Author Topic: The Lake House  (Read 24405 times)


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #150 on: March 19, 2024, 09:22:26 AM »
In fine art, there's an axiom about "knowing when to stop" before an image gets too busy. Maybe less is more in the house?
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #151 on: March 20, 2024, 09:29:32 AM »
It's a funny thing ....
feeling like I'm vibrating on the edge of a blade I've been walking on, mindlessly, but now SO focused on....
and ready to fall, step off or get yanked to one side or the other.




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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #152 on: March 21, 2024, 04:57:07 PM »
Pick "step off", because that involves a choice.

How's the balance for you these days, Lighter?

Lighter's life and Lighter's real estate projects.
Feeling okay about it all?

You sound good, but also maybe ... running in place?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #153 on: April 28, 2024, 05:09:13 PM »
The two ceilings left to paint.... got painted.  CHECK.

The headboards and room layouts were finalized in bedrooms..... headboards put in place.  CHECK.

Ugly closet light removed in middle of bedroom ceiling. CHECK. 

New dryer installed.  CHECK.

Firepits ready for guests.  CHECK.

Bird and wasp nests knocked down on porches.  CHECK.

Upstairs closets getting holes repaired/painted in preparation to receive towers so hanging rods can be installed. CHECK.

New alarm installed and working. CHECK.

I think the electrician or the alarm guy cut the power to the upstairs HVAC thermostat.  The weather's been amazing so it's not at the top of priority list, however.  Not sure who can trace and fix that problem.  The dock has no power, so that has to be sorted, as well.  Need to carry power washer there and clean off pollen and chairs. 

New lights for exterior have to be installed.  Will paint existing garage sconces if I can't figure out new ones soon. 

Huge mirror needs to be installed in downstairs hallway.

Much larger than huge mirror needs to be secured in down LR.  Would like to install a game machine or two in front of it, but that's icing. 

I still have to shorten some draperies and fashion a beautiful topper over a bed out of bed rails.... corners need to be mitred and maybe I'll figure that out myself.  Maybe the bored musical instrument maker neighbor will help us out with that AND a comfortable ladder/stair on the bunk bed.  I plan to visit his wife in Florida soon...... she seems so happy to be ruling over 2 hospitals and putting together her little cottage.  I bet it's lovely. 

The plan to move the wire shelves OUT of kitchen (served as handy pantry for a while) will move into basement mechanical room to hold extra bedding and Christmas, etc.  Will move the rolling kitchen island INTO the space where the wire shelving was, making kitchen seem much larger.  Cart can be rolled into or around the kitchen for task work.  Soon to be checked off the list!!



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #154 on: May 24, 2024, 08:23:33 PM »
Solving little problems like transitions between stone and LVP.  Grout, yup yup yup.

It's overwhelming to SEE what must be finished when what I'd like to do superimposes itself all

Like a mind boggling filter.

Jammies will be out of the dryer soon.  Warm and clean.

I'm finishing a video on using a router....BUT I need to fit a vacuum to it to avoid the dust, which is a bit bonkers, I realize. 

I'm learning to use a router, for the first time and it's on the bar edge in downstairs kitchen.  It needs to look ok.

Not worried, but not resolved to give up on vacuum yet either.

I have the will and really good tape.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #155 on: May 25, 2024, 05:17:20 PM »
My moss friend and her dh stayed the night earlier this week.  She's a dynamo organizer with impeccable taste, as well as an artist.

He's all around great with landscaping and currently building a room of bookshelves for his brother.

I appreciated their input, but man...they were instructed to be ruthlessly honest and they were.

They voted to remove the bunk bed from the family room and replace it with the Q bed currently located in the downstairs LR...walls constructed from antique armoire and silk draperies.

Some love that crazy bedroom, so removing it feels like killing one of my darlings.  The house would sleep 4 fewer people in beds with 1 fewer bedrooms.

She rearranged fireplace mantle stuff and organized rid of half the choices on bedding, etc.

It was fun to have them and the husband said this was an upscale Airbnb experience many times, which felt good.  He also thought all 4 fireplaces had gas fires, when really they're just flicker bulbs.  He thinks zero real fires in the house....I was thinking we'd offer real fires in upstairs LR, but he was adamant it's a dangerous mistake, bc people are careless.

She feels all the cowboy trophies and "stuff" need to go.  Another darling killed.

We moved the antlers out of the room we designated the hunting room, bc now it has the huge and very fancy bespoke pineapple headboard.  She wants bedding in there and family room changed out.

The up master closet draperies should be inside mounted, which is fine with me.  The ocean painting to be mounted over the closet. She simplified so many swirling questions for me!

I gave her two empty nests from the porches and she'll add them to her sunroom porch collection.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #156 on: May 28, 2024, 01:20:09 AM »
Busy, busy Lighter!  Amazing you get so much done.  Have you had people stay there yet?  I've lost track.  I do agree re no real fires.  People are dumb.  And drunk.  Most I wouldn't even trust with gas lol.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #157 on: May 28, 2024, 09:07:09 PM »
Ya..... no real fires. 

