Author Topic: Yard  (Read 42357 times)


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« on: April 08, 2019, 01:40:50 PM »
Moss very happy with all the rain... and the rain is soft, and consistent today. 

I've given up on moss yard, at least in the front of the house.  There are now beautiful ,more or less concentric, circles around the large old oak trees, with thick moss mixed together to form interesting "features" around every tree in the front. 

I plan to put stone circles around each tree on the trail, as they meander down either side in a pleasing way.  Have to get more stones, and that's not on list of priorities.

The Most of the front yard is covered in fallen leaf debris, and doesn't stay put.  It gets blown, and washed away... very frustrating.  Yesterday I trimmed the Hemlocks, and used those branches to pin groundcover in place after hauling wheelbarrow after wb to fill spaces back up.  I love the word Hemlock.... love the word Moss.   Hemlocks smell nice too.

I'm carving out areas of perfect moss under the leaf layer, and building up areas, filling in, and finishing up at the road around the meters, where the first stone circle is.... the water company dug up all the moss around the meters to fix a leak, and it was gravel and pine straw for months.  Not pretty.  Absolutely magical now. 

I bought a couple dark blue men's shirts to garden in.... I dislike ruining the pristine light blue and white ones I covet.   Goodwill rocks, and always has lovely cotton shirts when I'm looking.

If  I think ahead, choose proper clothing, use the right tools, and sit on the foam mats for weeding there's more pleasure in yard care.

I don't want to end up bug bit, and rashy (this year,) bc I didn't think ahead. 

So far only a few knats.  No mosquitos yet. 

Will think about the area around the mail box this year.  It's a little creek when it rains.  Thinking about making it a dry creek bed, and enlarging the leaf island, with a strip of moss along the driveway.  Will see.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 02:55:40 PM »
It sounds lovely, Lighter, and I'm glad you're enjoying working out there.  Having the right kit/clothes/insect repellent helps so much!  Lovely to have a project like that that will keep growing and evolving (even when people are digging things up to fix things!) xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2019, 04:09:25 PM »
Lighter it sounds beautiful. And healthy for body, mind and soul.

Get muddy for me, please.

Spring rain is actually my favorite weather of all weathers!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yard
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2019, 11:08:18 AM »
Tupp and Hops:

I DID get muddy yesterday digging a fairly deep trench for dry creek bed running over my property at the mailbox.

2 tons of 3 - 5 inch stones were dumped on the 3 layers of weed blocking cloth installed over a thick layer of Hemlock branches... hopefully will keep things from sinking too far into mud.

So, lots of digging.  Lots of dumping wheelbarrows of dirt bearing healthy long grass blades... not sure what to do with it, but it's in the leaf bed between the properties now.

All rocks are heaped, rather neatly, where they landed, and I'm keen to get started arranging them.

Yes, Hops... good for mind, body and spirit.  I feel amazing when I accomplish something you can SEE and enjoy in one good go.  Lots taking shape in the yard just now.

Tupp, the knats were hounding me yesterday, so I broke out the deet.  Not sure how bad that is for me, but I have to weigh it out with work breaking into hysterical swatting sessions when a bug dives for my nose or eyes... can't take that.

::shaking head::.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2019, 02:18:43 PM »
Goodwill does rock. It's really fun to check out their vintage decor and think about how it might be re-purposed.


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Re: Yard
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2019, 10:10:54 AM »
Lighter - go online & check for an all-natural bug spray called "No No-see-um". It seems pretty effective on gnats too. I started noticing them a couple of weeks ago here... down in the back 40 where the Holly Hut is designated to go.
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Re: Yard
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2019, 04:24:37 PM »
Yes, Boat.  Love Goodwill. 

Thanks for bug juice suggestion, Amber.

I'm waiting on 4 tons of 3-5" rock delivery.  He's here!


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Re: Yard
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2019, 10:09:17 AM »
Ha! You bought rocks. LOL.
Every single stroke of a trowel or shovel brings up more rocks for me. I have plenty to spare. My garden fork is much easier to dig with, as a consequence. I can wiggle it around and in between the little rocks I can't see under the dirt. Lots to "rearrange" to suit me. For me, leaves are the best thing in the world. I have spread the winter's collection over bare, shale ground, and let them sit & compost in place. Leaf mold makes the fastest "good dirt".

Right now, I'm hoping for rain. Farmer's Almanac was right about it being dry this year. The ground is still drying out from last year's monsoons and snow - but right now, there's no mud most places. The service berry tree has bloomed; redbuds just getting started. Hickories' buds are starting to pop. The local hardware store was mobbed yesterday; spring sale I guess. They were parked along the highway and walking in. The nursery's sale & party will be in a couple weeks. I haven't been there yet, as I'm still trying to catch up.

Planning a Beltane/Walpurgisnacht doin's here... and I need to get my someday "rock garden" tidied up. Building kitchen beds around two sides of the parking area... concrete blocks, and then composting stuff in the bottom before I fill with topsoil. I need to put gravel back where it should go, too, in the parking area. The "rock garden" area has boulders and LOTS of moss. I need to set up my fire pit in there... and think about moving some logs for seating. Most of the rocks are big enough to sit on too... but the whole area needs raked and tidied. I'm still designing a way to keep the gravel uphill from all of that, where it's supposed to be... and not getting shuffled downhill.

The juniper that's been "offending" my visual sensibilities... has been cut back to it's twisted, abusively pruned trunk. All those branches are composting on the downhill side of the pond dam. I need to break out a chainsaw to get those thicker trunks out of there; think the "barbie" battery one is a great one to practice with. It's not so heavy.

