Hi Two ---
Thanks for your post, I appreciate it very much.
After much consideration and journaling, its possible that I came into the session with an agenda of my own, which is validation that my Mother really is awful and contributed to my problems long term. He met her the day before, and I'm sure she played the nice old lady routine (she is 81 now and I just turned 50) of "I'm just worried, she doesn't have a stable career". That is what the T told me. Its possible the next sessions will be more about solving those issues rather than wallowing in them.
The first reality is that I do have a career, one that she doesn't like or understand (TV Production) and I do have very marketable skills, but fall short in the workplace largely due to problems I have with abilities to demonstrate my accomplishments, ask for what I can do and I tend to overcompensate by cooperating with others. It has limited my growth in the last couple of years.
The second reality is that she has done everything to encourage me to accept lesser employment (including temping, organizing, sell my car and get a job at starbucks, part time TV work - which does not exist) and discourage me from starting my own company or owning a home. That is recent stuff, over the last 5 years, but its the same story of discouragement and pattern through junior high, high school and college. When I got out on my own, I did have a 20 year career, complete with promotions and hobbies such as marathon running and volunteering on the Board of my professional organization.
Point is, my current place is not as fluid as it once was and thus she feels my pursuits need to be abandoned, because any trouble I am having is proof that I am not cut out for it. Its simply not the case.
Getting back to the therapist, he will either see that underneath my experience, there is also someone who was hurt and wounded by her Nist BS and it has negatively impacted my career and relationships. That will probably be addressed in our next session where NMom has to be there. Whatever happens, I am not giving up my self respect to her or the therapist and as stubborn as it may sound, I'm sticking with my career choice. Anywhere I go, the wounds and communication issues will follow me, so a change of career is not going to yield another result or more success. I could, however, find the right place for my wounds and my experience.
I feel better after I journaled and made 3x5 notecards for the next session. I'm a little more optimistic. I'll make sure the T understands my POV next time and see if that helps and results in any progress. Maybe it will, maybe it won't.
And, the last word is this. THANK YOU DR. RICHARD GROSSMAN. This forum and the books and other experts I've researched over the 9 years, (yes, 9 years!) have ended this chapter for me. I'm done with most of these issues, and I have accepted there are parts of me that might never change, and I'm OK with that. Key is to find people who love and accept me as I am. Its their loss if they don't. I thank the board and the friends I have made here for that. THANK YOU!