I forgot to mention another amazing friend... the one who went through the inpatient mental health center..... SHE's so on my wavelength right now. We bounce stuff off each other, and learn and understand more deeply the concepts we've been moving through.
So that's my old best friend, back...the new moss friend, who's on vacation right now.
The friend I mentioned first, above, was really my Sister's friend in high school, but it turns out we're creative spirits interested deeply in the same things.... and healing ourselves and always spent time in the family BEING healers, trying to be, anyway.
Scapegoated, to some extent. People benefitting from our time and efforts, but refusing to acknowledge or be thankful or even admit there are good qualities... just noticing what they feel are negative qualities and peeping up about those, while being dismissive or resentful about the positive things they weren't doing or even noticing SHOULD be on someone's to do list.... mostly not even OUR to do list.
What is it about people like that... I'm talking about myself now... that
go above and beyond, pick up other people's obligations and DO DO DO, while being criticized and judged BAD, with evil intentions... and yet we continue DOING.
What is that about? It's a ME problem. It's something I..
volunteered for.
That's not cool.
That's a thing.
That's... maybe part of everything.
I wonder why I did that. Why I'm still compelled to think in those terms.
Why people are often so ugly about it and why I didn't call that ugliness what it was. I guess I didn't know what it was. Couldn't speak to it, bc it wasn't something I understood, and......
I think I'm putting the earnest bit down next.