09:02:14 AM »
So, a little more...
Hol & I are both a bit depressed about the holiday right now. Slightly different reasons, but there are similarilities. Breaking up with Matt - she isn't any longer included in his family's get togethers. It's tough to hang out with Mom, 'coz for years Mike & I had successive Christmas's due to people's other family obligations. And Mike was the "Master of Fun".

My fun is a LOT quieter, personal, and low-key. It always has been, I guess since the bulk of "making Christmas happen" for years, fell to me. Mike was a change in that respect - he was the crazy lights & lawn ornament type... always involved in a Christmas project for our make-a-gift exchange.

People are mostly going their own way this month; plans already made... so any invitations we've put out there are only getting "maybe" responses. The weather looks to be a little challenging too. She does have some things coming together over New Year's - and because one of her friends from Portland will be around, he might be joining them.

And with the outdoors being yucky... that kind of work is off the list for now. I have a couple things yet to try to do. Mostly littler things. We have decided to take a trip... but it doesn't have to be in December. Think we're going to KY, for a distillery tour... unless we think of something else. I've been checking out snow tubing places... but she'll want to take the dog if we go for a weekend. March is a good time to go to the beach... or April. But she might be moving out by then and going back to work... there's just no way of knowing right now.

Tai Chi starts a new cycle in January - and we're both interested in going at least once a week. With Holly going to the same session, I have a driver for getting home at night - which was my main concern with a 6:30-8:30 (or 10, if we stay for push hands) class.

SHE gets restless because she's used to a lot more external stimulation... and that gets to be a problem for me, who doesn't need it as much... and truthfully, I want to direct my energy into getting caught up around here. I tried getting her into thinking about building a house here - her house. But so far, that's not seeing a lot time directed to it.

So winter/holiday blahs. I use that time to plan out next season's project list... but I'm not getting a lot of "me time", as she's enlisting me in getting stuff done here. LOL... that's a GOOD thing, as I've worked off another 5 lbs. The large mass of belly (that I used to think of as insulating myself from parts of life I just don't like) is going away. She dreamed that my garden area was all done & planted. So it's not that we're not on the same wavelength... so much as I take my time doing things. Partly because I enjoy the process and want to go slow. Think things through more thoroughly... not just "get it done" and off the list. Some things anyway.

I think she's slowly getting the idea that I need her to entertain herself, some days. LOL.
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #320 on: December 11, 2018, 09:43:50 AM »
aaaaaannnnnnndddd... just like that, "hurricane Holly" met someone from an online dating app. He's a local boy, also developing/renovating an old farm near here. They've been spending a good deal of time together in the past week/10 days. He's younger than she is. LOL... he seems very nice, but I'm not able to get much of a read on him yet. It's not "serious"; she considers this "fun" for now - and it's definitely a way for her to get through the holidays without succumbing to boredom, restlessness or running over the mental-overanalyzing "what went wrong" with Matt. New guy seems to just taking things at the same speed, so it works. She has a couple other "friends" - guys she's known awhile - she's talking to, but they're on the other side of the country... so not much companionship there.

I'm just as glad to have some "me time"... and move at my own speed again. Even if I am dogsitting, because Knuckles managed to cut his dew claw some days ago. She wants to keep him relatively quiet till it heals up better.

I have so many teeny tiny things I want to do - that don't matter to anyone but me - and I want/need time to just THINK and suss out where I might venture off next, in the coming months. Necessary projects, "nice to have" projects, and the "pretties" that got postponed due to lousy weather all spring & summer. I'm waiting on a storage/platform bed for the former "bunkroom", and trying to organize (read: purge) my office... have been making steady headway doing the same thing in the studio. Garage under studio, is still a disaster... and no, I didn't get a wood shed built this year.

So having "quiet time" like this... is PERFECT for me. And the new beau is doing wonders for her ego-wounds... and keeping her entertained for now. I signed back up for a dating site too. But found that most of the "matches" are the old ones from the last time I subscribed. Huh, ya think maybe they just made up some profiles? Those guys don't TALK, that's for sure. Even if I initiate conversation. There was one new guy - a writer - who was funny as hell in his profile. I sent him a flirty message... got a response... and he promptly killed his account.

It has been suggested that the next time I go to Home Depot and shop for men... I take rope & duct tape. LOL. "Look what I brought home Holly"... LOL.

But, ya know what? It's just not that a big a deal for me and I keep myself entertained pretty well, most of the time.

