I think an attack from a pug puppy would be incredibly therapeutic! Snort, dash, attack-retreat...

Pooch has apologized, by which I mean has not.
She is so funny.
When I need comfort I'll haul her up to spoon and just talk into her ear a mile a minute. As long as I make my voice goofy and the tone go up and down in an interesting fashion, she'll listen as though Buddha decided to tell her something really important. That makes me laugh more, that she's listening to me free-associate about something ridiculous, or something serious in a ridiculous voice. So she winds up being therapeutic after all.
Knee's slowly calming down, Tupp. I think it was a good wakeup call (I if a stroke didn't do it). And you're insightful to mention the ADD could be worse under pandemic background stress. That makes a lot of sense.
The organizing stuff does intensify when fear does. My ADD alone is just scattered and deeply annoying. My ADD plus "must update will and DNR/DNI and advanced directive" and "I really should be cooking more" and "now's my chance to work on the novel but I haven't been!" on various similar loops in the just ADD-er with an edge.
Give the distancing measures, I don't feel comfortable hiring the organizer lady for another bout of help, much less the housecleaner who could do floors, tub and sheets-changing (the back-hurting parts) for me.
Then again, it's a beautiful spring day and another way I could be thinking about all this is that facing myself, by myself, and chipping away at some very bad very old habits, might change me for the good. IOW, if I manage to make headway, and there's no rational reason not to, I could come out of the self-quarantine (I'm guessing fall, earliest) feeling much stronger and more positive about myself.
That's a hope I feel good saying out loud. Not a promise (setup for guilt), but really a hope.
Thanks for listing, y'all.