Author Topic: Farm Doin's - 2020  (Read 70670 times)


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #45 on: February 04, 2020, 11:49:32 AM »
There is work to be done Hops. Since it seems we're having a mild-ish winter, I'm taking advantage of the "early season" schedule for contractor's tradesmen. Getting the bathroom remodeled, I think. Contractor will come look at it tomorrow or Thurs. Whichever day is full on rainy.

The end of this month and beginning of March are going to be totally insane, due to Hol's life stuff. But it also means I should have a couple months completely to myself - with probably some weekend visits from the kids. John's been talking about a trip to Vegas so he'll be gone awhile too.

And it sounds like work begins again on the fireplace demo. This day 3 for us working together on it.

Off and running now.

-------------------- ETA-------------

Shortly after I posted, he called to run the "idea" he had last night past me. He saw me post about the Ham Antenna I'm planning to put up. Wants to know if it would be OK, to come visit and stay a week - while he helps me. About mid-March - which is when Hol & Steve will temporarily be in Baltimore while she's working.

Guess who's over the moon?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 01:40:31 PM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #46 on: February 04, 2020, 10:18:09 PM »

Great timing, Mr. B!

So happy for you, Amber.
Soon he'll be near enough to put your arms around.


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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2020, 07:46:48 AM »
Oh, thank God.

I'm so glad you're over the moon about B's potential visit and not in need of some downtime.

I'm a bit over the moon too...picturing you and Buck installing a...
:: checking what Amber wrote.... ham radio.... antenna? Tower?::.

Ham Antenna.
That's it!
::imagining something very tall, very heavy requiring equipment and math::.

I can picture you two happily tackling that project together.... it just feels so right! 
You've been so patient. 
You've waited so long.

I hope the visit is everything you want it to be, ((Amber.))



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2020, 12:47:31 PM »
Hey, Amber,

I was really interested in what you posted on CB's thread, thought I'd reply over here as it might turn into a rambling hijack (my major).

I like the idea that the search for "purpose" can become another "should." Well worth pondering, imo. Amazing how trendiness creeps into our most private/sacred spaces.

It's funny how we remember things (or in my case, often can't...). I don't remember ever advising you to seek your "purpose" but I could have. I'm sure I yammered on a lot about you finding yourSELF.

I normally tend to be leery of the word "purpose" in the context of searches for meaning or illumination or insight or some form of faith (or whatever) because it reminds me of Christian code-talk (from the book The Purpose-Driven Life) and that makes me uneasy. Not that people shouldn't do that or see their lives that way, if this structure works for them. I'm just allergic to special spiritual sauces.

I hope I haven't been pouring that on people. Ain't qualified.

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #49 on: February 08, 2020, 10:17:29 AM »
No worries, Hops.

It was back when I was flailing a lot after Mike died; and trying out words to try to talk about things I felt; realized; pondered. And it wasn't made as a "prescription"- it was just feedback about what you heard me talking about. One of many I got in those days!! But I heard it and pondered it; and what I told CB is what I came to for myself out of that process.

Holly is grappling with this now; and I think in her case - she's taking on some "purpose" that really doesn't belong to her; that she imagines "someone has to do". I just can't tell her that. LOL. Better to let her discover it on her own.

Things are about to be absolutely crazy here. Monday, the contractor demos my master bath. Have to let flooring place know how much tile to order; new vanity is ordered. I think by the time they move the plumbing & electric - the tile will be in. Vanity could take longer. Might even be done by the time Buck comes to visit.

We're trying to decide hardwood or carpet for the bedroom. Carpet is fast AND easy. But as far as hardwood being cold in the morning on warm toes... they DO make large rugs. I think I'm leaning to the carpet. Thick soft squishy carpet. LOL. There's some pilates, yoga & tai chi I NEED to start doing again. It helps to have a soft floor to do that on (maybe not the tai chi). That room is going to have the most floor space (except for the studio).

Holly Hut almost melted down last week - coz the windows came in and weren't the sliding style she wanted. Only ONE was; the rest are double hung. But they are VERY nice windows... and in the end, she accepted them, because of more air flow through her bigger windows (sliders would've had a fixed center pane in the triple width) and because it would've delayed work a whole month - plus cost me more money. It was a close call and I started talking her off the warpath the night before she woke the contractor up the next morning. LOL.

Reason I'm getting the master bath done so quick is it's supposed to rain all next week and the Hut still doesn't have power or heat. Hol is going to be tasked with putting the solar panels on the rack - and I guess perhaps John will help her - since S doesn't seem to want to work on the house where he's planning on living. (?? Eventually, Hol is going to take him to task for that. My lips are sealed.) Not sure they can work in the mud either. But there isn't much time now, till her court date and the probably of a week & a half; could be MORE/LESS; of jail time. Then the day she's released she has to be packed up to move to B'more for work. And she won't be around for 2 months, minimum.

So, whirlwind Amber is in motion and not slowing down. YET.

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2020, 12:23:30 PM »
Hi,  Amber!

Just wanted to mention you could put heated tile in your master bath and bedroom.   If it's on one control it might be as cheap to do both rooms as one?
Maybe?  It's been many years since I looked into that, so there's likely tons of new info and products.  I really enjoyed a heated bathroom floor when i had one. 

You sound great.  Get stuff done: )



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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2020, 01:54:14 PM »
Yeah, no... on the heated floors. Master is right over the furnace - and it's the warmest place in the house (coolest in a/c weather). The worry about cold floors belongs to Buck - but I understand it having lived in some old houses over the years. I'll probably have to turn the heat down for him, when he visits. LOL.

When it dawned on me that February was going to be this busy - I just dove right in and started herding all my "little kiddies" in the same direction. Might as well get a head start on spring stuff (or what normally waits to spring) and then, when it's suffocatingly hot in August - I'll be ahead of the game. No long winter nap for me this year. And working on that bathing suit body - moving LOTS of heavy stuff around right now. LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2020, 03:35:58 PM »
Well I invite you to make house slippers available for B, in whatever style you think complements him best, then not worry about the floors.  Your master sounds like it's perfectly placed for maximum comfort at minimum trouble.

Do you think your kicking it into gear and herding cats in ONE direction had something to do with the cats calming down?

My kids do better when I'm busy, engaged and moving very fast just to keep up with what's on my plate.

Oldest seeks me out, talks about funny things, is very animated and engaged... wants to snuggle.... just a complete difference in the girls when I'm in a good busy space.





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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2020, 10:01:48 PM »
Carpet thought. I personally loathe laminate because of the poisonous (and odorless) VOCs that release for the life of it...and I love genuine hardwood.

I'd go for lovely rugs with deep wool or felt pads beneath. Reason is that carpet is just about THE biggest source of allergens in the home, and sucks up soooooo much yuck from indoor life that it simply can't be eliminated by any vacuum ever invented.

It does feel good though!

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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2020, 09:17:58 AM »
Yeah Hops, I ran through pros & cons of both hardwoods and carpet out loud to Buck - and still haven't heard back. We both have seasonal allergies to the greater/lesser extent; and I'm particularly sensitive to dust. So, I'm thinking I'm leaning to hardwoods. The other thing, is that Buck is always going to a small residual amount of this infection in his bloodstream - even as knocked down as it is.

And he tends to hurt himself resulting in bleeding a good bit. He's absolutely OCD fearful of accepting any help for fear of contaminating someone. I understand, of course. But he really is overdoing it. So hard, non-porous surfaces seem like a good idea.

I dunno Lighter, about the herding cats question. I do know for sure, that John has effectively helped the situation. From what I gather, from his explanation of this journey he's on, since I don't know him well... is that it's a "Johnny Appleseed" kind of thing. He is still going new places; places to feed his artistic creativity - museums, new restaurants, etc (he last worked as a chef) and eventually, in the near future will need to settle in somewhere into whatever his new "thing" is going to be. He'd communicated with Hol after the arrest - hopped in his van and was here 3 days later from the west coast. He was THAT concerned about her state of mind; and what all she was living through at the time.

His intention is to be as objective as possible and HELP in any way he can - and is allowed to. So, John and I have spent some long nights talking, comparing notes - he needed to see that Holly in her 20s has become this new Holly in her 40s and accept it. We accomplished that. Then there were the boundary issues: Hol's re: Steve, Mine, Hers & mine vs John's ideas... etc. All that has been comfortably and successfully navigated now. His mind is more at ease; she's not transferring her anger at other people onto me as much; I'm giving myself a bit of distance from all the drama before I say a thing; so not just instinctively reacting. And I'm making small, and gentle approaches to Steve (because according to Hol, I scare the bejesus out of him and he's sooooooooooo sensitive.) That pleases her.

John has also spent all night some nights talking to Hol. Giving her, his perceptions and understanding of what he sees around here. (Yes, he's done some therapy too.) And because of their long friendship, and maturation of themselves over the years, she's a bit more open to his presentation of topics/issues than from me. Whatever works, right?

So, all in all, it's been truly helpful to have him here. He was someone patient enough to hear me, as I slowly get the words out about my feelings... and not talking over me. He's validated, confirmed, & challenged some things. We don't have the emotional connection that Hol & I do; and the attendent complications. He's that and more with Hol. I think his venture has been successful. Add in that he truly loves to work - and has skills & tools - and his way of working is close to mine... (Hol's isn't)...  and I've been able to give him a home base for him to enable this journey he's on - for himself. So, many of my little projects are completed. Because he's now comfortable that everything is going to be OK, with Hol he can focus more on himself and another friend who is around this coast, searching too. He's watched me go into action (after I sorted out the confusion of the gaslighting & transference crap she still isn't completely aware of) in my interactions with her....

and is comfortable with my understanding of what's been going on & why.  No, it wasn't any of his business. But he does truly care about Hol as a human being; and this is a lifelong friendship for the two of them. He doesn't have any romantic fantasies about her... per se. And I've been able to give him some insight into what I know for a fact, about her, and her relationships - and how she's evolving through the classic co-dependent stuff.

Building the house has been a god-send for her. Stepping into the "boss" role. Making choices, compromises, working with so many people - when winter is usually a solitude time here. I think John showed up just in time to become enough of a distraction - without causing more real issues - to make it possible to avoid a really ugly and undesirable situation. Instead, everyone is working through it. Part of that - was getting her to accept that no one here was a threat to her or wanted to impose any judgements on her choices. In fact, we were trying hard to help her stop judging herself so cruelly.

I have a real, strong sense of "disaster averted" over these months; and it's mostly thanks to John. The physical work we've been doing together has been good for me, to shift out of "long winter's nap" mode and take advantage of the mild weather... to be in prime position come spring and planting season. Without an overwhelming "to-do list". I still have a couple things to take care of to be ready. But that's just "stuff".

LOL... he even mentioned the other day, that he wasn't looking for any "mom stuff" from me. So through our discussions - his/my past traumas, for instance - I have gotten to know him and I have been able to at least, convey my genuine appreciation for his help around here and validate the things that aren't so visible that he's tried to do.

He's also got Hol's superhuman critical thinking brain wheels churning again too. I wasn't able to get her unstuck. Now we just leave her be to do her awesome thing... and can trust that she'll make wise decisions, as she is wont to do, once she stops beating herself up. LOL.

I can see everyone's going to go away into their own lives for awhile, which is what I hoped would happen. And then we'll gravitate back into the group again at some time.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2020, 09:51:57 PM »
He's contagious if he bleeds - AND the person trying to tend him isn't gloved AND has some kind of cut or scrape. Bloodstream to bloodstream, in other words. Just getting his blood on intact skin, isn't a sure contamination. (I been doing my homework.) But even a hangnail could be considered an opening in skin.

Most of his complication derives from the fact that he's deathly allergic to the best antibiotic for clearing his infection. Lets say I did "catch" his infection. As far as I know, I can take vancomyacin without any side effects. (I'm not terribly worried about this anyway; he's so concerned that he could infect someone else - well, that's why he's OCD about it.)

He shouldn't have any issues at training, being in full diving gear - and he won't be actually diving. The training happens in a special pressure/compression chamber. Think astronauts training for weightlessness - only this simulates the pressure of being deep in the water. He can't say what he'll be teaching; and I know better than to ask.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #56 on: February 13, 2020, 11:40:44 AM »
Sigh - February's mantra is: NO REST FOR THE WEARY. LOL.

I was ready to go to bed last night at 7:30. But even as tired as I was (because I stayed up late the night before trying to carve out some "me time") I ended up around the pub table in the studio. Steve left for work that evening, John took off for the gym and R&R in town... so it was just Hol & me. We haven't had that luxury for awhile.

We had a really GOOD talk. First one in awhile. She's identifying signs of being pregnant again - but clearly isn't letting herself even think about it as "real" yet; because the issue has been staying pregnant. She consults with the OB-GYN next Tues. She is working through some things with Steve; with her friend John; with me - and with herself. All while managing all this OTHER stuff - LOL.

I'm feeling a lot better; more solid and confident and HOPEFUL about things coming together and going forward together here. But I'm also having a hard time with the activity level going on around me -- even when I'm not involved and don't have to devote any brain space to it. So I took advantage of a late night with no one around... just to "put it all down and do something kinda fun"... and now I don't have the luxury of resting back up again. I've got to keep moving, get this & that done - so we're not behind an 8 ball and waiting because I didn't hold up my end of things. Trying to get past the worst of the "disruption" and parade of vehicles & people around here by May. And ALSO get all my garden prep underway - which requires some shopping. LOL.

Nurseries aren't open here yet - I haven't been able to get into town over the mountain to pick up seed starting soil. But I have seeds; I have mushroom compost... still need pots & trays. There's some stuff I can start now, because they take so long to germinate. Mostly herbs; the woody stemmed varieties.

I think part of what is causing mental sensory overwhelm, is coz Hol has to tell me all the details of every single decision she's making/made on the Hut, while I'm making decisions on my projects... and then another person will chime in... or Buck will text with a question... LOL. It just like working again. 'Cept it's working for US, and what we will have at completion won't need any "attention" at this intensity for a long long time.

That said, I'm really glad the contractors only work 4 days a week. LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2020, 09:58:28 AM »
So, Buck trimmed his beard last night. It had gotten VERY long; ZZ Top long. And he's gone from teddy-bear cute (but also looking kinda homeless) to tall, dark, handsome & somewhat mysterious... (I think he has to get used to seeing the shorter look too.) Kinda reminds me of Sean Connery in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movie... or Harrison Ford, I think it was... in Red October. Phones being what they are these days, I have before/after pics.

Farm projects are moving along pretty good; tomorrow is Hol's court date and then I need to step in as project manager on the Hut for however long she gets sentenced. (Fingers crossed.)

She isn't pregnant; OB has prescribed a simple med that will encourage egg production since she's older; and the chances of a natural pregnancy with healthy egg goes up too. It's also the least problematic solution with the life situation she's faced with for the next couple months. Today is all about keeping Hol from overthinking tomorrow's DUI sentencing.

All the stuff for my bathroom makeover is ordered; now we wait - and those carpenters are working on the Hut anyway. Plumbers, electricians, and a guy making a custom concrete soaking tub for 2 - who has already butted heads with the Gen Contractor. Hol just looked at the foreman and mouthed: I'm outta here... LOL. She's learning. Danny can be just as protective of her as Buck can be of me. I think Danny wants to hire her after this house/pilot movie production is done. I don't think she'd work for him. LOL.

Both of the carpenters working on my bathroom, worked on the window/door replacement for me a couple years ago. One guy chatters incessantly and the other quietly goes about his job, until he needs direction. That's Mike; I was telling Mike about Buck - the reason for the bathroom timeline getting moved up... and the next call I got from the Gen Contractor, he was razzing me about "falling in love again". I could almost see him grinning over the phone. LOL. I've heard all kinds of terrible things about him being difficult to work with - and yeah, I've butted heads with him too. But I understand this kind of "old school" guy mentality... and know the difference from when it's well-intentioned and when it's not. I told him it was true that guys gossip more than women. LOL.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #58 on: February 23, 2020, 08:23:33 AM »
So, going to court, with Hol... since she can't legally drive in that state... the second time, gave me a chance to watch my reaction. It was a lot more intense than Hol's.

Things I noticed coming up:

absolute terror

Now, given I've never fallen afoul of the laws or remember any court time, except for my divorces and some jury duty... and Hol's first DUI, never even been in a court room... I'm real curious about the reaction, because it seemed as if it were triggered trauma memories. As if I'd lived some horrific experience before.

That my conscious mind doesn't remember - but my emotional/body mind still has memories of.

We all kind of breathed a sigh of relief and have quieted down, rested from the anxiety of uncertainty, and separated into our own spaces. John cooked yesterday. Not sure what Steve is doing... but Hol is adamant that he will be the one picking her up from jail in 10 days - or else. Because he hasn't been there for her in any of this process. And it's kinda hard to ignore that John drove all the way here from Portland, OR to support her, be with her, without holding any romantic (so he claims) expectations. I think he IS trying to set an example for her - of what she should expect in the way of reciprocity from her SOs, however.

Small panic attack, Thursday. A phone call; number I didn't recognize - was the company I'd ordered the bath vanity from. Their supplier is backordered on sink tops until MAY - unless I wanted a vessel sink. (I don't like these.) He tried to talk me into a longer vanity, too... but given the bathroom is only 50 inches wide, wall to wall, I NEEDED the 48" wide one. I retreated to vacated studio space... and started looking online. Found what I wanted locally. It'll be here next week. Guess my tile will get picked up next Friday.

There is a whole list of things I need to step in, temporarily, and be in charge of on the Hut too. And try to get my taxes pulled together and shipped off to CPA.

Hol gets out of jail the 3rd; and I guess I need to ask her if she's backing out of this job to shoot the pilot or not; Friend Debbie is coming for the weekend the 5th - and the house is a disaster. Buck will be here after that.

It's mud season. And so far, everyone but Hol & John remember to take their boots off before traipsing through the house. SHE should remember it's one of the house rules. Irritates me no end and she doesn't clean up after the dogs when they shake mud off either.

Even Buck's gone quiet - his D spent the weekend with his ex (or so she says; she had previously planned to go to Myrtle Beach with a problematic group of HS friends; and he's not sure if she's pulling a fast one or not). But it's not lost on him, that in 5 months, she'll be gone and he won't know what she's up to on a daily basis. I guess even Dads go through empty nest syndrome. LOL. I've been giving him his space and vice versa. We both have a lot of stuff in our heads to deal with right now.
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Re: Farm Doin's - 2020
« Reply #59 on: February 23, 2020, 12:54:13 PM »
Whew, glad that's behind you, Amber.

Luckily, you don't need to be vigilant about or involved in or analyzing or talking to John about whether:

Hol's partner stuff: whether she asserts herself and gives Steve an ultimatum/clear consequences or not.

Hol's friend stuff: whether John asserts himself and manages his own expectations or not.

You are freeeeeeeee, to enjoy your own beautiful new bathroom and beautiful new man.

Gotta run, lugging gallons of tea and juice and cider to homeless kitchen. Due...aaackk!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."