If I picture you, Tupp, in social situations....
taking your time.... observing the people around you, and how they interact with others.
If I see you choosing a person to interact with, just one or two that day, to explore possible connections with, while considering your needs, and possible joy.
IF I see you reaching out, testing a connection... sampling it for joy..... spark.... finding it, and turning fully to it, or not. Just remaining in your space, knowing that connection is not for you, now.
And there's flow to this process. No angst. No worry. The feelings of others are their own, not Tupp's to bear. She's safe within her boundaries. Comfortable. At ease in her skin. Free to be present in the moment. Old distractions fallen away without regret or sadness.
Tupp owns the world around her, whether she feels it or not. It is HER world, and her creative spirit has room to grow within the boundaries of that good, and right ownership. Fear, and jealousy fall away, and she no longer suffers comparisons with others. There's no room within Tupp's boundaries for such useless things. Time matters. Every second is special, and precious to her.
She can hear the rain, and birds....
feel the breeze, and sun.....
sense her son's happy activity nearby....
smell fresh laundry.....
and know the cup of tea she's enjoying is the best cup of tea she's ever had.
She looks forward to social arrangements, and feels there's always just enough. She lives from a place of abundance. She cultivates abundance her friends enjoy with her. These friends bring some home, and cultivate it for themselves. Tupp is teaching, as she learns.
TUPP is the happy recipient of this undercurrent in all aspects of her life. She doesn't get ahead of herself, and worry about tomorrow. She's proactive, and does what she can in the moment, then stays rooted in the moment. Her head is where her feet are, in the here and now, and this brings more peace and joy to her life.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is a dream. Today is all we have. It's what's real.... what's in front of us now. Tupp knows this, and if she forgets, she laughs, and returns to the present. She's human, and notices this, sans judgement. She's compassionate, as always, but now she's the first to receive this beautiful kindness. She's not scattering it about, waiting for it to come back. She has enough, and there's plenty to offer the worthy people invited into her world.
There are habits, and ways of being in the world. Blocking out distractions, in favor of things we value in the moment. Attention to details that matter, instead of worrying about what comes next. What comes next is what comes next.
I love the idea of beginning every morning stretching, and cultivating a strong healthy body. I'm trying to read PAIN FREE, by Pete Egoscue. I'm trying to learn his routine to stay healthy, since I'm feeling good right now, but it's a struggle, bc I want to jump around and read about all the things I've struggled with first. My brain scan has me pegged solidly with ADD, and I see it in everything I do. It's not a relief, to know that, yet. I think it will be.
Everyone has strengths and deficits. It's what makes us who we are. Leaning into the strengths, and staying curious about the deficits.... whatever they are.... is one way to get through life. I rather like the sound of doing it that way.
I hope you're finding joy in your weekend, Tupp. I hope your garden has little gems, and surprises for you. I hope you enjoy a long lavender epson salt soak in the tub, or read about something you're interested in. I hope you go out in nature, in social situations, take time to observe those around you, spend a little time with one or two, and explore the possibility of lovely connection. The connection should be real, and reciprocal. Cultivate those connections you find nourishing, Tupp. There's time, and room to breath.