I planned to get out into the yard at 7:30, barefoot in the moss, early morning rays hitting my retinas, with sitting meditation fitted into the same time slot. What could get better than that? Well, the moss was covered in sporophites, and baby girl pug wanted to enjoy the overcast cool morning too, so she came with.
Then she found the yellow jacket nest.
I tried to knock them off her.
They stung me.
I ran.
Pug didn't follow... she just gave up, leaning silently into tall grass, looking at me. There was a lot more running, screaming, and encouraging the Pug to run, but she had to be saved. I left my phone, and coffee, and got us both to the house where I found the last bee in her right ear. She was pitiful.
After deciding which vet to take her to, bc she was collapsed and refusing peanut butter, we got there, then decided to insist regular vet take her instead. The morning was shot, and pug isn't allergic to bees.
I read reviews. I write reviews. That emergency vet clinic had too many bad reviews.
I found the nest this afternoon, then waited till dark to deal with it. I'll deal with another nest tomorrow. Volunteers, working on neighborhood sign, were stung.
Yellow jackets are crazy. We wouldn't even know they were there, if they didn't come after us, and swarm like they do. Just walking close to the nest, and not right over it, sets them swarming. Everybody be careful, and watch where you walk.