Author Topic: the personal is political, and vice versa  (Read 1712 times)


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the personal is political, and vice versa
« on: October 02, 2019, 04:15:51 PM »
Nothing to say about politics, honestly. I promise not to go there.

But I CAN say that one of the things wrong with me lately is enormous anxiety and reactivity to news, which I'm consuming at an unhealthy rate.

Just wanted to mention how the outer world messes with our inner worlds.

I need to stop consuming news for hours every day. It will take discipline because it's a deep habit.

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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2019, 07:39:53 PM »
Hi all.  It's been quite awhile since I've checked in here.  This board was a great help to me some years ago in figuring out my family situation.  A couple of recent topics resonate with me.  I've gone on an almost "no news" diet in recent years.  It's helped my inner world immensely.  I'll find out about the  really important issues one way or another anyway. Can't even log into a computer without at least seeing the headlines.   All the daily details of the latest scandals are of no use.  And along with this diet, I've distanced myself from people who spend too much time talking about the news. 


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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2019, 03:23:48 PM »
Thanks, SilverLining.

That's a really good reminder for me.
I've been somewhat obsessed with the blow by blow.
Consuming too much media (even though I use excellent sources)
really isn't good for me.

As caught up in it all as I am, I think it's actually partly (only partly)
another form of avoiding my own goals and the many things I CAN do
to make my life more rewarding and secure.

Really. Thanks.

And hope you keep coming back!

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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2019, 07:58:34 AM »
Today is my opportunity and obligation to carry out the sacred duty as a citizen (and human being) to

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2019, 07:10:05 PM »
Thanks, ((((CB))))!

Very small turnout for our local election today, best I can tell.
But usually that's because one party (fortunately mine) is pretty much of a lock.
And it's REALLY hard for working people to vote before or after 8-9 hours of work.

Anyway, deed is done and I'm always glad I vote.

If we all can survive the tension and polarization until change comes, hope will return.
Thanks for the encouraging perspective. I'm noticing those positive stories too. And
I'm all in for a very unusual and to me inspiring candidate.

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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2019, 08:01:33 AM »
Watched both days of hearings feeling an unusual combination of horror and hope.
Next week I'll also be glued to the tube.

(One happy thing with M is we're on the very same page politically, so we can vent together.)

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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2019, 10:42:59 AM »
You're brave, Hops!  I avoid listening to as much as possible.  The media here are just dreadful - mostly owned by billionaires so you can imagine the slant that's put on most things.  I know what my principles are and there are only two options for me - my preferred party only ever get a small percentage of the vote so I will go with my other option for this election.  But you are very brave to keep submerging yourself in it all :) xx


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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2019, 08:12:22 PM »
I'm heading in your direction, Tupp.
I don't think I've been brave to absorb so much of it, as obsessed.

Today for the first time I scanned all the headlines, registered how awful most of them are, and chose not to read the articles.

It was a new behavior, and I think I need to do it more often.

I know apathy and withdrawal isn't right, but we do have a year until the election, and I think by spring I should have my mojo back for active volunteering. In the meantime I have an automatic donation clicking along every month, so in that small way I'm doing a tiny part. And I do write I-hope-convincing letters/comments in the two major papers. I have friends eyeballs-deep in efforts that I admire. M did decide to donate to the candidate I'm also for, and that feels good. I had the feeling he wasn't much into that, but he sure is eloquent about what's wrong. (He saw things in Central America that gave him a very different outlook on what can happen to democracies...anywhere. And teaching cultural history, the rises and collapses of various things since the Middle Ages, gives him a perspective too.)

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Re: the personal is political, and vice versa
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2019, 02:06:40 AM »
I'm heading in your direction, Tupp.
I don't think I've been brave to absorb so much of it, as obsessed.

Today for the first time I scanned all the headlines, registered how awful most of them are, and chose not to read the articles.

It was a new behavior, and I think I need to do it more often.

I know apathy and withdrawal isn't right, but we do have a year until the election, and I think by spring I should have my mojo back for active volunteering. In the meantime I have an automatic donation clicking along every month, so in that small way I'm doing a tiny part. And I do write I-hope-convincing letters/comments in the two major papers. I have friends eyeballs-deep in efforts that I admire. M did decide to donate to the candidate I'm also for, and that feels good. I had the feeling he wasn't much into that, but he sure is eloquent about what's wrong. (He saw things in Central America that gave him a very different outlook on what can happen to democracies...anywhere. And teaching cultural history, the rises and collapses of various things since the Middle Ages, gives him a perspective too.)


I used to be very active with all sorts of causes, Hops, but it can get very tiring and I think the arrival of social media created a whole system of communication that has no rules or etiquette and is very open to abuse, for no reason other than it's very easy to abuse people that way without any kind of come back.  So I think dropping back is fine; we all do what we can and if that is donating some money or time, or just being supportive then that's just grand.  My Nan was very active politically for years and as she got older she could do less, so she became the tea stop.  When they were all out campaigning and leaflet dropping everyone knew they could stop in at hers for tea and sandwiches and local people knew if they wanted to ask a particular question they could pop round for a chat.  All very informal but it kept her involved and we all need tea and sandwiches!  So I think you are doing a good amount just as you are and you don't need to read every bit of hideousness to keep up with it all xx