aaaaaannnnnnndddd... just like that, "hurricane Holly" met someone from an online dating app. He's a local boy, also developing/renovating an old farm near here. They've been spending a good deal of time together in the past week/10 days. He's younger than she is. LOL... he seems very nice, but I'm not able to get much of a read on him yet. It's not "serious"; she considers this "fun" for now - and it's definitely a way for her to get through the holidays without succumbing to boredom, restlessness or running over the mental-overanalyzing "what went wrong" with Matt. New guy seems to just taking things at the same speed, so it works. She has a couple other "friends" - guys she's known awhile - she's talking to, but they're on the other side of the country... so not much companionship there.
I'm just as glad to have some "me time"... and move at my own speed again. Even if I am dogsitting, because Knuckles managed to cut his dew claw some days ago. She wants to keep him relatively quiet till it heals up better.
I have so many teeny tiny things I want to do - that don't matter to anyone but me - and I want/need time to just THINK and suss out where I might venture off next, in the coming months. Necessary projects, "nice to have" projects, and the "pretties" that got postponed due to lousy weather all spring & summer. I'm waiting on a storage/platform bed for the former "bunkroom", and trying to organize (read: purge) my office... have been making steady headway doing the same thing in the studio. Garage under studio, is still a disaster... and no, I didn't get a wood shed built this year.
So having "quiet time" like this... is PERFECT for me. And the new beau is doing wonders for her ego-wounds... and keeping her entertained for now. I signed back up for a dating site too. But found that most of the "matches" are the old ones from the last time I subscribed. Huh, ya think maybe they just made up some profiles? Those guys don't TALK, that's for sure. Even if I initiate conversation. There was one new guy - a writer - who was funny as hell in his profile. I sent him a flirty message... got a response... and he promptly killed his account.
It has been suggested that the next time I go to Home Depot and shop for men... I take rope & duct tape. LOL. "Look what I brought home Holly"... LOL.
But, ya know what? It's just not that a big a deal for me and I keep myself entertained pretty well, most of the time.
PS - my mom sent me a box last week - pictures of where she's lived the last 20 years (but no longer does) and pics of my niece/nephew... but I'd already gotten some from my brother. AND, there were 3-4 years worth of birthday cards she never got in the mail... and "very early works in oil" by yours truly. Only one of which I might have an attachment to...
LOL. For what it's worth - she's trying to catch up. But so far, the "spots" are the same... no change yet.