Author Topic: Health Updates  (Read 39564 times)


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #150 on: January 31, 2021, 01:07:50 PM »
Oooooo, yes.
Love thinking about you relaxing for a change, with Freddy and Stinker and the mountain getting covered in magic.

So pleasing. SO beautiful. So essential for the soul.
I gripe about cold every single winter and then this happens and I think, how lost I'd be without four seasons.

I enjoyed Poldark a lot, delighted for you!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #151 on: February 02, 2021, 01:08:23 PM »
The snow was good for my mind. I'm sorry it's going away so fast.

I still am not sure why mental/emotional intensity (happy or sad) is risky for my brain. Don't like that. But...gotta face whatever is and go from there.

I've asked the neurologists if my follow-up appt (routine after going to the ED) could be over Zoom, since they already have voluminous info from that day. They're looking into it. If not, I'll go it, but this state is pretty red-alert on the new Covid surge right now. So if it's avoidable, rather avoid.

In fact, though I believe all will be well, when I was in my little ED room which had no door but a curtain, and crossed the hall back from the bathroom, I noticed staff donning PPE and the woman in the space next to me (it had a glass door) was having a red sticker placed on her door. Aaack. I asked (via "MyChart" which has worked really well for after-visit Q & As, I've found--actual nurses and/or doctors, depending on the query--write you back pretty quickly) whether I'd been exposed to Covid then and he said it sounded like my guess was correct but he thought it unlikely that I could've been significantly exposed since I wasn't in the room. Trust he's right, but I'll feel better after 2 weeks since going there have passed.

Poor M was a little freaked out by even picking me up from the hospital, even though I'd made very clear I'd take a cab...but he I sat in his back seat wearing two masks and with windows open. Confession: because he's quite anxious about exposure I didn't mention to him about the woman next door. No point. He's exposing himself to NOTHING (nor am I) so if either he or I come down with it, which I'm not expecting, I'll fess up then. But why scare him in the meantime?

In the present, I feel pretty good today. Slept well, back in sync with non-bat hours right now. And felt enough energy to tidy up kitchen and get a few more things done. At night, alone, the scary-thought-parade about future stroke can start, but I'll try to distract.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #152 on: February 03, 2021, 05:46:05 AM »
Well done with the tidying up and getting things done, Hopsie.  I find that sort of thing does calm my mind a bit.  Sorry that the lady in the next room was possibly Covid positive but I think the doc is right; very little chance of exposure if you weren't in the room with her.  And yes, probably best not to alarm M for no reason just now.

I find with my son that his brain and central nervous system react the same way to additional stimulus whether it's enjoyable or not.  A trip to a theme park (his all time favourite thing to do) can wear him out just as much as a trip to the hospital (which he finds stressful and uncomfortable).  So I wondered if something similar happens with the ADD and if any kind of additional stimulus is additional (and therefore difficult for your nervous system to process), regardless of whether it's good stimulation or not.  No idea if that is a 'thing' but it's just something I've noticed in my son over the years.  I don't know if it would be a factor in what you've been experiencing.  Perhaps neuro team might have some insight when you speak to them next (hopefully over Zoom.  I've found doing medical things online or over the phone so much easier than going in - I'm hoping they stick to it where possible in future).

I hope you're resting and enjoying Pooch even if you are missing the snow now :)  Ours was very brief and a very light fall and Spring has sprung now!  Lots of buds on the trees, bulbs coming up in people's gardens, birds singing and a very friendly cat when I was out walking this morning :) xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #153 on: February 03, 2021, 08:36:43 AM »
Thanks, Tupp. That's a great observation about over-stimulation and it's making a lot of sense to me.

I was in a brief email round with one of the neuros I saw in the ED and he pointed out that there was some concern about TIA (or mini-stroke) although no damage showed up on the MRI. I know my mother's brother had multiple TIAs, and she herself wound up with a big stroke at the end of life (after my brother had dragged her all over town one afternoon which was way too much for her at 97).

So I'm thinking your observation is seriously spot on. It may be (I hope) that if I can concentrate on ways to calm my CNS and sort of build a lifestyle around that, I might reduce my chances of a Big One.

But I'm still feeling pretty unhappy about all this kicking in when I'm barely 70. Seventy just is not old in my book because of my parents and some of their friends, but I'm starting to wonder if the sustained stress I lived under for so long, combined with genetic vulnerability, may mean I don't really have as long an old age ahead as I'd hoped.

