Author Topic: Thoughts on what happens when we die  (Read 1658 times)


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Thoughts on what happens when we die
« on: October 11, 2019, 07:17:05 AM »
I wanted to start a thread about what happens after we die.  I think I spent 3 hours pondering this on the road yesterday.  I have thoughts.  ::nodding::.

I believe our energy is released into the space around us when we die... energy can't be created or destroyed.... has to go somewhere. 

It's my feeling that whatever emotions we're holding GO WITH US.  If we're tunnel visioned on ONE upsetting or happy or angry thought... I think that's our experience for a very very long time... maybe without end.  Not sure about that one.

Can we choose to work on it?  Change it?  Come back and try again in another life?  I don't know.
 hether we understand this, and can choose to come back into the world as a sentient being, again,  to work it out... not sure. 

A friend who dabbles in energy work said my spirit didn't want to come back when I was born, but my twin talked dragged  me back into the world.  Who knows?  I will say that my life experience has always included twin asking me to join in, do things, go along with while I drag my feet, and resist.  It's a thing

I can tell you this.  I believe there's some higher organized power/intelligence.  Not bc I was raised to believe, my mom liked the candlelit services, and stained glass.  I believe bc of my personal experience.  I was an iconoclast, not a believer.  I was sure we died, and everything ended.
 Darkness.   Nothing more.  I was hopeful that was the case.

As I feel we take the emotional energy with us when we die, I'm prioritizing finding my "chill."  Youngest dd said I have no "chill."  I'm sure she's right, and I'm certainly USED to have chill. 

Whether we take our emotions with us, or not, I'll benefit from cultivating serenity and acceptance in the now.

I slept with the window open last night, and it feels like fall, picking apples, and drinking cider.  It feels like wearing jackets, bonfires, and gatherings.   It's a really nice feeling.


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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2019, 09:31:17 AM »
Mind if I just drop some observations at random Lighter? Today starts another busy cycle for me on the farm so I don't have a lot of time to ruminate out loud yet.

I have SEEN and FELT the release of energy you described. A couple of times. I'm still learning about the different ways people approach that release. It can be very different. Ego, in all the different ways we understand that part of us - seems to simply STOP, just prior to release of the body by the self-energy, soul or spirit (whatever words we like). And it IS the energy that releases the body; not the other way around.

I have been aware of what is on the "other side" for most of my life - but never really settled my understanding of what it's like at all. That release happens when a door or gateway opens and beckons the spirit to enter the warmth and hospitality (for wont of a better word) of an actual life-saving shelter. The self at the center of this transition has already let go of all it's connection to things on this side. All interest, curiosity, knowing, caring... it simply slides through that opening and is completely IN a new place.

But that bit of understanding or explanation for myself, leads me to feeling terrible for accident victims; especially those who never see it coming; they're simply here - then there. With no awareness (that I can possibly know) of the transition. IMO, that transition is an important chunk of life; our life HERE. And we don't hardly understand it; none of us.
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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2019, 02:42:48 PM »
Agnostic to my cells, I will go into dying not knowing.
And that's okay with me.

I could guess...
I felt my Dad's presence for a long time after he died.
I didn't feel my mother's.

I think my Dad was PRESENT, in my life. And loving.
So that made sense. My mother was absent.

I know that I was alone with him when he died and that
in the last moment his expression changed, and the best way I
can describe it was that a blast of wonder came over his face.

I trusted him, emotionally. He also was devout (never preaching,
just christlike). And he was a geographer, ever curious about the

So it makes sense to me that as a humble explorer, he went down that
tunnel toward the light with faith, trust in the god he believed in,
curiosity, openness...and when he hit that massive light, it all opened
up, and he was pure awe, wonder, and amazement. I figure he just
merged with it, in a way, and the loss of individuality was not a loss.

If god is love and ONLY love, no books or arguments involved, then
I could believe. As it is, I think I'm permanently agnostic, so my
thoughts about afterlife are simply, I don't know but I remain open.

I hope I will go out with a blast of wonder, and love. But I don't know.

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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2019, 07:52:28 PM »
I was raised Catholic with lots of rules and regulations ......I had 12 years of Catholic School and that includes 9 years of girls Catholic School 4th grade to 12th......I will tell you right now I hated it.....I was with Nuns who were suppose to be dedicated to be Christian.......well when you see a nun take a girl by her ponytail and knock the girls head into a slate blackboard.....I question why are they a NUN???
Of corse MN had me in the school to make herself look good......
I no longer believe in organized religion....I think it is all so different from what these nuns and priests do....
When I read Many Lives Many Dr. Brian Weiss.......a Jewish therapist.....well that also changed how I felt about God and what happens when we die.....
I am at I believe in God......I believe what Dr. Weiss......wrote......HMMMM
I don't believe in controlling religions who tell you if you eat meat on Friday are don't go to Church on Sunday your going to Hell......Ive already been to hell being raised by a Borderline with Narcisstic traits.....Mother.....asshole
How dare them ......
I will continue the balance of my life trying to be kind and loving and make mistakes at times.....doing my best not a  perfect life.
I am grateful for my husband Bill and my six kids.....and thank God for them.....and you friends too!
Thanks for this topic Hops.....


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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2019, 07:54:19 PM »
Thanks Lighter.....xoxo Bettyanne


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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2019, 08:44:52 PM »

Keep us posted.
Let those Ns live in the PAST, not suck up your precious present.

As much as you can.
It's hard to do...but you can do it.

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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2019, 10:03:35 AM »
I like the Scooby Doo notion of ghosts and that's what I like to think happens when we die :)  I'd like to be a helpful ghost to nice people and I hope there is some sort of set up where you get to talk at length to people who wouldn't listen to you when you were alive :) I love the idea of being able to wander around the shops on Halloween without anyone realising you're a real ghost :)  Lol.

My son and I have been going on these ghost walks with a local medium.  We live in a very old town with a long and often violent history and the lady that does the talks is a brilliant story teller and really brings the tales to life.  A lot of the buildings are supposed to be haunted and there have been many (apparent) sightings.  Her view of the afterlife is that you just carry on as you did before but with new people living in your old house :) xx


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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2019, 10:26:18 AM »
Oh, I got chills reading about your interesting haunted tours, and storytelling adventures, TUPP! 

::happy clapping::.

Are you guys Trick-Or-Treating this year?

I have some of my ghosts and monsters hanging in the yard, and on the house.  I'd like to make a great big monster out of the broken basketball goal.



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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2019, 10:55:40 AM »
I hope there is some sort of set up where you get to talk at length to people who wouldn't listen to you when you were alive

Tupp, thanks for giving me a needed LAUGH! That was brilliant.


I hate Halloween because almost all of it is commercial now.
(Never liked being scared anyway; you can't pay me to see a horror movie.)

I did like Casper the Friendly Ghost a LOT. Still do!

Maybe he's waiting at the Pearly Gates (just to get back to Lighter's topic...)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Thoughts on what happens when we die
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2019, 07:00:30 PM »
I go onto After life on my computer.  Person who runs it's name is Bob Olson.   Lots of people who speak with people who have passed and other people having near death experiences, etc
They also say we have experience this many times and have lived many lives?  but its blocked every time we are born again into a new body???
I find it all very  interesting......
Maybe our lives are full of lessons.....I know having this life with a Borderline and N person it sure was painful but I don't need to repeat that and realize I needed to have protected myself by separating myself from her but I didn't that's the lesson......
I have also heard the other side is beautiful and very loving..
I am 76 now so here I go again......haha