Isn't it a sweet dream? I really DO call it a fantasy, however.
Even with my pooch and meeting nice people along the way, I know myself and believe that at some point the isolation would trigger depression.
I'd love to do some traveling and camping with a partner, but not alone. I have zero mechanical or tools facility so it's not really going to be my solo thing. I have also daydreamed about those cool tents you can attach to an SUV...for short camping excursions I think that'd be fun.
One reason I keep enjoying watching Bob Wells and the like, though, is that it's exciting to see so many conversations with nonconformist people who are not afraid of poverty in old age. It's encouraging. Most of these travelers are middle to early-old age, though quite a few are younger.
For me, it's more of a financial emergency fantasy. The idea of renting out my house for a year or two, banking most of it, and living simply on the road. Kinda fun. But again, I'd rather do that with a partner. Solo travel just doesn't ring my chimes any more. Did plenty of it earlier in my life....