That's what is troubling me. I am supposed to make a followup appointment at the Stroke Clinic, and have asked if it's possible to do over Zoom. If not, I can go in.

So maybe life alone in my quiet little house is actually going to be healthier for me than ever trying to adapt to another personality, particularly an intense one like M's.

A girlfriend wants me to get one of these Life Alert pendants. Ugh. I will if I have to but hate the things. A couple of the 90's-ish people I worked for had them prescribed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to wear them. And they were in Assisted Living where somebody popped in a couple times a day anyway.

Uncertainty is part of life and I really need to make my peace in advance with whatever comes. It does make me feel that updating my Power of Atty and Living Will and paperwork and filing and all that is becoming even more important though.

I'd like to feel that I can approach it all in a positive way and inch my way ahead. Even if it's for scary reasons, leaving things in good order would feel like an accomplishment. Considering the struggle of that, I'd feel like I'd climbed Everest.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #154 on: February 03, 2021, 11:14:15 AM »
Oh, how would it feel to have paperwork and home in order.  Like sunshine and fresh air, I think.

I like the sound of that.... for us all.



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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #155 on: February 03, 2021, 01:02:03 PM »
Yes yes yes.

If I had an iota of the will and self-discipline of someone like you, martial arts and physical effort and power...I would be so proud of myself. Not for the same level, no need for that, but for an iota!

The vision of order entices, the will is as flabby as the rest of me.

How'd you get that inner discipline to train your body, Light? What separates vigorous active strong people like yourself and Amber from slow crustaceans like me?

Can you imagine a preschool-Pilates kind of approach? I've gotten some resistance bands with an old-lady little exercise chart. I think getting muscle tone started again with those would be GREAT. So why ... am ... I ... not ... starting. Where'd my will go? When young my will was scattered and unreliable but I never lost the ability to believe again, get excited again, set a goal again. Now, I treat goals as shame-carrying enemies.

Where I'm paralysed, is in finding the will to do it. That's probably T-territory, will talk about it with her today. She thinks a kind of early invisibility taught me to train myself with equal dedication to not "be". As in, be strong and present in my body. Take up space. As in, glad to exist, just to not be flinching unconsciously. Like that's ENOUGH. Hmmmm.

She didn't put it quite that way, but I think that's the gist of it.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #156 on: February 03, 2021, 04:03:31 PM »
It's not always easy for me either Hops. Sometimes I have to overrule the "I don't feel like its" that come up; forcibly walk away from distractions; and just start somewhere (because if I wait for inspiration for the "right place" to start... well...)

But there's a kind of negative feedback loop that happens if I give in to those "don't feel like its" all the time. I start getting molasses in February thoughts... stuckness... not feeling good... sleep all messed up... shame: you lazy, weak, ineffective.... and methinks it's EXACTLY those stuck thought tape-loops that grow and magnify in "importance" - as in a priority to deal with; a prerequisite to actually doing what needs doing.

At some point in the process of healing, I became conditioned to spending more time focused on my thoughts & feelings - to exclusion of the other necessaries. And that threw me all out of wack. The magic formula for me, is actually the opposite -- the more I physically do, the less I feel the other parts of me are suffering any lack of work or attention. That when I'm more active, they NEED less attention.

If that makes any sense. Somewhere a long time ago, I read something about "types" of personalities (always a dangerous premise) - but it was based on physical orientation, mental or emotional. And the idea goes on to propose that this is more than one's perception/engagement in living... it becomes the primary life activity center. Balance requires all three getting the needed "exercise", is what I finally came to with all of that.

Some days I do better at that balance than others.  ;)
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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #157 on: February 04, 2021, 06:41:52 AM »
Thanks, Tupp. That's a great observation about over-stimulation and it's making a lot of sense to me.

I was in a brief email round with one of the neuros I saw in the ED and he pointed out that there was some concern about TIA (or mini-stroke) although no damage showed up on the MRI. I know my mother's brother had multiple TIAs, and she herself wound up with a big stroke at the end of life (after my brother had dragged her all over town one afternoon which was way too much for her at 97).

So I'm thinking your observation is seriously spot on. It may be (I hope) that if I can concentrate on ways to calm my CNS and sort of build a lifestyle around that, I might reduce my chances of a Big One.

