Author Topic: Meandering  (Read 26447 times)


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2019, 02:22:11 AM »
Aww, Boat, I am so very sorry.
I've been through that shock. More than once.
It's a horrible feeling.

But I agree, grab the training.
And connect with anybody you think of, just
go ahead and reach out. And ... just, damn.

It will be okay and you're thinking very rational
thoughts about it all.

I hope you'll keep us posted a lot as you find
your way through this.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2019, 01:41:48 PM »

You don't have to run from the sadness.  It's a part that belongs too, deserves to be honored, without judgement, IME. 

The new psych PA said "Resistance means persistence" recently.

It rang very true, IMO.



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Re: March 17th
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2019, 05:40:56 PM »
Thanks Gals,

So far all I've done today is binge watch TV, walk to the store to get coffee. Consider how much money to spend or not to spend on canvas. Texted a friend from work and discussed the post-employment clique organized get togethers. Cooked bacon ate too much like 4 pieces ugh. Almost like sucking salt out of a salt shaker. Wish I had a garden, I'm city bound here and it doesn't suit me but we have to make due with what we have. And I'm noticing how bad my eyes hurt from hours of TV.


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2019, 11:02:05 PM »
Sorry, G.  I hope you can plant some pots, and enjoy some fresh tomatoes, basil, and maybe peppers.

Drink plenty of water!



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Re: March 17th
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2019, 12:35:57 AM »
Boat, do they offer you anything at all other than some form of exit training?
Couple months' pay, at least?

Will you be eligible for unemployment? Do you know how many months' worth?

The last I comprehended about this job you've had for XX (how many) years now, is that it's been in a call center, doing customer service. I don't know for what kind of commercial enterprise.

Is whatever business the center represented a large category of something? Like, home improvement or insurance or shoes? I'm just wondering whether there's a similar type of business you could start looking for opportunities in online, that will recognize your customer service experience and add you on.

Okay, enough nosy questions. I know you'll figure out a path, with inevitable detours, but you'll find one. You don't want to slide back into the homeless situation you were in before this job (if I remember your timeline right).

So as proactive as you can be once the shock wears off and you've had a couple weeks just to get into some sunshine, do some art....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2019, 07:22:18 PM »
Drank coffee, went for a walk looked at trees blooming. Cooked some fried potato. Watched a lot of TV. Minor episodic house cleaning events. Haha. Sigh. At least I feel a little more settled about the end of the job. Still some anxiety about the future but what of it. Have to take life day by day.

Yep I will get unemployment as they let us go, we were not fired due to performance. I guess it's up to six months worth of payment. Haven't applied yet. I hope I can do something that is NOT customer related. This has been the most unhappy collection of customers I've ever delt with at least this past year because they forced us onto a special project or quit without unemployment benefits.  I pray for something where I don't need to speak with people frequently, not customers.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 07:29:39 PM by Garbanzo »


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #21 on: April 09, 2019, 06:17:21 AM »
Drank coffee, went for a walk looked at trees blooming. Cooked some fried potato. Watched a lot of TV. Minor episodic house cleaning events. Haha. Sigh. At least I feel a little more settled about the end of the job. Still some anxiety about the future but what of it. Have to take life day by day.

Yep I will get unemployment as they let us go, we were not fired due to performance. I guess it's up to six months worth of payment. Haven't applied yet. I hope I can do something that is NOT customer related. This has been the most unhappy collection of customers I've ever delt with at least this past year because they forced us onto a special project or quit without unemployment benefits.  I pray for something where I don't need to speak with people frequently, not customers.

I can understand that, G, I would really struggle to do a job that involved a lot of interaction with people, especially if it's people with questions or problems?  Are there other kinds of work in your area?  I know it can sometimes be difficult to find something different as some areas just naturally lend themselves to certain kinds of work and that's what most people do.  What kind of thing would you like to do, in an ideal world? xx


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2019, 12:36:46 PM »
@ Hops yes I have money for a while. It will evaporate towards rent and food and medical bills most likely. They offered me a decent blob of money to stay and finish my job till they closed the department down otherwise we would all have left. It's why I stayed even though I was burnt out.

@ Two   I don't care what kind of job it is. Whatever pays the most only that I can't stand on my feet all day, feet and legs are trashed, I have to sit down. I know that is general but I learned from working in healthcare that when everything all shakes out the only thing that matters is money = survival.

