Author Topic: Mindfulness  (Read 26468 times)


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2018, 11:33:00 AM »
Glad to hear things are going MUCH better this trip Lighter - and that you're getting to "live the life" while you're there, too.
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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2018, 12:20:58 PM »
What THEY said!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2018, 02:36:14 PM »
I wrote a response to your questions,then lost it.  I'm up to my elbows in alligators, but will respond soon.


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2018, 12:17:22 PM »
Made some corrections in this dicks or pushing.  Dock and hushing, rather.
Product corrected to Bora-Care.  I hate typing on a phone.  Big winds last night.  Lightening this morning.   

Frustrations coming back to me....remembering trip after trip to Hardware store, and things out of stock.  Big Al gave me a ride from hardware store to dock yesterday on forklift.  Should have figured that out before accepting, bc bumping along on tire with big hump, on my side, at walking pace was almost as hard as walking, or so it seemed as me, my spine, joints, lungs, and boobs bounced along.  At one point we hit a big bump, and I was thrown off, landing on my feet like a cat, and saving bottle if water that had my hands busy, instead of hanging on.  I m lucky no vehicles were passing.  So many ways to get injured here.  Missing skin on palm and foot after getting bounced off rocks on heavy current yesterday evening.  I heal fast here.

Poppy a no show today, but Douglas on the job.  I spent an hour making decisions about plumbing, and tearing down structures instead of repairing and re roofing. 

Final analysis....wood one went.  Concrete block filled one stays.  My God.  I thought they were hollow blocks. 

:: Shaking head::.

I'm struggling, and readying to go back to hardware store.  I have boat captain Barry set to haul more concrete and lumber that came in on freighter yesterday.  Must add plumbing items, and hurricane clips for guest house.

I ordered 6 gallons of product called Bora-Care with Mold- Care.  If used on untreated wood it penetrates 4" in to protect from termites, wood boring bugs and mold.  Answer to my prayers if I can apply correctly and works the way they say it does.  Bad thing is, I will be gone the day before it arrives.  Someone else will have to apply.  But, I hope it works!

Every job has to be be thought out, or another $40.00 to 80.00 to haul another load back to our side with 3 vehicles arranged and two ferry rides.  Yesterday I took two bags if groceries that weren't mine off ferry, and ferry Captain  knew exactly what door to knock on to get them back.  Confusion comes when every man on ferry and dock helps without hesitating.  People just grab and go to be helpful.  Very stressful for me, esp since I'm made to feel wrong fir lifting heavy things, and then there are mix ups it like that one time, my stuff got run over by the bus, bc driver distracted.  So much going on at ferry.  The introvert in my head rocks, and  moans herself through it.

Good note to end in... Big Al at hardware store is overtly competent, and on the job.  Very helpful to me.  Cantancerous owner typically treats me very well, except when he*** hushed***me while calling me baby😮. Not meant to be mean, and he's ill, but didn't sit well with me.  I forget things when he stops my roll.  He's very slow.

So, I'm ok today, and things still moving forward.  Dead bird on patio taken to property line where a big heron or some huge gray bird scared me and I him.  I took it as a sign, and walked where he'd been.  There was a beautiful conch shell, sans " food hole", as DD calls hole natives knock in to break suction and clean.

We have 2 dozen conch for $35.00 to clean, cook or freeze today....must remember.

The journey continues.


« Last Edit: August 11, 2018, 04:56:00 AM by lighter »


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2018, 03:19:17 PM »
Lighter it sounds like a whirlwind of activity and things to organise.  Can you see the bigger picture with it all at the moment or is there so much to juggle that it all keeps swirling round?  I hope things get settled soon.  Is this your last time there or will there be more trips after this one? xx


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2018, 05:09:15 AM »
There will be more trips, Tupp.  DD says keep fir two years, then sell.  We may have to keep longer, but so many things for sale on this side.  The government doesn't make it easy to maintain things here.  Everything expensive and difficult. 

I see bigger picture, but sometimes being damply hot all day, and at the mercy of people with vehicles makes for a very long day.  Boat captain Barry didn't have time to pick up my 4x6 lumber yesterday.  Said he'll send it over on the ferry and call me.  No time mentioned.

The ferry Captain didn't want to carry the 10 96lb bags if cement at all, but did, and sometimes details, not larger picture, are all aI can see right now.  I woke up thinking about the wet dry vac, and cleaning the bathroom today.  Yesterday the carpenter, who seemed to not understand using a miter saw, finished crown molding in there. So loud, so many hours. Beautiful, and I'm ready to put a bow on one darned room in this house.



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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2018, 05:52:32 AM »
There will be more trips, Tupp.  DD says keep fir two years, then sell.  We may have to keep longer, but so many things for sale on this side.  The government doesn't make it easy to maintain things here.  Everything expensive and difficult. 