That has to be how it is and it'll be easy in the warm months. 

I'm really tired, but have to get a first coat of stain on countertops and barfront now.

Timing is going to be tight... with the move and trip coming up. 

DD23 might have to drop the pug at the lake IF I'm not back home before her out of town trip. 

Must move dental appointments... I think 

Pug needs a vet visit. 



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #158 on: June 10, 2024, 07:53:53 AM »
It's raining and that's good for driving solar light spik s into the ground.  Also good for the fruit trees and grass.  Mowing yesterday was a very dusty affair. 

The dock has had 3 failed pressure washing attempts made with only the ceiling cleaned.  I can put up solar lights now, sans wasp and spiders.  I enjoy watching the birds, who's nests remain tucked away, safe and in tact. 

I likely can't drive to the out building in the mud today, which is a bummer.  Lots to do.

Onward and upward.  Guests arrive July 2nd. I work with the maids on the 1st.



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #159 on: June 10, 2024, 08:58:06 AM »
One of the things I appreciate about the studio reno is "no deadlines". Takes the pressure off.

We've got some drywall patching to do (from moving plumbing) and the new window trim, then we can finish painting. Hol has suggested painting the base of my 4x8 work table the same color as the walls, to make it disappear. Right now it holds the contents of what will go in my custom cabinets (delayed for how long?)

But the new huge rug is here. The bar has been assembled. The "vision" is coming together. Might be "done" some time this fall.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #160 on: June 10, 2024, 11:27:46 AM »
It's raining and that's good for driving solar light spik s into the ground.  Also good for the fruit trees and grass.  Mowing yesterday was a very dusty affair. 

The dock has had 3 failed pressure washing attempts made with only the ceiling cleaned.  I can put up solar lights now, sans wasp and spiders.  I enjoy watching the birds, who's nests remain tucked away, safe and in tact. 

I likely can't drive to the out building in the mud today, which is a bummer.  Lots to do.

Onward and upward.  Guests arrive July 2nd. I work with the maids on the 1st.

I'm glad you're working without deadlines, Amber.  Hopefully you used a wet rag on those Sheetrock patches, instead of sandpaper.  Sheetrock dust would drive me over my edge right now.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #161 on: June 16, 2024, 04:47:13 PM »
I feel really good about progress for July 2 guests.

Is everything like I want?


Is it going to be good enough.

Why, yes.
 I believe it is!

Might even have my fancy bird feeders filled and up.  The feeders are clean.  The birdseed arrived.  Just need time and food hanging places.  The one hummingbird bird feeder is in service.

Today we seal the dock and cement patio, with it's lovely patina.  The dock went from black algae green to pristine!!  Lights hung.  Big voluptuous hostas planted and moist in the back the corners of new walkway off patio and ends of same.

Shelving going into owner closets now.

Feels amazing to get out of the heat!! So frickin hot!!


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #162 on: June 16, 2024, 11:22:59 PM »
Something nibbled every leaf off the apple and peach trees.  Well, there's one bug eaten leaf left.  How do I protect them?

There's toad crap around the house.  Not happy about that, for sure.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #163 on: July 07, 2024, 03:11:39 PM »
My sister rinsed the brick and hardwood flooring if sticky Murphy's Oil residue.

Does anyone think laying down soap, without picking it back up, CAN leave anything clean?  It can't, IME.

I got the front door painted flat black after cutting out the little decorative window thingy.  SO much better.  Looks like a brand new door!

My desk didn't get wiped down....
I failed to program the lock box....brain said "NOPE!" Just too fatigued and ran out of time.

We drove away 10 minutes before check in...guests showed almost 30 minutes early, but I'm very pleased, all in all with preparation.

More later.  Guests super lovely.


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #164 on: July 09, 2024, 08:45:38 AM »
Currently cleaning the lake house after the first 12 guests check out.

It doesn't look like anyone was here, outside the unmade beds and occasional sticky spot on floors.

They didn't use either Starbucks coffee provided to them.

Didn't use all the towels.

Didn't leave a speck of trash, returned kayaks to patio and pulled the floating island onto the dock resting on chairs.

Dock was spotless.

Interviewed new housekeepers, a couple with a 2 yo cherubic son...angel curls galore.

Twice the cost of current housekeepers, but have been at this for 9 years.  Maybe can handle everything once up to speed.

The first mother/DD cleaning team are new and would have to be trained.  I don't think they understand the amount of work involved or care to understand.

I'm likely a picky client they'd end up passing on eventually.  I'm going to skip the drama, work with them on mirrors and windows today, then try the new team after tomorrow's 16 guests check out.

All the laundry is done.  The mother/DD show at noon, bc doing another house today seemed doable to wasn't if they were going to get this house done.

Will interview another gal this afternoon....see about splitting up duties.  Laundry is a huge job on it's own.