But I'm still feeling pretty unhappy about all this kicking in when I'm barely 70. Seventy just is not old in my book because of my parents and some of their friends, but I'm starting to wonder if the sustained stress I lived under for so long, combined with genetic vulnerability, may mean I don't really have as long an old age ahead as I'd hoped.

That's what is troubling me. I am supposed to make a followup appointment at the Stroke Clinic, and have asked if it's possible to do over Zoom. If not, I can go in.

So maybe life alone in my quiet little house is actually going to be healthier for me than ever trying to adapt to another personality, particularly an intense one like M's.

A girlfriend wants me to get one of these Life Alert pendants. Ugh. I will if I have to but hate the things. A couple of the 90's-ish people I worked for had them prescribed and it was like pulling teeth to get them to wear them. And they were in Assisted Living where somebody popped in a couple times a day anyway.

Uncertainty is part of life and I really need to make my peace in advance with whatever comes. It does make me feel that updating my Power of Atty and Living Will and paperwork and filing and all that is becoming even more important though.

I'd like to feel that I can approach it all in a positive way and inch my way ahead. Even if it's for scary reasons, leaving things in good order would feel like an accomplishment. Considering the struggle of that, I'd feel like I'd climbed Everest.


I think sustained stress can cause all sorts of problems, Hopsie, so it may well be that this situation has come upon you sooner than it may have done if you'd had a less stressful life (or fewer long term stressful events, depending on which way you look at it).  And I think unhappiness (or anger, resentment, self pity, bitterness etc) are perfectly normal responses to realising that you might not be able to rely on something you had previously thought you could (like health, or an income, partner, family support - there are so many ways we can have the rug pulled out from under us).

But equally I think it is possible to minimise health problems and to readdress stress balances (or imbalances in general) and I do think most of us have things we can try to see if they help a little.  One thing I did find helpful early on with my son was to keep a very detailed diary - how much sleep he had, what he ate, drank, where we went, which activity, indoors, outdoors, who was there, noise level, time of day/year, what was the weather like and so on.  That may be too much fussing for the ADD to feel comfortable with but I found it very helpful in identifying the various threads that stressed him out, even when they were nice things we were doing.  The other thing I found with my son (and this was a pattern that emerged over time) was that he often had delayed responses to things.  He'd cope really well with a busy day out at the weekend (friend's wedding springs to mind as one example) and everyone commented on how well he'd coped, behaved, played with the other kids and so on.  But two days later he could barely get out of bed, couldn't lift a fork to his mouth, toileting reverted to something similar to a two year old and so on.  So you'd likely not need to write everything down as you're observing patterns and changes in yourself but you'll probably notice more now that you've become more aware that it might be relevant.

I do also find hands on complementary therapies so useful for resetting my system (and for son as well).  I know some may be too woo woo for you but there is a fair amount of science supporting some of them now as well (osteopathy and acupuncture springing to mind as the two I use the most that are fairly widely regarded here as being of use for a whole range of health problems).  It might be worth investigating a bit for a time when hands on contact is okay again - just suggestions as I find them helpful and of course feel free to skip past :)

I sometimes get more paperwork done when I'm in a furious mood :)  I sometimes find being angry gives me an energy to wizz through stuff I don't want to deal with, be decisive about it, get things sent off and put away.  I once had to spend an entire afternoon renaming files on my computer because I'd saved so many things as the way I felt about that particular person at that particular time:  "B**tard w*nk face doctor" and "t*t w*nk scum drops social worker" and things like that :)  It had been good to vent but wasn't conducive to finding paperwork again when I needed to.  I only mention it as you mention approaching the paperwork in a positive frame of mind being helpful - just in case going at it in a pissed off frame of mind gets things moving as well :)

I hear you on the Life Pendants!  It's hard to use those sort of things sometimes, it can feel like you've given in to it all.  Maybe daily check ins with a couple of different people so at least if something does happen you won't be there for days before anyone realises (as we know Pooch has proved herself to be less than useful during emergencies!).  Or an app?  Do you have a smart phone?  There is one someone told me about that I keep meaning to find for son; you just press the app and it immediately alerts whoever you've programmed it to contact and gives them your location.  Might be a compromise in a rock and a hard place situation.  It's not easy, especially when it's an unknown future.  Could be nothing else ever happens.  But there are a whole load of what ifs around well, what if it does?  It's not easy to deal with.  I know you're good at researching and checking things out but do shout if there's anything you want me to look into for you - extra pair of hands and all that xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #158 on: February 04, 2021, 08:52:43 AM »
It's SO nice to start the day with laughter, Tupp! This just cracked me up:

once had to spend an entire afternoon renaming files on my computer because I'd saved so many things as the way I felt about that particular person at that particular time:  "B**tard w*nk face doctor" and "t*t w*nk scum drops social worker"

Snort. I actually think that was a brilliant way to cope.

