Old friend D's husband has pneumonia in an Atlanta hospital.
The regular ICU is full of COVID patients, so he's been in a secondary ICU unit.... I think that's been named ICU Blue. His bed was needed by someone else so he's been transferred to the next level of care, I forget what that's called, but he should go home today.
The gist of this is...... Atlanta's hospitals are at capacity. D and her h had to wait 6 hours in the emergency room for a bed....and his oxygen levels were at 74& which is really bad.
During his stay, he missed regular antibiotic treatments (nebulizer) and walking excercises to determine his oxygen levels, bc staff can;t provide all patients with the care they're suppoed to have and that's just the way it is.
D said everything is about stuffing a pill into patient's faces...... your h can't poop? Here.... take some meds and that's the way it is with every symptom..... here swallow this.... here, lets put this in your IV.... here, have another pill and then THIS pill for the worst symptom created by that pill.
Yes, this friend and her hubby see the same nutritional practitioner. The husband smoked for 50 years and is paying for it, PLUS he goes back and forth between Western and the Nutritional/functional medicine...... he's on a few "standard" drugs for his heart and lungs...... has taken his 3rd break from seeing the Nutritional Practitioner, but I'm guessing fear will drive him into her office this week. Not being able to breathe or walk is a terrifying motivator.
He recently had his heart shocked to establish a regular heartbeat..... and that went very well. Better than the docs thought it would, so there's that happy bit of news on their home front..
He'll have an oxygen tank when he returns home..... won't be able to get up or down the 2 flights of stairs in their townhome, unfortunately.
D was hoping the renovation would be finished at the lake house so they could live here while renovating their master bathroom..... her h shouldn't be breathing that kind of dust.
I'm afraid things have stood still here for 2 weeks..... this would be the third week if contractor remains off site, which appears to be the case AND there's' certainly no shortage of renovation dust so that won't work.
I think they're considering installing an elevator. That seems crazy to me, but selling and moving seems daunting to them right now.