Nobody needs to read this it's just a long venting moment.
Day by day, moment by moment right. Long ramble here. I'm writing this down just to make myself feel better maybe. To clear my mind of my feelings. Mainly feelings of frustration. The frustration being mainly I have had a lot of similar admin jobs, office jobs, no special skills.

l'm sitting at Starbucks waiting for a group of repairmen to get out of my apartment. They are repairing very minor things like nails protruding slightly out of the walls of the house. I'm renting like a separated MIL unit. It's expensive. A couple of people have told me their mortgages are less. This will be the fourth freaking day of them needing to enter my unit because the owner wants them to fix these stupid little blemishes all due to shoddy workmanship in the first place. Anyhow that is why I am sitting in this uncomfortable chair at starbucks listening to Starbucks music. I started from being mellow about it to a mounting irritation that they are showing up at 7:45 AM and leaving at 6:00 PM at night and all they need to do is put some touch up paint on more or less.

So I'm killing time, my shoulders are sore, I didn't have a proper breakfast meal. I went onto the website for our local employment office. I haven't contacted unemployment yet. Monday was dedicated to letting the dentist pick at me. Tuesday and Wednesday I was kicked out of my home all day. So I guess Thursday I will call them.

Oh so anyways I was looking over the workshops they offer at this unemployment office. I will probably sign up for some eventually as they count towards "job contacts" for getting unemployment checks. I really want to look into what training is available before I get pushed into just another dead end job like I've had most of my life.

I'm not feeling excited. I'm feeling pretty burnt out on jobs in general. It's not because I'm lazy. I've just spent so much of my life time at a job that is boring and only gets me by but never gets me to some sort of next level.

I'm in my early 40's now. Out of all the workshops that I was reading through the one that popped out at me the most was for people 45 and older, now I'm not that old yet BUT I am identifying with feeling OLD. I feel I have aged a lot in the last 3 or 4 years. Maybe it's genetic. I'm not sure.

I feel that I am perpetually an entry level employee, it's not satisfying, it's not dignified, not respectable. Not motivating.

l should be excited I am getting a retention bonus soon. I don't feel excited. The money doesn't seem fun. It's a buffer that I am thankful for. Though I did work for it.

What is really running through my mind is how people with GOOD jobs, real careers, real educations don't use these stupid unemployment offices, they don't go to these workshops. I liken these types of workshops as pointless. I've done this kind of stuff before when I was homeless and none of these stupid workshops had anything to do with my re-employment. I feel they are geared towards housewives who want to find a menial job for the first time in their lives. That sounds bad. I'm not sure how else to say what I mean. What I mean is that part of the verbiage for the employment office website states that it's set up to get people off welfare. It's focused on such a lowly level. I don't relate to needing to get off of welfare as I'm not on welfare. It's also not enough in 2019 to just "get people off welfare". I guess I just feel frustrated that I always fall between. Or I think I fall between. I'm neither wealthy nor in poverty, I am a souless zombie. What I am getting at is that nothing in these offices really makes people competitive in this area. It's a metropolitan area. It's standard that a person has to be a millionaire to purchase a home here.

Of course I have a very small speck of interest in some of the paid for retraining courses at community colleges. I'm just not sure how much in rent and food and savings and general life expenses that would cost me even if the schooling is paid for. AND how much of my pathetic savings should I spend on it. I am very bored. Even the basic computer program things on my resume I once could do I no longer know how to do because it's been years. It's been years since I've learned anything new it feels like. I'm worried about my brain rotting. I'm also worried that maybe I have become more dumb over the years. Is my brain aging this badly or is it because I haven't learned any new skills in probably at least ten years or more.

I guess maybe I am now considered a non-traditional student because of my age. Which means maybe I qualify for something who knows.

Maybe this all sounds negative, I'm just trying to work out my real feelings. The truth is IF there is anything useful out there for me I need my feelings of frustration to NOT get in the way. I just need to know what my options are and right now I'm not entirely sure.

I've got like 4 dental fillings I need to do and then repair two chips and repair a filling that the previous dentist didn't do well. I know this is good for me but it's not a vacation. It's not relaxing. That's okay. I'm just going to accept that for the moment I can't relax too much. It's just more about being productive. I guess I can blame myself for procrastination.

I hate jargon, I hate teams etc. In life people pay money for something they want or need. Life is so simple and basic.

Some guy came in and spoke to us he was from a union consortium group of sorts from our state capitol. He was saying how he has seen some people's lives drastically change for the better by taking doing retraining. At the same time I never understand how people afford to PAY their living expenses if they are not working. Education is always extraneous.