I'm glad you raised "self pity" because whether it's understandable or not, I do not want to get stuck there. I've been lucky and privileged in a million ways for a very long time. What you've gone through (and go through) to keep your son and yourself safe and sane is just staggering to me.

No need to fix or do research for me, honestly, though it's very kind of you to offer. I've been venting a lot here and getting out a bunch of disappointment and fear, is all. Some of it personal (can't get my D off my mind suddenly) and some in response to the world.

All is change, this too will pass and thank you for caring, ((((Tupp)))).

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #159 on: February 04, 2021, 11:28:30 AM »
I'm glad it made you laugh, Hopsie, and I hope it didn't seem that I was implying that you're self pitying - far from it, I think you're incredibly stoic and pragmatic in everything you do - just that if you did feel a bit that way for a bit it would be perfectly okay (I know I've had many "why me?" moments over the years and I think it's perfectly natural).  I do understand what you mean about not wanting to get stuck in any particular mindset though, but you're so self aware I think it unlikely that you'd get stuck anywhere xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #160 on: February 06, 2021, 10:31:15 PM »
My world has been brighter all day long.

For a change I went to sleep without some stupid show but instead with Beethoven on. I think it changed everything because I woke up and wrote a long poem about aphasia; worked on it off and on all day. I haven't done this serious work in ages.

It felt so GOOD to write again, like counterpunching that scary thing that threatened to take my words away.

Not able to share it, apologies, but I know it's good and am going to send it out to see if it gets picked up for publication. Haven't bothered to do that in ages and it's nice to start caring more about that too.

This sounds melodramatic but when I finish a poem I feel particularly satisfied about, I often think to myself: I could die now. ('COURSE I have no interest in doing that, it's just a perverse way of expressing how relieving and happy it feels.)

Dunno whether this belongs on the health thread but it's like coming back to life.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #161 on: February 07, 2021, 08:54:15 AM »
It does belong Hops. I find Beethoven to be very therapeutic; and select pieces from other composers too.

Glad you got the poem worked out and polished up. My painting has been turned to the wall - LOL - it served it's purpose, letting me safely express and offload months & months of frustration, anger, and the darkest most negative thoughts & feelings I'd had in a few years. It was like bloodletting... only emotional.  ;)
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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #162 on: February 08, 2021, 12:40:27 PM »
That is just amazing, Hops!  Do you think it was the Beethoven?  I've read about sound therapy type stuff before; one of those things I always mean to read more about.  How amazing.  And how great that you can channel everything into something so amazing and satisfying.  Will be so amazing if that gets published :)  Imagine how much it may help other people in a similar situation?  I do think poems sometimes find the people that need to read them.  How incredible.  I hope the happy feeling stays with you :) xx


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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #163 on: February 08, 2021, 01:06:22 PM »
Thanks, Tupp. I do think the Beethoven set the stage.
I had neglected to listen to classical for quite a while (stupid reasons like not resolvig the music tech question in a way that works in my bedroom)....and it's very grounding for me to do it.

I love Beethoven a lot and it really did the CNS-calming, comforting thing it always does. When I was a child that was one major source of comfort. My Dad would stack SIX 33s on the hi-fi spindle and every single night I went to sleep on waves of transcendent sound. No matter what bullying or sorrow the day had brought, when I entered sleep I was in the company of beauty and feeling that were beyond the present. (Many nights I also stayed awake hiding a light under the covers so I could keep on reading fiction, which was my other comfort....I need to return to that now too, instead of watching things--I've gotten dependent on the "sound of shows" because it blunts the tinnitus, but classical music would do that far more helpfully.)

Baby steps. It's still walking in the right direction!

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Re: Health Updates
« Reply #164 on: February 08, 2021, 03:52:01 PM »
I'm so glad you're feeling joy over your poem, Hops.  What an amazing shift from a bit of self care.

:: crossing fingers::
I hope it's published soon.
