I've pretty well moved through the fear, and made peace with precautions I'm ready to take and do.
I went into many stores today shopping for my niece. Shopping for handmade ceramics in the artist district where I hunted down an artist that used to sell pieces at the local tea shop that only opens a window for take out orders starting at 11am after sprinting through the local Re Store and finding amazing hand made pottery mugs, tiny, for 2.00 each, SCORE!
So, waiting and multi tasking and getting skin care products at the organic store and waiting and figuring out what to put on father's tombstone and....
no fear.
pleasure in my day, with youngest dd, after having a pleasant drive to drop oldest dd off at her new happy job.
The new ways aren't necessarily scary ways, at this point, for me.
Youngest dd is going through the huffing and puffing anger at people refusing to wear masks. I went through that phase, but I'm better now. I just avoid them.
I have to say the world shifted in a few ways. It felt like things were tipping over.
Youngest is making a sign for me to join the protest with. I feel drawn to it, and don't want it to sputter out. DD17 not comfortable being out with so many people, but I'm pretty confident about staying safe.
It's a glorious day to hope for some things to tip over completely. Maybe even help them tip.