Something has happened I think I do feel deeply sarcastic even though I'm not an opportunistic mean person, maybe it's cynicism. What is it?  When you feel sick of people, sick of customers, sick of life, sick of systems.. lol    It's a combination of being very bored and tired. I can't imagine myself doing well during an interview right now. I don't want to be fake. The way women are meant to go further extremes to make themselves look good. I don't want to get dressed up everyday. I haven't worn makeup in years and years. I didn't want this last job I just got laid off from. I was there for at least five years and I never loved it. I never even liked it. I liked the routine, I liked having a window to look out. Having some plants on my desk. It's kind of like I am dead inside at work. Really a zombie. The employment office makes me think of zombie re-employment which makes me smile if I picture that literally. It's like a state or federal government office that isn't meant to help people live their best lives by any stretch of the imagination. The whole system is set up to get people back into the same cycle of drugery. Now I am ranting. But it's really important I get it off my chest and out of my system BECAUSE god knows I can not say this to people at the employment office, I can't say it to recruiters or anybody. I can only KNOW how I feel to myself. I have to just fill out paperwork etc matter of fact. Figure out what my real budget is and timelines for classes if I do take some which I think is very unrealistic. I'm kind of the low level of working class people.

In my last job we were more or less treated like children. It's been a VERY long time since I felt like I had free time, since I could spend my week doing whatever I need or want to do. The doctor and medical catch up appointments are no brainers. I don't think I am going to apply for jobs until May. I want to take this time for myself. I'm sick of people telling me what to do and where to go and what time I have to be there.

I need to rein myself in. I'm sad that I have wasted so much time not building a life, no retirement. It's just reality. At this point isn't it about trying to enjoy life a little bit. Like whats left of it. Pretty soon it's the 50's then it's the 60's and if people make it that far the 70's gets pretty limiting for a lot of people. Physically.

I guess I wish this re-employment wasn't haphazard or desperate. I don't want to be prodded and managed either, funneled along in a unpersonalized system. This is my f-ing life already. I need to limit the amount of time I spend in these stupid employment offices even though they encourage us to use them. Resume help I could use. I don't know how I am going to change it for a this point.

If I get up to pee someone is going to take my spot at this cafe table. I want to go sit on my rental Ikea sofa at home.

I'm even annoyed at the term "re-entering the workforce" It sounds so institutional. What is the workforce anyhow? It sounds like going to prison or coming out of prison.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 04:01:49 PM by Garbanzo »


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2019, 11:59:28 PM »
One way to phrase one thing (the last one), if you happen to make a resume that lists things this way:

POSITION [title, company, location of company, dates of employment]
Duties: Describe responsibilities, skills (Used XX skill to XX...)
Managed XX customer situations on average per week, including XX% complex problems, to high customer satisfaction
Selected for retention training group (whatever it was) due to excellent work quality

You just want to magnify and dignify all the duties/tasks/chores you performed.

Good luck,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #24 on: April 11, 2019, 06:59:43 PM »
@ Hops, True that. Facts.  :)   

So today I met up with 5 other ladies from work omg it was nice for once. All of us are temporarily unemployed, unhindered by the demands of work schedules. It was amazing for once. Not being at work.


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2019, 01:35:15 AM »
Oh G, I identify so much with everything you wrote there!  I'm endlessly baffled by the way we've got ourselves into a situation (as a society) where so many people are forced to do work they hate, that makes them ill, that leaves them too tired and fed up to follow their dreams or passions or hobbies - and only just pays enough to cover bills and pay for a coffee at the weekend.  I find it endlessly frustrating - and find it a difficult situation to get out of.  And yes, the work/training things.  I did a few when my son was younger, thinking it was just good to put a few more things on my CV.  Very basic and aimed at people who really didn't have much in the way of skills or qualifications.  They didn't seem to be pitched at doing more than shifting people from the dole into a job that paid marginally more.  It always felt to me like there's a lack of ambition or desire to help people to do their best - it's more a feeling of "that will do".  I find it soul destroying.

I hope at least they finish doing the work at your place soon - very frustrating to not even be able to put your feet up at home.  And I wish I had some suggestions of a lovely job for you to get into that would reward you without impairing your health.  I get the aches and pains that you describe and yes, I'd find it difficult to do any kind of job that required one position throughout the day, be it standing up or sitting down.  It's an odd world we live in.  I often think that we have. globally, the capacity for everyone to have their basic needs met - food, shelter, water, safety, companionship.  Yet so many people don't have those things and it does seem to me because of choices that are made at a level we have little control over.  Humans are a funny species.  I'm glad you had a nice time with your former co-workers, though.  And I hope things start to improve for you soon xx


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2019, 12:48:29 PM »
:)    Thanks Two. It's nice to be among folks who understand.