I see bigger picture, but sometimes being damply hot all day, and at the mercy of people with vehicles makes for a very long day.  Boat captain Barry didn't have time to pick up my 4x6 lumber yesterday.  Said he'll send it over on the ferry and call me.  No time mentioned.

The ferry Captain didn't want to carry the 10 96lb bags if cement at all, but did, and sometimes details, not larger picture, are all aI can see right now.  I woke up thinking about the wet dry vac, and cleaning the bathroom today.  Yesterday the carpenter, who seemed to not understand using a miter saw, finished crown molding in there. So loud, so many hours. Beautiful, and I'm ready to put a bow on one darned room in this house.


I think the details are all you can see at times; I know with our recent move I was waking up with my to do list already running in my head (not to mention waking up at three in the morning with things I had to remember to do or worrying about something silly, like next door's cat getting in the van and coming on the journey with us).  I'm glad one room is done and hope more start to come together quickly now (or at least with a minimum of stress).  I really enjoy the finishing off stages of a project - making it look good.  But the planning and number crunching and organising and chasing people around - bluergh.  Thinking of you and hoping things run more smoothly xx


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2018, 09:05:55 AM »
This morning I was vacuuming sand like crazy, and preparing for workers to show.  Neither did :shock:
I texted the one who has a phone, and always answers.  He dismissed my call, but texted he couldn't talk....asked what was up.

I think it was a test to see how I postured.  Bahamians are admittedly stubborn, they say bc of the "Indian" heritage.  My renter said they won't do anything for people who act like"the boss."

My response in text was to enquire about the schedule, and if missing worker returning.  2 minutes later both knocked on door.  They were in my drive when I texted, and Douglas is always early, but not today.  It was like they were waiting for me to call, test me then decide if they'd work or not.

I was doing worst case scenario in my head when they knocked relieved they're here.



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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2018, 09:18:53 AM »
Luckily, DD doesn't get to decide, because she's not an adult.

I think when you mentioned guest house I realized this cottage is more than a cottage.
I'm eager to get rid of it for you! It has sounded like a huge albatross and I hope it'll sell sooner than later.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2018, 07:55:14 AM »
Whew.... carpentergit bunk bed built yesterday.  Large sliding glass door is in, along with double window, and single door framed in, ready for cement cover over. 

Started priming closed up windows on main house in afternoon.  One side still needs pink paint, then guest house, shed and little concrete structure sitting over one of the two septic tanks.  Yes, more than a cottage, Hops.  And cottage had three rooms added, two concrete, and one wood.

The wood chemical didn't get delivered Friday.  I almost flipped,then decided I would suffer the same outcome if I chose to go limp, and remain calm.  Like John Delaney says...
"This is better."
Workers left a bit early, so they are jerking me around for that one longer day they put in.  I expect them to show, put in a single window, change a single exterior door, and cement over 2 windows, and a door.  They went out of their way to say they'd be here by 8:30.

I'm ready to finish, and go home.  I can tell bc I've cried silently three times yesterday while trekking to or from the ferry. 

Finish insulating attic.  Huge pita hot work I can't do, bc engineer made wood strips with screws to hold it between rafters.  I have hard time weilding electric staple gun up there, while balancing on 2 by 4s on my back with almost zero clearance at some points.  This work was easier 25 years ago.

My God, why isn't the house cooling down more efficiently now?  I think it's been hotter, but not sure.  One local said it's been so hot, he "doesn't want a woman near him," so I'm thinking it's been much hotter.

Will call electrician to change smaller panel, and remember....

Even if it's not OK, it's okay.

Italian neighbor didn't make to the trip this weekend, bc of the winds.  He's very hard to get hold of.  He flys in the same day my family does, the day after I leave.  Sister coming early, tomorrow.  Will be awhirl of activity.  Grateful, but whoo boy.  Her style is get'er done.  I'm much more ADD about details, and work more slowly.  It drives her nuts.  We laugh about it usually.  Have to vacuum up tile shards in two rooms....DD stepped on sharp shard yesterday, and locals say tile cuts never heal. 

Saw a slow cruising 3' barracuda check me out on the beach yesterday.  The locals tell diving stories, many including sharks.  They say locals never get attacked, meaning they're smart enough to avoid it.  They give up their catch, and get out of the water.

I met an old contractor and my engineer said he'll build the seawall, after much discussion.



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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2018, 12:13:03 PM »
Sounds like things are coming along - in the normal fashion they do - Lighter.

It very well COULD be hotter there this year; it's been cooler than normal here - even if I do whine about the heat/humidity. Anything above 83 with humidity about does me in. Today is a gloomy overcast and soggy day after last night's rain.