PS - my mom sent me a box last week - pictures of where she's lived the last 20 years (but no longer does) and pics of my niece/nephew... but I'd already gotten some from my brother. AND, there were 3-4 years worth of birthday cards she never got in the mail... and "very early works in oil" by yours truly. Only one of which I might have an attachment to...

LOL. For what it's worth - she's trying to catch up. But so far, the "spots" are the same... no change yet.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 11:47:06 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #321 on: December 11, 2018, 12:33:42 PM »
Amber, are you buried in snow?  We're about melted out, but there was a frantic snow blowing day, directed by an elderly neighbor, 2 days ago.  Honestly, I think we'd be ok to let everything melt, and skip the  back breaking work.  I say that  every time, but I can't watch
that neighbor, and not help.  The snow plow came down our street yesterday.  School likely to resume tomorrow, which is good, bc I have a dentist appt I'd like to keep.  I baked.  We made yummy food.  I'm ready to get out of the house now.

It's good Holly has a distraction.  I'm not sure what to make of the online dating, but it seems to be a distraction for you too.  You have your sense of humor in place.  Glad to see it. 

How's your brother doing?



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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #322 on: December 11, 2018, 02:44:02 PM »
Amber, sounds like serendipity! Holly with a new boyfriend (don't get me going about how cool that would be for you if she one day settled on his farm....brakes, Hops, brakes...). And you're craving some creative cave time, your own pace, all of that.

I hope it continues and gives you that winter creative spirit. I hope the office purging rubs off over here!

I know what you mean, Lighter, about pointless shoveling when it's all going to melt fast anyway. I wasted $25 yesterday on a cute young man-bun wandering the neighborhood with his shovel. Fast 15 min. for him and I could have skipped it (short driveway and two short walks). Pretty good snow but not that much...stayed home Monday but had no trouble getting out and about today.

Seeing Pooch in her little red insulated "coat" a friend gave her was fun. Even bouncing her little self through the snow, she stayed visible.

I had a new online date a week ago. Very sweet man, but again...lives nearly two hours away. I'm going to treat him to a beer tasting here after the holidays. The other very sweet man (engineer) type who lives on a different lake got in touch, explained the lady he was seeing wasn't panning out, and could we meet up to "talk about options." Lord. Engineers.

I wrote him I am genuinely pleased to have him as a friend but don't see romance in our cards. He said fine, but will I go with him to a historic site? I'm happy he could shift gears easily but we just are TOO unalike for an intimate thing. So now and then he'll pass through and we'll have lunch.

That may describe how things with men go for the rest of my life...and maybe it's not so bad.

Hope you enjoy all that you are doing and that the holiday blues recede. If they don't, got that Hellidays thread for you!


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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #323 on: December 15, 2018, 11:34:15 AM »
LOL Hops, you matchmaker you...

I have no expectations that Holly will ever follow a traditional course. New guy doesn't even rate "relationship" status yet. But she LIKES him and has fun being with him. We're still talking about building her something at the farm... and not exactly rushing it. She's going for walks with new guy - who raises mushrooms along with ducks, geese chickens and dogs... and scouting out possible sites.

And I'm pretty sure I'm going to not want to commit to a legally binding situation either. It's not out of the question and things happen. But I'm definitely NOT advertising (or available) for such right now.

She has cultivated a pretty wide circle of diverse friends. And despite the fact she's not lived in the city "over the mountain" for a decade... new guy was asking her if she was a celebrity or something, as many people come up to say hi and hug her. At least he's not intimidated by her... or looking to "possess" her. This whole experience for her, has been a giant ego-boost; she readily admits that. But her reaction to that is to tread even more carefully and deliberately - knowing those recent lessons she's starting to get past. She's still making things, too. Still an amateur; it serves the purpose of keeping her focused during non-work, non-scheduled time but her skills are improving a lot.

It's awfully easy for me to vicariously "have a life" while she's around. But since she's been going out more often, I seem to have acquired a dog - LOL... and have had time to accomplish my little things that I know I want to do. Cooking is a frequent creative outlet right now.

And I'm almost at the point... where my interior design phase on the house is just about to hit a comfortable, flexible and functional stage. The studio/garage building is next on the list... but I still haven't decided what I want yet. That's a whole different process... because it is shared workspace now, part-time "party room" and overflow guest accomodations.

Been thinking more about next season's project list. I think a generator tops it, for now... but some study needs to go into that... and hard decisions made about "need" versus "want" for what I want to power. It'll be pricey to fuel it with propane, but I can get the longest run-time that way with another 1000 gal tank. Especially if I am restrained on the "wants" list... well pump is one of the top things; hot water the next on the list... then I guess freezer/fridge. Everything else, I believe I have adequate backups for... and lights are the last on the list. Absolutely don't need lights.