Freddie's food bowl disappeared (again) last night, even though it was covered. He wanted in for some reason... so I think the coons are back. Bears are up too. I have to remind Holly and Steve, while they're out tramping in the woods, because of the dogs.
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Re: Yard
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2019, 01:01:34 PM »
Beltane!  Yes, and bonfires, and I hope you guys really do celebrate together.

Youngest dd said we'd have bonfires when she gets back. 

Careful of the bears.  They're in my garbage, and the neighbor's bird feeders.

I wish I had your boulders.... I'll have to order them delivered, if I get to that.  Right now I need another couple tons of 3-5" rocks, and some kind of larger gravel that won't wash away with the rain... it's a river in my yard when it rains.  I'd like to line the trail with the smaller rocks, put 5" rocks on either side to keep them in, then put large flat pavers on top as stepping stones.  It really looks good in pictures, but not sure how I could make it work.

I'm waiting on the HVAC guy to show up.  The AC isn't blowing cold.  Darnit.

About time for a new water heater.  I'm contemplating an on demand unit, but I've had iffy performance with that in the past.  Thoughts?



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Re: Yard
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2019, 08:35:12 AM »
Maybe I'm just a dinosaur, but I don't like the on-demand heaters I've had experience with. There can be a serious delay getting the water hot, after turning on the spigot. We put one in at the beach; gas fired. On the other hand, it does require power throughout the day, to keep those big old tanks hot. So it's a trade-off.

Gotta run - generator's here.
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Re: Yard
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2019, 12:45:14 PM »
That lag time contradicts instant comfort culture but I'm a believer! I bet you could adjust to that new bit of advance thinking and adapt in a couple weeks. It'd become automatic to "preheat" the water just as you would an oven. Wish I could do one.

The thing about traditional water heaters, though their insulation has improved, is that we use fossil energy (with its emissions) 24/7 to basically keep a huge amount of hot water hot all of the time, just in case. Like a huge pot on the stove at just below Simmer all day and night for no reason. I figured since that made no sense, neither does my traditional water heater. (Not that I can wave my wand to replace it...)

I'd love most a passive solar water heater (flat black rooftop one) with a small booster heater only as needed for long cloudy stretches. Sighhhh....

But I'm getting vicarious thrills from your builds, regardless of what/how you build!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Yard
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2019, 10:57:01 PM »
I'd love love love to do solar power, but I'm tucked into a shady area, and there's never going to be that option, Hops.

Sib and I bought plants for the dry river bed this afternoon..... also picked up a $20.00 fern that's HUGE... so so lovely, from a Mexican grocery store.  Beautiful produce too.  I think I've seen ferns smaller for 44.00 at retail nurseries.... feel so good about that fern.  It's on a tall plant stand on the front porch... it sparks joy.


Tomatoes, squash, herbs, eggplants, and strawberries planted today.  I don't think the rosemary made it through the winter.  The mint came back just fine.... it worked it's way around a big pot..... came up in 3 places. 

Oh... also have lettuce in. 



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Re: Yard
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2019, 02:07:11 PM »
You've been so busy, Lighter, it's really lovely to read that things are growing and popping back up after the winter sleep :) xx


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Re: Yard
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2019, 11:49:24 AM »
My sister left this morning... very early.  I always have mixed feelings about it.

She's been in the yard, weeding, toting rocks, and puzzling them into place on the new dry creek beds.  Since we had a torrential 5.5 inches of rain in as many hours it was perfect timing for working on the stones.  Water runs from the entire neighborhood.... 2 neighborhoods actually, down to my neck of the woods.  SO MUCH RAIN.... I can see EXACTLY where the water runs.  Where ore rocks can go as it scraped the moss, and carried it off leaving just earth.  Again.  Moss can be drowned, as well. 

It was alarming, but very helpful to muck about in the rain, wearing wellies,  observing the water's path.  Lots of neighbors have flooded basements or interior leaks, including both my elderly neighbors.  One had a flooded basement, and the other had water running inside her sliding doors, and garage.  I have a bit of water in the crawl space, not much.

The timing on the dry creek beds couldn't have been better, and we added a second branch onto the main one leading to the road, and storm drain, which is where the water needs to go.  I cleaned gutters again the day after, moved new plantings about, and admired the potted plants on the front porch, happy from the rain.   Plants like rain water.  Not tap water, IME.

DD 16 in Japan.... final days of school trip, and her knee came out of socket quite badly.... she went by ambulance to the hospital, and they put it back in.  She's doing OK, and in a brace she likes, which is a huge relief.  This is the final day,  and she's ready to be home.  I'm ready for her to be home.

The journey continues.



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Re: Yard
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2019, 09:21:12 AM »
Well, last week I got all the concrete blocks - from old garden area - set to make kitchen beds around the parking area. Hol secured the stacks with rebar, but advised I need longer pieces. I've had old half-rotted firewood in that area and spread wood ash from the stoves there. I'll line the blocks (there are always gaps) with weed fabric, then fill with last year's topsoil. THEN I can plant stuff!

Mowing and trimming and tree pruning/removal is next on the list. I need fuel, service the big mower, and fire it up... and need to restock some things to keep up with the work. Mother nature is persistently a demanding task master.

Ordered 100 myrtle (vinca minor) to plant over the propane tank bank. It's bare dirt and will wash, unless I get something planted there. It's great stuff; it self propagates; and with my "problem areas" of poor soil, is really useful. Grass seed I spread is starting to sprout now, since we had a day's worth of really good rain. I still need to work out the details of a fence - the basic design - to contain the dogs.
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