Whew. It's only the Russians or the Chinese. Or the Iranians. It's the Bottians.
I am positive they're uninterested in me, or they'd have sent flowers by now. That's reassuring, Doc G, that most "guests" are not lurking stranger-readers, but bot programs.
I just don't have room for this particular fear. I don't censor myself much on this board because it's sooooo valuable and healing for me. (VESMB is an essential worker!) I do think not identifying names and locations or sharing too many specifics about where we work or our real estate is wise and my preference is to be vague about these things here--relationships and things learned, but not a whole ton of detail. (Though I've done it several times, it's also not a good idea to talk a lot about travels until you're back, because if anybody nefarious WAS reading you here, they might get motivated to tweak out your address for a robbery.) But that's about it. I guess I think clever robbers have much better targets than my wee house. And I had a housesitter while I was gone. Otherwise, I guess I've been sharing my bellybutton lint with the universe, and I'm content about it. So be it. It's worth it. ESPECIALLY during such an isolating time.
I hope you feel more at ease about this now, CB and Lighter, knowing about the Bottians.