Dear Bloopsy, you aren’t complaining at all. Complaining? I think you have every right to complain if you want to. Complain away, it’s okay! But it doesn’t sound like you are doing that, not to me. I want to tell you some things:
You are not a burden on the world. You are as beautiful in living as anything else which lives. You have life and life loves you just because you are! You are part of life. You belong here in the world with everyone else. You are one of us. You belong and you have a place.
‘Black hole’ fear inside is horrible. I wish I could take it out of you and throw it away, burn it up. Flames devouring a black hole until there’s only a tiny speck of dust left. I wish I could do that for you but I can’t. I don’t know how to. You have to take charge of it yourself and let the black hole go, or drive it out. Do you know what you are afraid of?
People don’t like to hear about your fear because they don’t want to look at their own fears. They say “there’s nothing to be sacred of” and that doesn’t help does it? They say it because we’re all afraid of something, and we don’t like to think about it! We’re all the same, pretending.
We’re all afraid of something. It can be fear of getting old, being dependant, being alone, we can be frightened by own anger. We are often taught that being angry is ‘bad’ and so we have to hide our anger. Being angry is okay. We all get angry.
Do you get angry with the voices that call you bad names? When I say bad things to myself in my head (like I’m useless, I’ll never do anything worthwhile, I’m too lazy, I’m pathetic) I listen for a while and have to talk back: no, I’m not useless, I can talk to people, I can type, I can listen to people. Just like you do Bloopsy.
Give up hiding who you are. We accept you and you belong no matter who you are inside. If you want to talk about the cruel voices, that’s okay too. Whatever they say, we’ll listen even if they’re as bad as bad can be. They won’t hurt us and they won’t burden us okay? What does your therapist say about your voices?
Flower is right, you deserve to have someone with you to help you with your treatments. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay to be scared.