I am so glad, that I didn't just keep adding things into my "list" around here this year. I really wanted to finish the last few things on last year's list that got pushed back... and EVERYTHING I've tried to do since March/April has been delayed. Farmer's Almanac comes out next week I think. I can't wait to find out their predictions for winter/next spring. Next year's list COULD be pretty intensive again - IF the weather will cooperate.
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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2018, 11:07:14 AM »
I'm glad you stopped adding to your list too.

I'd like to try living differently the remainder of this year.  I'm ready to stop agonizing over things, and problems, and deadlines.  Sometimes I recognize chaos creation habits before they have me.  Sometimes not. 

Friday my Bora-Mild-Care wasn't delivered as promised.  I started to spin, then shrugged, and left an after hours message to deal with today.  The first call was calm, but didn't realize a trainee answered.  Got original customer service gal on line, and think it's routing 5 gallons to hotel in different city, by Friday....
what could go wrong?  The thing is, I stayed calm.  Swam with DD. Cooked three beautiful lasagnas in an electric skillet, and worked on making bathroom look fresh, and clean....walking meditation for me when in right headspace.  I know you know what I mean.  This is sea change for me to notice fretting patterns, and choose joy instead.

I noticed there was as much worry about how failure would look to others, as for all my expensive lumber, and work to be eaten by termites.  Both very alarming, and problematic for me...... delivery date sabotage not my fault, but doesn't matter, bc of the fail.  Still feels like I FAILED, but shaking off.  Sibling jept saying...."We feared you put your order in too late," so calmed myself over and over, each time.  Assigning blame in my family is a thing. Focusing on resolution 100x better.  Customer service apologized profusely, and refunded next day air fee.  All good, and I didn't need to make her feel bad to handle it.  I noticed I tend to take in responsiblity fir things I have no control over, and worry about them. 

I touched the cold water line in bathroom sink while painting.  Rust crumbled away, and water began dripping.  Turned off, and will get parts to replace c and h valves and lines.  When I showed engineer, he touched and now it's dripping again...floor wet, whoo boy

I scratched my head, got a container, figured I'll scour wet floor and use that reason to worry.  Will replace today, if get parts, and worker ever shows.  It rained, and no one showed at all.😬

Getting used to that part, and looking for positives.  Thank goodness plumbing getting fixed before aI go, kwim?

Sister coming today.  I'm a tad worried about her tidying things so I can't find them.  She also grabs any wash cloth and ruins them while cleaning, even when house filled with rags fir that.  I can't complain, she's cleaning,  but I have towels for guests that need to stay clean.   Sometimes it's 2 steps forward, one step back, and half my time spent looking for things. 

Just had phone conversation with friend that took my attention off today's missions.  Noticed discomfort, and did a check... .was it old pattern, or warranted?  A little of both, and now I'm back finishing list, calling workers, and going for parts and cash.  Better not to let anxiety in at all, unless crisis at hand.  This is all regular stuff.

The journey continues.



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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2018, 09:01:12 AM »
Yeah, I unhooked the water supply line to the washer BEFORE I turned off the valve. Duh. Took another shower. Backed up and got pliers to help my hands and stubborn knobs... and all is done. No harm no foul.

When blame and frequent criticism are applied to every little thing you've done around the FOO, I think we just internalize it - and do it to ourselves unnecessarily. It's just a mental habit; those can be changed even if we may always have the tendency to fall back into it - because of neural patterns and associations. Usually when stressed out or exhausted or any other "weak moment". Just go back to working on it... it's all any of us can do.

As for your sister, if you simply ask her to use cleaning rags instead of wash cloths, please... and to put things back where she got them, in the interest of not making more work and using up time... I don't see that being offensive or implying or transferring the "blame".

It really sounds like things are moving right along for you on your trip Lighter. Don't forget to have FUN too.
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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2018, 01:26:29 PM »
Thanks, Amber.  I try to have fun with DD every day.  Yesterday we got snapper and lobster from diver and his boat driving wife.  12 lobster and 8 snapper for $50.00 bc I had my renter handle transaction.  Usually I wouldn't that good a deal.

I digress.  Cleaning fish took up time I planned on swimming with DD.  Missed opportunity.  Also, she's painting a big blue green octopus on bathroom shower wall.  Spending hours.  It's marvelous!  Really saves that area, and makes it special.

I leave tomorrowso I m intensely focused on doing all I can.  I think Bora guard handled as of 15 minutes ago.

DD 's beautiful octopus on shower wall is splendid.  Hope she has time to paint a mermaid.



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Re: Mindfulness
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2018, 09:42:15 AM »
That's quite a deal on the seafood! Excellent. Cooking and eating qualify as fun too.  ;)

It's turning out to be quite the busy week around here too. Details to follow in the farm thread.
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