My mother always gives me Christmas gifts that are suited for a child...many were Christmas "decorations", really. Beautiful, lovely things but completely inappropriate for an adult. I'm sure we can all figure out the psychology behind that strategy! Even after I refused to put these things out in my home, stating that I enjoyed a more simplistic Christmas decor with candles and fresh greens....they just kept on coming.
This year, when I unpacked my Christmas decorations I took some of these pretty things and added them to the Christmas gifts I had purchased for my nieces and nephews and the rest I donated to a charity shop. I only kept those special things that were actually FROM my CHILDHOOD!
It sure made me feel better! Heaven knows, most of the gifts I have ever given my mother (even those she specifically asked for) have ended up being given back to me or given to someone else or given to charity. I don't know why I felt obligated for years to keep the things she had given me but I am not going to do it anymore.