When I wrote that I really felt like I was making a childish rant. Now when I read it over again it does make sense to me. I'm tired of people saying "Don't be negative" "Negative is bad". It's really just a judgement people are putting on others when they don't like what they are hearing. Sometimes life is really hard to face. There really is a lot of dissappointment. Usually I have been dealing with life by going through motions. Waking up, eatting, throwing on the same outfit almost everyday out of ease and comfort. Making the same commute. Looking at the same strip mall and residental views. I have been surviving and I am also deeply unsatisfied.

To be honest with myself I have lost. If life was a game or a battle I have definitely lost it. I'm tired. It's hard to have any dreams at the age of 40. Thinking about school and education actually makes me incredibly angry. I think it's because I was never a bad student but the stresses of paying for life always interferred with and desire I had to go to school.

I just gave up on it and I cynically identified with the term "white trash". It's just ownership of reality. I don't even see the term as negative.

On the other hand I also resent the idea of spending so much energy/money at this stage in my life in just trying to be slightly competitive. Should I really spend thousands of dollars on trying to get new skills when I may only have 10-20 more years that I can stand to do the "workforce".

Yesterday at our ladies day out one of my coworkers said she already found a new job which she hasn't started quite yet. I already found the advert for it online and I knew what she was talking about. I read employee reviews of it, same crap we have been doing a very low level customer service gig. And it pays less. Some insurance business lol. She knows nothing about insurance by the way. These job sites are a revolving door because they don't pay people well, don't treat them well, don't train them too much. I think customer service is meant to make everybody miserable. It's almost like it's meant to punish customers for needing help. HAHA

So today should be my vacation day and I had to wake up early because there is a 3 hours window in which someone may or may not come to look at the defective washing mashine in my unit. It's brand new less than a year old. The person hasn't shown up yet, it's only a preliminary check, it's not a freaking repair visit unfortunately. So two hours later still nobody has come. I wanted them to come and go so I can use my space without being invaded.

I want to do my messy hobbies. I want peace and quiet. It's totally not happening.


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2019, 12:55:52 PM »
So I had a pattern that I painted the outline of on a canvas, it took so long to come up with the design that I didn't want to complete the painting in case I might screw it up. So I decided to make multiple doodle iterations of it. I got tracing paper and graphite paper so I could copy my own design a few times over onto small canvasses. This way I figured I wouldn't be so worried about messing anything up. Well the process of doing the copies is a little more tedious than I thought it would be. I guess I will work on that a bit. I'm tired I just want to go back to sleep. I could have f'ing slept in.


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2019, 03:59:01 PM »
G, I started a whole thread on here a little while ago (Embracing The Dark Side) that was all about embracing the negativity and not seeing it as a bad thing or something we shouldn't allow.  I'm a proactive and resourceful person and I tend to look for solutions to problems.  I'm aware I am luckier than some - I have a roof over my head, access to clean water, food, heat - basic things that many people don't have.  But - I think life does deal some people a bad hand and I feel the same way that you do - I'm mid 40s, I've worked since I was thirteen and I'm essentially a decent person - but here I am, skint, lonely, battling through my various issues that seem to just keep coming!  So yes, sometimes it does get overwhelming and it just isn't possible to draw up the energy to be positive or look on the bright side - because sometimes the bright side just isn't that bright and I feel like I'm lying to myself if I pretend it is.  And that's alright.  I think it's okay to feel crappy about a crappy situation.  We can still want it to change and do things to try to change it whilst still feeling crappy about it being crappy :) The disappointment that life isn't better is hard to deal with, I find, particularly as we get older and start to feel that we may have fewer opportunities - I find that hard to ignore sometimes.  So I do get what you're saying.  I'm glad you got a canvas out and got started on something, though.  And I hope the repair people got there eventually - waiting in for people when you don't know when they're coming is really annoying xx


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Re: March 17th
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2019, 12:44:58 AM »
Had this idea that if I had any time off which I do now I would finally (FINALLY!! Emphasized) have a chance at a flurry of creativity. I used to get flashes of creativity, I still get them every once in a while. They aren't on-demand. They operate on their own schedules. I often don't act on them anymore because sometimes it's when I am on my way to work. Sometimes I'm not at home and in the wrong place.

This is what I am thinking about at the moment. Finishing these canvases is just another chore it feels like.

Maybe tomorrow. Who knows.