Love doesn't conquer all. For instance, I learned it can't conquer cancer.
But it does find a way.
It, combined with joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control finds a way when people say there is no way.
Both she and I believe that and that is why I have hope. And that is also why if there is no way to be found it will still be ok.
But my hope perseveres, because I know what perfect earthly love is like and I'm a romantic and always will be.
When people tell me there is no perfect love, I tell them they are dead wrong because I experienced it. So when they tell me it can't happen twice in one lifetime and that a door is closed, I will just tell them I told you it finds a way when the door opens and it does happen.
But even if it never happens, I'd rather believe that and wait for it to happen than surrender to the idea it's just a matter of permanent rifts, wounds that can't heal, hopeless psychological reactions and concentration on ourselves. I've found the secret to true happiness is concentrating on the other, and if she concentrates on you, you live a perfect life until one of you dies.
I've lived my life so far by passing up the passable to wait for the best and I've never regretted that, though tragedies engulfed most of the fruits of those waits.
And so I'll wait for her because the author, creator and giver of both love and faith is where my faith, and hers, rests. And He will reward our faithfulness as He sees fit.
Regardless of anything else I have said, that is my foundational, unshakable belief and will be until I die.