Author Topic: Gratitude today  (Read 3065 times)


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Re: Gratitude today
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2019, 07:11:50 AM »
No snow.  My BIL has snow in Canada though; )

The school cancellation might be more about high winds, than cold weather.  Trees and branches go down on roads, and power lines around here.  Lots of big old lovely trees everywhere.


A wind day doesn't conjure up the same kind of picture :)  Lol.  I hope there hasn't been too much damage :)  Today I am grateful that we're indoors; the weather is dreadful and I have no inclination to venture out again.  We've lots of food, the house is warm, we've got plenty to do inside and we don't have to go out again until tomorrow, and even that we could put off if we want to.  Very grateful for that :) xx


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Re: Gratitude today
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2019, 11:42:14 AM »
Picking up my dog from the shelter was..... very sad.  So many animals.  So much need, and suffering, and then a cat whacked him in the face with a hiss, and things got loud and fast. 

The final memory, while doing paperwork, was the old blonde shaggy lab limping over for a pet and a treat.   

I could smell tears, and despair in that room.

I gave O a bath, bc his ear infection meds had soaked into his collar making it greasy waxy... which is how he got his head out of his collar. 

We cleaned out his house, which is the old chicken coupe, moved his crate so the door blocked his access to the back of it.  He takes everything apart if you put things together so he can reach them.  We surrounded the crate with cardboard, then added fresh cedar shavings between the crate and cardboard to insulate.

I have the door hooked open, the cardboard ziptied in place, and the crate ziptied to the chicken coupe door with shavings all around.

We repaired a rotten spot, if only temporarily, and made sure it wouldn't get worse.

After leaving the shelter we drove past an amazing hardware store.  I was drawn to it, and the walls were lined with old old shelving and drawers.  There were old men rocking in the back, and commenting on everything...... I tapped my boot on old metal patches to the floor (will remember for chicken coupe patches next time!) and they commented on my twinkle toes, then on my Koala bag, which sits on my hip, and ties to my thigh, like a holster.... THE best purse I've ever owned, btw.

So, I ask about a collar, and the young man in charge takes me to an isle with several choices.... and there it is.  This amazing, and perfect singular collar.  For 20 bucks.  And I bought it, and worried about putting new holes in to make it fit before using a power drill to zing through the job quickly with a drill bit.  Why do we use hole punches?  I ask you?  Such a struggle every time.

So O dog is clean, and refitted with a collar, and bedded down with more insulation, and I'm so grateful to have him back.

My neighbor, here, not at the farm, approached me last week about bringing O dog to live in our neighborhood.  I'll bring O for a visit, and see how the dogs play... how O reacts to all the people.... the trail.... being in the house again.  I'd have to put him on a run again.  He just can't be trusted with all the deer.... he likes to chase.

We cooked a HUGE Thanks Giving meal.  Everyone went home with leftovers, and the farmhouse kitchen got a good cleaning to boot.  I took measurements of the vanities that MUST be replaced.  I noted things I needed to note.   

We played cards, and it was SO much fun.   That's not been the case for a while, but there it was.... so nice.

All in all.... the weekend was great, with much accomplished: )
