My 2018 was not great. At the end of the year, I take an inventory.
First - I ask, Made it or blew it?
I blew it!......Too many unfinished goals and no progress with my life, despite setting some very specific goals and having the resources to achieve them.
Second - I ask what nonsense did I put up with that I want to release, let go and what will I replace it with?
Nonsense- failed therapy, 3 frenemies, 3 close friends I put on a pedestal only to be disappointed, too much eating out, not enough exercise, too much netflix, not enough writing, I isolated myself socially, did not ask for the raise/promotion I wanted, did not pay off enough on credit cards, did not take the planned vacation I wanted.
I will replace with more socializing/make new friends, exercise and writing more regularly, get and ask for the raise and promotion I deserve.
Third - I check my habits and personality traits. Do I have the right self discipline and internal traits to achieve what I want?
Habits - I'm a procrastinator
Personality -I remain small, I think big, but settle or apply for less too often; I'm ambivalent, I don't fully commit causing trouble for me and others
Fourth - I ask, what was good about this year? Lessons I learned, People I met I want to have in my life, any new direction or new approach I want to take in 2019?
Good - moved on from a bad position; found additional ways to make extra money, went out with a new online business and Tv show proposal, connected with a well-known writer who is mentoring me for my novel; met some great new people, found another city I'd like to live in, learned from bad experiences and traits of frenemies and the pedestal crowd; confronted my own problems and worked on them in therapy, got closure with my NMother problem
Fifth - I write out the 2018 questions on the back of a filfofax page with the header "I blew it" at the top then flip the page to the front where I plan out the goals into sections starting with the header "I made it" at the top. Then I take the second question and re-state my goals and add the lessons I learned as my spiritual practice. I’ve found this works very well – going from being to doing to becoming and is a real game changer with accomplishing goals.
Happy Holidays to everyone!