A post about another "Karen" popped up today about an educate, identified by her initials, refusing to wear a mask at a local gym.
The poster offered her a mask, and she refused while citing all the scientific reasons for not wearing one, mixed with excuses about not being comfortable working out with a mask on. Just a jumble of excuses and refusal to comply with what's now mandatory.... social distancing and wearing a mask in public.
About an hour later another poster named the educator. A quick google gave her place of work and everything you'd ever want to know about her job and history in public education.
There's contact information for her. There's contact information for her boss. It took 3 minutes to get these things. I assume the post identifying her will be removed soon, if it's not already gone.
I have a difficult time understanding why people aren't wearing masks in gyms and stores when it's mandatory.
I have to say I wear a mask into restaurants, take it off to eat, then put it back on. I'm conflicted about this. It feeeels wrong. Spending 5 hours at the party last night, with everyone maskless, felt wrong... it was dreamlike, but I did it with my mask tied around my wrist. It actually matched my outfit. I wouldn't have minded wearing it. I expected everone to wear one.
I think we're used to seeing videos of conflict over masks, in both directions. Violence, assaults, people coughing on babies and hoping children die..... and I was both surprised and confused at the post wasn't accompanied by a picture or video of the confrontation.
When another poster named this woman.... it felt like a trainwreck.... I couldn't look away. I wondered if it was turning into a lynching or a situation where she loses her job or if the members who named her will get kicked off the message board.
I honestly don't know how this will go, and I don't know how it should go either.
People SHOULD follow the rules. We aren't always going to, as I well know. I'd be a tremendous hypocrite if I pretended I'm doing this perfectly myself. I am not.
One thing I am, is shocked at the violent reactions of people on this topic. I'm shocked to see people pepper spraying and throwing handicapped people to the floor with intent to do harm.
I keep going back to following the rules, most of the time, as the default CORRECT way to handle the situation. If it's creating so much animosity it's turning going out into a life or death situation.... why not just wear a mask?
For some reasons it's worthy dying or killing or harming others over, rather than just wearing a darned mask or going around people refusing to wear one without consequence.
I haven't turned on any news station other than Al Jazeera in a while. Beirut's explosions were devastating and then I watched a some US face mask conflicts and thought...
What the hell?
We can't handle wearing face masks. Imagine if a large city was devastated by explosions, and financial devastation and lack of medical care and everyone finger point... errrr.... I guess we have some of those problems, but it seems like we're falling apart over small things, unable to focus and work on the larger issues. Maybe that's part of the problem. Folks can't see an end in sight, or they're positive there IS no virus...it's a hoax, or they've been convinced it's a personal assault on their freedoms to wear a mask when they don't believe in it. Maybe they do. I know some people believe this is a natural selection thing.... a purge of sorts.... nature culling the herd, and they don't feel they're going to be culled or care if some around them are culled. Sort of dreadful, really.
Thoughts on naming neighbors, educators and others on message boards for failing to wear a mask in gyms and stores? I think the attitude and arguing, in the face of someone calmly requesting someone to wear a mask, is the thing that makes people write about it and name people.