I hear you, Tupp. I think perhaps our first six months of quarantining will have been easier than the next, because of the season. I just ordered another case of TP. Will be replenishing dried beans, canned fruits, frozen everything. I won't go hungry, this town is small and elite enough (for the privileged) that there will be food, and my neighborhood is calm. But I can't imagine what it'll be like for people under the most stress to start with.
BUT. The challenge is still there. It's not too late to buy or make dehydrated everything (one can dehydrate fruits and veggies in one's own oven). They can then be stored in strong bags anywhere--under a bed, stuffed in a closet, any odd corner. I ordered bags of dried veggies that are probably an eighth of their full weight/size! I have them atop the fridge but after a closet purge they can go in with the coats if need be. In winter when I make crockpot stews/soups, that nutrition will be there.
As to socializing, as of now I'm averaging a Zoom call [EDIT] about half the weekdays (and one friend visit almost every week) in the late afternoon. Sundays, church activity gives face-connection by Zoom, and I normally don't bother about Saturdays. If I'm seeing a human face most weekday, and one in person almost weekly, I think that'll get me through the cold months, psychologically, though in-person visits will get harder. A friend is getting one of those propane heaters for her yard (which I thought about for my patio) -- so I can go see her from time to time too.
One thing I always forget about winter is that for me, the anticipation of the cold and dark is half the battle. A couple months into the cold weather I've mentally adapted and am always surprised by how lovely I find winter light, and the days of unexpected sunniness. With exercise, as much social contact as I can construct, and more attention to health and well being in every way I can cobble together, I think it's going to be okay.
Plus, it's not guaranteed but possible we'll have a sane administration again by then, so the dark tide may begin to turn. If that's the case, daily news will include hopeful things, not only more horrors.