DD is doing swell. Her instructor announced DD could "be a race driver."

I found that very disconcerting, and not at all comforting.
DD said instructor commented on DD's riding up on other drivers too fast, and speeding a bit, so I'm guessing the comment wasn't supposed to be comforting, though it was delivered as though I should. Odd, really.
This instructor seems to adore DD, and compliments her wit and humor... wants me to feeeeeel DD will drive without struggle. DD was very anxious before beginning, but seems relaxed, and confident at this point. They're driving downtown today, and this is a bustling tourist area right now.... dogs, and jay walking everywhere. I think I'm more anxious than DD and instructor, who has a brake pedal on her side of the car
only. No steering wheel.

I think there should be two steering wheels.
I don't know how instructor does it. She drives with students all the time... I mean she drives them 8 hours a day all week long... on the weekends. Nerves of steel, that one.
So the line dancing.... it's a different kind of movement than anything, and the knee I had the ACL replacement is twinging a bit. Right at the incision points, which I guess are the connection points.

I think it's the hopping back and forth from right to left to right feet that's doing it.
Maybe the hinging that knee back and forth, smacking the heel with left hand, then right hand behind the back.
Whatever it is, I've put it down for a bit. If I didn't say before, youngest dd's PE class was tasked with learning the line dance this year, and we've had so much fun laughing at the stories, and doing it ourselves. Much fun.
In my day, it was square dancing; )