The outdoor kitchen is getting thought about again, too. It would make a good canning kitchen, as well as making it easier to cook for the large groups of people Hol likes to surround herself with from time to time. It will be wood fired, but I'm not finding good sources yet for plans to build. I'll keep looking.

But so far, nothing's written in stone yet.
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #324 on: December 16, 2018, 12:06:22 PM »

Get a good generator.  Whatever size, try not to have to go outside, under a crawl space, and power things on, one at a time, every 20 minutes.  Get one that kicks in, and powers the fridge/ freezer, pump and a few outlets all by itself, if you can.  My neighbor had one like that, while I was in my crawlspace.  Hers was the better set up.

:: Nodding::.

I'm glad you're cooking with interest, and enjoying your outdoor kitchen plans.  It seems you have a handle on the big projects, and can relax into things now.

I'm curious about what you and Hold might build, if you find the site, for her.  Three bedrooms, 2.5 baths, or maybe a small cabin, just for her?  Oh dear.  Now I'm picturing a tree house; )

Hops, have fun on your outings. 



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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #325 on: December 19, 2018, 08:47:11 AM »
Winding up year 2 here. Overall, it's been a pretty good year.

No way for me to control the weather - which slowed down getting power to the barn significantly and made it impossible to do the garden basics I had planned. Totals aren't in yet; but it appears my area has had twice the normal rainfall as usual. Part of that is due to the jet stream pattern; which is always shifting - even though "perception" is that it usually follows a seasonal pattern within a certain range.

Back in the 60s, I remember seeing actual photos of snow piled halfway up the telephone poles. And Hol was born in the blizzard of '78; nurses were stuck at the hospital for days. In '96, IIRC, this area had 4 ft of snow from one storm. Those were all variations on the jet stream... climate is ALWAYS changing; mother nature dances to a different drummer than what we humans want -- and couldn't care less about our planned activities or druthers. LOL.

I'm learning to shift my plans around the weather. Today is the last day this week it's going to be dry and not miserably cold too. More bobcat work today - even though I have other things to think about doing.

The garage ceiling is now 2/3 insulated; that's the floor under my kitchen/dining area. I THINK (fingers crossed) I found where the frequent strong wind has been getting in! We'll know eventually. I have enough batts to finish down there (easily accomplished when it's raining outside) and perhaps even add a second layer along the exterior concrete walls.

Holly is still tossing around sites and styles of houses, in her head. This is really the most important part of building and makes working with a contractor that much easier. She wants me to look at a possible site in the back 40. That will add a degree of difficulty she hasn't considered yet, especially for well/septic and site work. But, that will get brought up in due course.

Because of the wet year, I've focused on the interior a lot. Still waiting on one more delivery for guest room... and debating ordering a sleep sofa for downstairs. I think I will - but it might wait till spring.

This year, I've been getting back to my "fighting weight" and building work muscles & stamina. Maintaining and developing the place, is a positive feedback loop. I knew that when I decided to plant myself here. It's working as planned... so that's a good thing. I'm beginning to de-Michael my "stuff" too. No point in having reminders to pick old scabs these days. Probably about the time I get it all the way I want it, some other man will want to do things his way... and mess it all up again! LOL... if I let him.  :evil grin:

But there aren't any candidates for that right now... and I'm a little TOO BUSY, to care.
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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #326 on: December 19, 2018, 09:01:04 AM »
I find that things happen when we least expect them, Amber.  We've had the same wet summer.  My truck started growing moss all over the interior.  I think I posted about it.  All taken care of now.

Sounds like you've been very busy, and continue moving ahead with projects. 

Will be so satisfying to plug up that draft!

Looking forward to Hol's site selection, and ideas on building plans.




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Re: End of the Road Farm
« Reply #327 on: December 19, 2018, 12:10:17 PM »
Sadly, I'm with the 13 federal agencies, as I don't believe all those brilliant scientists are conspiring to deceive, and they know much more than I do. We have little time for serious, moon-launch efforts before irrevocable changes begin to lock in that will alter our children's and grandchildren's lives way more than we have to accept. It's already begun. Weather always changes. Permanent climate change is different from weather.... If only human resistance will change fast enough to help. If not, it may be our time for extinction. Makes me very sad because it's not necessary. We don't need so much stuff or to consume so much fossil fuel.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."