Author Topic: Spring Stuff  (Read 945 times)


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Spring Stuff
« on: March 15, 2019, 09:56:08 PM »
Decided I should have a thread that's mostly "my life" stuff, because my life continues and it's not ALL located within the relationship (which is happy so far).

At the moment I'm kind of quiet because I'm processing so much that's new that I'm a little overwhelmed. But no longer scared. And I have a huge cold that will keep me submerged a couple more days I think.

I'm actually relieved that M is in S.F. and then will be off to Costa Rica because I needed a break from this new pace.

So I'm glumly aware that it's time to live in the present, which includes a whole lot of domestic neglect. Shame I couldn't have had this week to throw myself into stuff (decluttering, purging, tidying) while he's away but I'll only see him once next week before he takes off again.

So MY life continues, my individual life, and I want to enjoy and take care of it!

A fat amaryllis bulb one of my oldies gave me for Xmas, which I planted quite late, has produced four spectacular blooms in my front window.

Pooch is good company, lazing around with me...and although sick, I am well.

Hope that makes sense.

love y'all,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Spring Stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2019, 06:50:45 AM »
I hope that cold clears quick, Hops.  DD16 is still coughing, and suffering a bit, and on her second week of it. 

She gets EVERYTHING that goes around. 

How much staying in touch does M do while he's globe trotting?



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Re: Spring Stuff
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2019, 09:10:53 PM »
This cold was a doozy, Lighter.
But I have the vapors any time I get sick.
I'm much much better, back to 93.783427%.

This was our first "travel separation" and M sent funny, sweet,
detailed, delightful emails daily. Plus pictures of all his loved ones and even their dogs.

xo (more about him on Relationship thread after I see him tomorrow evening...)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."