Thanks Hops & Skep. (smile emoji here) Funny about your grandma wardrobe Skep, I think if you are wearing skinny jeans how Grandma could it be heheheh. I don't own skinny jeans if anything squeezes my butt cheeks together I'm just going to be in a bad mood. Just a short reply cause I'm in need of more coffee at the moment and I don't wanna hijack the thread too much. There is something about appearances though, if one isn't quite living up to it then it can be a source of shame I guess.
In all of it there is the question of effort and attention what aspects of our life need more time and effort health beauty?
I mean there is something about how each stage of a female life one has to figure out how do I be 20, how do I be 30, how do I be 40, how do I be 50. (the stages of my mother's life seem to be defined by what men she is with) I'm just questioning myself again do I act like my age. It's not so much that I "don't feel beautiful" because I've come to a pragmatic opinion about that. It's more just questioning NOW what am I supposed to be doing. And the older we get it's like do we just go WITH the flow or is that "giving up". You know the "letting oneself go". Also employers... do they expect older women to try harder to appear youthful or put together or whatever. I feel like all of a sudden I am supposed to look classier and wealthier than I am because seems to me that is what defines older women, they have arrived. Mature, made it. I might have an older body but maybe emotional parts of me are lagging behind and I don't want to act like a 16 year old in a 40 year old body or something.
There is something more cheerful about women who make some effort. When I think about my coworkers who do make an effort and those that do not. It doesn't always effect their career though as much as one might think. I saw women get canned who put more effort into their looks than some who don't. Sometimes it doesn't matter. Can I just rant that the beauty industry has added eye lid primer, eye lash primer, face primer, lip primer and setting sprays as extra layers. I don't remember these existing before.
I think Hops mentioned Queer eye which I had never watched so I went and binged on them, they are great fun to watch. So I thought well maybe I should try makeup again, maybe I'm wrong about it....I tried makeup it burns my skin, end of story I guess. No big deal. Another season is released on Netflix now so I have to watch it, I'm addicted.
Honestly I feel like an old granny and I'm in my 40's. Am I still supposed to feel feminine, pretty, sexy etc. etc. I sort of want to be old and comfortable.
This has nothing to do with the thread. Sorry Lighter.
Lighter your post about jeans reminds me of this vid, probably it's out of style as style comes and goes like every three months. I've always thought this would be fun to try something like this diy patched jeans: