Author Topic: Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -  (Read 1325 times)


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Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -
« on: January 28, 2020, 10:02:13 AM »

Therapist listening to this, and sent it along.  She was right.  It's timely for me.

Tolle talks about "old mind structures."  About allowing vast ancient intelligence/spaciousness/mindfulness..... choosing them... allowing them to rise... the mind functions beautifully when it's not stuck, trapped in your mind, searching repetitively for identity.

I'll listen to this many times.



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Re: Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2020, 12:55:02 PM »
There's SO much in this recording.   

As I was moving through trash duty I noticed my left hand and how it's smoother and more even than my right... .no dark spots, etc. I dumped boiling water on it 5 years ago, not much, but it was red. Didn't register it as a wound, honestly. Over Christmas it scabbed up, got very rough... looked terrible and FOO was all... OMG!, which drew my attention to it.  That hand ended up peeling very deeply, looking fresh and dewy after..... likely similar to what people pay money for with chemical peels.  Not painful, just gross for a while.   The thing was... the hand was traumatized and that trauma changed the hand in a way some would say was positive.  I didn't have a thought about it either way.  Wouldn't have thought about it if people hadn't been upset to see it.   

Eckhart Tolle says some people require trauma or a life-changing event to SEE... to wake up.... and some are ready when they're ready without.  Just open to waking.

He says many people are presented with the chance over and over, on their deathbeds and they can GET IT in a split second... and become enlightened.

 I think he said it was the Tibetan Book of the Dead, read to the dying by monks, that present these moments again and again for Buddhists.  It's an identified goal. 

If the opportunity is missed... if we pass on without SEEING.... we reincarnate and try again in the next life.  In a way, that's a relief to read.  Not that I think it's easy or we get it once and it's done... I think we ARE or we AREN'T awake when we pass and whatever energy/enlightenment we take with us determines what happens next.  I admit I don't know what happens, but our energy goes somewhere.  Different energy is different... not all the same, IME.  Those differences....

think about it. 

And it's like this.....
during an energy work session, performed by an experienced practitioner on a suffering individual, I had the feeling I'd been struck with food poisoning..... I was panicked.... thinking I had food poisoning HIT me... looking for a bathroom. FREAKING OUT quietly, wide eyed, wondering how I'd handle vomiting right there, and maybe worse.

When I stepped away from the table, where my friend was standing bc she'd felt it sooner than I did.... the feeling left stopped.  I think I talked about it on the board during that class.  I report facts as I experience them.  I don't change things for drama.   I typically under report, truthfully.  THAT experience was real. 

Just like my reaction to an energy session I experienced..... I couldn't breath (we were working on my lungs at the time) and my upper body shook like my bones would break, then I fought it so it moved down to my legs and feet... shaking violently WHICH I HATED (losing control like that, OMG!)and feared and tried to STOP without managing to.  I wish I'd just embraced it, cried bc it was scary and moved through and out of.  I think it was the shaking of an animal shaking off trauma bc that's what they do and it was just time, even if I didn't ask or approach the session with that in mind. 

I think I missed an opportunity I was ready for, but wholly not expecting and shocked into completely rejecting in the moment... it was not being able to breathe when I was expecting NOTHING or to breathe more easily.  I was expecting to hop up, check myself then leave on a trip breathing and walking a bit easier... we'd worked on both feet prior to working on my lungs.  I think I shared this on the board, but I revisit it NOW bc I want to make sense of the whole picture.  It's not just certain types of energy work... on their own.  It's not just dropping judgment and expectation..... that goes in and out of focus... it's SEEING the entire picture.  It's having an understanding of the picture, for me, bc I want to understand what IT IS and the processes involved. 

Mind you, I don't think knowing is necessary.  I don't think it takes time to figure this out.  I believe these things happen in an instant, easily, when we don't more ourselves in worry and longing and need to know things that keep our minds racing and tied in knots in the past and future thinking thinking thinking. 

I wasn't particularly spiritual until I had an unexpected experience in my early 20s.  That made spirituality very real for me when I frankly didn't think much about it.  I wasn't looking for it or asking consciously for it.  I never considered churches and man-made rules around spirituality a viable option for me.  Never considered it till I had children.  Still, I was spiritual and church was a distraction that prevented what I called prayer.   

So, it stands to reason whatever energy we take with us... whatever level of consciousness we achieve... whatever vibrational level we're vibrating at impacts what comes next, IMO.

I want to die on the lighter, more spacious and enlightened side of my journey. I hope I can hold that goal gently while tending to the path under my feet.

That kissing the earth with our feet walking meditation makes my feet tingle just to think about it. It brings a smile to my face I can't stop smiling.  I'm going to do that in the moss between pulling weeds today. 

If you haven't listened to this Eckhart Tolle Youtube video yet, consider putting it on while you work in the yard or kitchen... get in the bath.   I listen to it over and over bc it's long and I miss a lot.  I hear something different every time I listen. 



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Re: Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2020, 11:39:31 AM »
I will listen to this later on, Lighter, I'm only just catching up on some posts and I'd missed this one.  Look forward to listening to it later :) xx


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Re: Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2020, 02:06:19 PM »
I want to die on the lighter, more spacious and enlightened side of my journey. I hope I can hold that goal gently while tending to the path under my feet.

That's lovely, Lighter. What a good thought to hold gently in a fearful time.

That kissing the earth with our feet walking meditation makes my feet tingle just to think about it. It brings a smile to my face I can't stop smiling.

I'm not attending these days, and completely understand why many never do. But...have you ever explored walking a labyrinth? It's a walking meditation that I've done several times and really liked at the time. My church has a stone-path one in the garden. No dogma or woo, just a calming peaceful walking mediation available any time.

I think churches in some communities, regardless of denom, may have them too. Worth a look if you're curious.

I won't be watching Tolle because I am allergic to gurus and the notion of enlightenment, which I find (for me) separates me from other people. But I'm genuinely glad that this type of thinking is healing for you. We're all on different paths even though I'm convinced there's one big welcome for everyone at the end. Could be matter, could be a mistake, doesn't matter. I don't have to know because nature does.

Walk on!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Eckhart Tolle Omega 2001 -
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2020, 03:10:48 PM »

I fell in love with Labyrinth walking at my church..... almost 20 years ago.  I guess the church rented it every once and again rolled it out on the parking lot.  My elderly neighbor and I would  walk and walk together.  Her..... hands behind her very pragmatic back, like a wise old monk.  Me..... walking circles, sometimes super pregnant, not caring how I looked. SO much happiness! You're right about me loving a labyrinth, lol.

I'm lucky DD's new T's office, an old victorian thing, has a stone, moss and grass labyrinth I can walk for an hour once a week.  Last week it rained so missed it.  I love the interior updates... bathrooms clean and simple.  It's finished under the stairs with a curved niche for a child's table and chairs.   So cozy... the paneling is something you'd see in a ship.  Other than those things it looks as though it was left in it's original form, which I find comforting too.

I never had any sense there would be dogma or woo woo around a labyrinth.  I think it was an amazing physical action that calmed and focused my mind without thinking.  It's still very hard to just sit and meditate for me. 

I find Tolle's videos easy to put on in the background.....and ya.... he speaks in a very guru way, but  it doesn't bug me since I'm on a specific intelligence-gathering mission, not joining in or signing up for cups of kool-aid. 

The whole enlightenment thing.... ya.  I think it would have bothered me too, like the whole "meditation" concept did for so long.  It felt elitist and bossy and super.... impossible, which was frustrating. 

I had a block bc of negative feelings toward the people talking about it. Maybe the whole guru thing would bother me more IF I didn't have my own personal experiences to hold up and filter this information through, which sets a very curious, non-judgmenal atmosphere for me.  Yes. It feels like a filter.  A filter I didn't have when I first tried to meditate.  My gut would click and I was DONE.  s

It's different now and I'm glad.  I will say this.... Tolle's hissing giggles amuse me. 
